2River View
The 2River View 2River quarterly publishes The 2River View, occasionally publishes individual authors in the 2River Chapbook Series, and blogs from Muddy Bank. All publications, online and printed, are free. Read More
The 2River View 2River quarterly publishes The 2River View, occasionally publishes individual authors in the 2River Chapbook Series, and blogs from Muddy Bank. All publications, online and printed, are free. Read More
Able Muse Able Muse is an annual review of poetry, prose, and art (including poems, fiction, essays, and book reviews). Each issue contains a featured poet and artist/photographer with a special interview. Read More
About Place Journal About Place Journal is published by the Black Earth Institute with each issue having a specific theme and edited by one of our BEI Fellows. Read More
AGNI AGNI is “a beacon of international literary culture . . . known for publishing important new writers early in their careers” (PEN). Read More
Alaska Quarterly Review One of America’s premier literary magazines and a source of powerful, new voices. Alaska Quarterly Review is “one of the nation’s best literary magazines,” The Washington Post Book World. Read More
Allium Allium publishes work that is provocative, evocative, and bold. We are about inclusion—representing the range and diversity of writers’ voices. We believe the art of writing is an exploration—of a complex and evolving world. Read More
Apple in the Dark Apple in the Dark is an online publication focusing on works of fiction and creative nonfiction no longer than 1,500 words.
Apple Valley Review The Apple Valley Review is an online literary journal established in 2005 and published in the spring and fall. Each issue features a collection of beautifully crafted poetry, short fiction, and essays. Read More
Arkana Arkana, the journal of the Arkansas Writers’ MFA Program, seeks and fosters a sense of shared wonder by publishing inclusive art that asks questions, explores mystery, and works to make visible the marginalized, the overlooked, and those whose voices…
Arts & Letters Arts & Letters is a nationally circulating literary journal, which for over two decades has attracted young, fresh voices as well as well-established poets and writers. Read More
Baltimore Review Publishing since 1996, The Baltimore Review is an online and print journal of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Read More
Bear Review Bear Review is a biannual journal of poetry that showcases aesthetic competence and a knowledge of genre and literary tradition. We do admire experimentation and blurred genres, however, and we hope to give readers a view of the many…
Bellevue Literary Review Bellevue Literary Review is a unique literary magazine featuring short stories, essays, and poems that examine human existence through the prism of health and healing, illness and disease. Now celebrating its 20th anniversary, BLR continues to highlight…
Beloit Fiction Journal The Beloit Fiction Journal publishes the best in contemporary short fiction. Traditional and experimental narratives find a home in our pages. We publish new writers alongside established writers. Read More
Bennington Review Bennington Review is a national biannual print journal of innovative, intelligent, and moving poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and film writing. Read More
bioStories bioStories is conceived in the belief that every life can prove instructive, inspiring, or compelling, that every life holds moments of grace. Read More
Black Warrior Review Black Warrior Review (BWR) is a premier literary journal housed at the University of Alabama. Since 1974, BWR has championed literature that challenges norms and amplifies marginalized perspectives, providing a platform for bold, risk-taking writers and artists…
The Blue Mountain Review The Blue Mountain Review is a journal of culture. Our passion is to represent all people from all walks of life. Stories are vital to our survival. We’d love a chance to preserve and promote yours.…
Boulevard Boulevard publishes the finest fiction, poetry, and essays since 1985. As Poet Laureate Daniel Hoffman said, “One of the half-dozen best literary journals.” Read More
Brilliant Flash Fiction Founded in 2014, Brilliant Flash Fiction is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that publishes vibrant stories from around the world, illustrated with dazzling photography. Offering writing contests and writers’ tips through social media, this online journal never charges…
Cherry Tree Cherry Tree is an annual print journal that publishes the best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and literary shade. Produced by the Literary House Press. Read More
Chestnut Review Chestnut Review features poetry, short fiction, flash fiction, art, and photography from around the world. We are a writer-centered, selective publication with online quarterly and annual print publication. We pay our artists and staff and respond to all…
Chinese Literature and Thought Today Chinese Literature & Thought Today grants the world direct access to China through high-quality translations of and fresh critical essays about contemporary Chinese literature, culture, philosophy, and intellectual history. Read More
Cholla Needles Cholla Needles is a monthly literary magazine focused on established and emerging writers who have a distinctive voice and communicate well with readers. Read More
Cimarron Review One of the oldest quarterlies in the nation, Cimarron Review publishes work with a wide-ranging aesthetic: the bold and ruminative, the sensitive and shocking, imaginative and truth-telling. Cimarron seeks the finest stories, poems, and essays from working writers across the country and…
Cleaver Magazine Cleaver Magazine shares cutting-edge art and literary work from a mix of established and emerging voices. Read More
Club Plum Literary Journal Club Plum Literary Journal publishes creative nonfiction, flash fiction, prose poetry and art by emerging and established authors whose absorbing tales and imagery unravels in voices either understated or lyrical but always powerful. Read More
Collateral Collateral showcases literary and visual art that reveals the impact of military service and violent conflict beyond the combat zone. Read More
Colorado Review Founded in 1956 and published three times a year, Colorado Review features contemporary short fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction (memoir, personal essays) by both new and established writers. CR additionally sponsors the annual Colorado Prize for Poetry. Read…
The Common The Common publishes fiction, essays, poetry, and images that evoke a modern sense of place. Read More
Consequence Consequence is an international literary journal that addresses the human consequences and realities of war and geopolitical violence using literature and visual art to offer emotional as well as intellectual access to the experiences of victims, combatants, and witnesses…
The Courtship of Winds The Courtship of Winds is a semiannual online journal that publishes poetry, prose poetry, fiction, essays, art, and short pieces of drama and music. Read More
Cumberland River Review The Cumberland River Review: “Every issue is a revelation.” —Davis McCombs, National Book Critics Circle Award finalist for Ultima Thule Read More
Cutleaf Cutleaf is an online literary journal with an annual print anthology published by EastOver Press. We feature work that responds to our common experience and reflects our differences. We welcome poetry, short stories, essays, and other nonfiction from established…
Dark River Review Dark River Review is a national undergraduate literary magazine publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art. We are sponsored by the Department of Languages and Literature at Alabama State University.
december december is published twice a year and features fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction (including essays, memoir, and literary journalism), and visual art. Read More
Diode Poetry Journal Diode Poetry Journal: The home of electropositive poetry since 2007. Read More
Dogwood: A Journal of Poetry and Prose Dogwood: A Journal of Poetry and Prose is an award-winning annual print journal founded in 2001—also available via LitRagger—publishing fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
Driftwood Press Driftwood Press is a literary organization that offers an editing service, online seminars, and publishes poetry collections, novellas, graphic novels, and an annual print and digital anthology. Inside the anthology, we feature fiction, poetry, comics, art, photography, interviews,…
Emerald City Emerald City is a quarterly online fiction magazine founded by the creative writing program at Pittsburg State University in 2019. At Emerald City, we believe fiction is a necessary part of everyday life. Read More
Exposition Review Exposition Review is a multi-genre literary journal dedicated to showcasing the talents of emerging and established artists through narratives in all forms.
Fictive Dream Fictive Dream is an ezine for contemporary fiction that gives an insight into the human condition, and often tackles difficult subjects. We like stories with a distinctive voice, clarity of thought, and precision of language. They may be…
The Fiddlehead The Fiddlehead, Atlantic Canada’s international literary journal, is entertainment for the thoughtful with its mix of poetry and stories by established and new writers. Read More
Flash Frog Flash Frog is an online literary magazine obsessed with flash fiction. We publish one story a week accompanied by an original piece of art created just for that piece. We like our stories like we like our dart…
Fourth Genre Published twice annually, Fourth Genre is a literary journal that explores the boundaries of contemporary literary nonfiction. We’re interested in all forms of the essay: personal, nature, environmental, graphic, lyric, travel, cultural, political, occasional, traditional, and pretty much…
Ganga Review The Ganga Review is a journal of international writings for liberation. The magazine is published annually in New York City. The journal includes fiction, poetry, essays, interviews, translation, and art by established and emerging writers. It is named…
Gargoyle Magazine Gargoyle Magazine has always been a scallywag magazine, a maverick magazine, a bit too academic for the underground and way too underground for the academics. Read More
The Georgia Review Published out of the University of Georgia since 1947, The Georgia Review is an award-winning literary journal featuring exciting new work from international and local authors in all stages of their careers. Read More
Glassworks Glassworks is a publication of the MA in Writing program at Rowan University in Glassboro, NJ, founded as “GlassWorks in the Woods” in 1779. Glassworks publishes literary work from both emerging and established writers from across North America and around the…
Gold Man Review The aim of Gold Man Review, an annual literary journal, is to serve and support our community of authors residing on the West Coast. We are really proud of our West Coast vibe and are always on…
Good River Review Good River Review is the literary journal of the School of Creative and Professional Writing at Spalding University. We publish two issues a year. Between issues, we regularly feature book reviews, interviews, essays on the practice of…
The Greensboro Review Greensboro Review publishes fiction and poetry twice a year, each fall and spring. Work from the journal is consistently cited in collections honoring the finest new writing. Read More
HEART HEART is a small literary journal from the lowcountry of South Carolina published by Nostalgia Press. Its spirited and struggling editor-publisher has freely given voice to poets from all over the world since 1986. HEART uses modern prose poetry,…
Hiram Poetry Review The Hiram Poetry Review has been publishing witty, distinctive and heroic poetry since 1966. Read More
Hole In The Head Review Hole In The Head Review was described by one reader this way: “I found it terrifically gratifying: all the poems sassy, demotic, smart, gritty, crackling with energy. I thought: I want to be with them.”…
Humana Obscura Humana Obscura is an independent, biannual literary magazine publishing the best new, emerging, and established writers and artists in the “nature space.” As our name suggests—”obscured human”—we focus on work where the human element is concealed but not…
I-70 Review I-70 Review is an annual literary magazine that publishes short fiction, poetry, and visual black and white art from both emerging and established writers. The journal holds constant to work that is surprising and fresh, believing original voice…
The Iowa Review The Iowa Review is edited by faculty, students, and staff from the renowned writing and literature programs at the University of Iowa, taking advantage of this rich environment for literary collaboration to create a worldwide conversation among…
Jewish Fiction Jewish Fiction (formerly Jewish Fiction .net) is currently the only English-language journal, either print or online, devoted exclusively to publishing Jewish fiction. We proudly showcase the finest contemporary Jewish-themed fiction from around the world (either written in English…
Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscope magazine creatively focuses on the experiences of disability through literature and the fine arts publishing personal essays, creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and book reviews. Read More
The Kenyon Review Building on a long tradition of excellence, the Kenyon Review has evolved from a distinguished literary magazine to a pre-eminent arts organization. KR is devoted to nurturing, publishing, and celebrating the best in contemporary writing in its…
The Lake The Lake is an online poetry magazine publishing the best contemporary poetry and reviews monthly. Read More
Lake Effect Lake Effect is a literary journal based out of Penn State Behrend publishing fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction.
The Light Ekphrastic The Light Ekphrastic is a quarterly literary magazine dedicated to the creation of new written and visual art through collaboration between artists.
The MacGuffin The MacGuffin, a national literary magazine from Schoolcraft College in Livonia, Michigan, is a collection of the best poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. Read More
The Main Street Rag The Main Street Rag is an independent literary magazine. Our support comes from subscribers, contributors, and readers. Are we a little rough around the edges? Depends on the stodginess of your perspective. We’re not seeking perfection,…
The Malahat Review One of Canada’s most admired journals, publishing contemporary poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction by emerging and established writers from across the country and around the world. Read More
MAYDAY Magazine MAYDAY Magazine presents new poetry, prose, translations, political/cultural commentary, and visual art to a growing community of international readers. Read More
The Meadow The Meadow is the annual print and online literary journal of Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, Nevada. Read More
Memoir Magazine Memoir Magazine features artwork, creative nonfiction and personal essays, interviews and book reviews, and aims to support storytellers through publication, education, and advocacy. Read More
The Midwest Quarterly A Journal of Contemporary Thought The Midwest Quarterly is a literary magazine based out of Pittsburg State University publishing scholarly articles and poetry.
The Missouri Review The Missouri Review is one of the premier publishers of the best new stories, essays, and poems from Pulitzer Prize winners to unpublished emerging writers. Read More
Mistake House Magazine An annual online literary journal, Mistake House Magazine juxtaposes work by both student and professional writers and artists. Read More
MoonPark Review Founded in 2017, MoonPark Review is a quarterly online journal that publishes compelling, imaginative short prose, including flash (fiction/nonfiction) and prose poetry. Thirteen prose pieces (or thirteen writers) are featured each quarter, accompanied with original illustrations.
Mudfish Mudfish takes its title from the storyteller’s stool in Nigerian art. In diverse ways, the poems each tell a story. Featuring both new and established poets and artists—including John Ashbery, Charles Simic, and Frank Stella—this handsome, thick journal reflects…
New England Review Publishing fiction, poetry, essays, and translations since 1978, New England Review gives readers a vital snapshot of the literary moment, four times a year, in its richness, complexity, and diversity. Read More
New Letters New Letters, a magazine of writing and art founded in 1934, publishes fiction, essays, poetry, and reviews by established and emerging writers alike. New Letters is committed to publishing creative work that pushes the boundaries of form. We…
Nimrod Nimrod International Journal, founded at The University of Tulsa in 1956, has been a leader in the publication of established writers and the discovery of emerging writers for over 60 years. Each issue contains an engaging and diverse selection of poetry, short fiction, and short creative…
Obsidian Obsidian cultivates, through publication and critical inquiry, Black imagination, innovation, and excellence—supporting Black, African, and African Diaspora creatives globally. Recognized by the NEA as one of the premier journals dedicated to Africa and African Diaspora Literatures, Obsidian is published biannually…
OffCourse Literary Journal OffCourse, since 1998, a quarterly journal for poetry, criticism, reviews, stories and essays edited by Ricardo Nirenberg. Read More
Oracle: Fine Arts Review Oracle: Fine Arts Review is the University of South Alabama’s student-edited literary journal. We accept submissions during the fall semester and publish one print issue annually each summer. Read More
Otis Nebula Otis Nebula seeks to remedy what the internet has wrought upon common social spaces, to be as close to a campfire as you can get on a screen. To this end, we want writing for the end of…
Paterson Literary Review The Paterson Literary Review (PLR) is a multicultural literary review established in 1979. PLR features work by well-known writers as well as by writers whose work is so good, they should be well-known. Read More
Permafrost Magazine Permafrost, the literary journal run by the MFA program in Creative Writing at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, publishes one print issue each year. We feature high quality poetry, prose, and hybrid works from both established and emerging…
Plume Plume publishes the very best contemporary poetry: national and international voices presented in monthly issues with twelve poets contributing one poem each, as well as book reviews, essays, and a Featured Selection focusing on the work of a single…
Posit Posit is an online journal of carefully curated poetry, prose, and art. We seek work that is innovative, thoughtful, well-crafted, and challenging—writing whose strong voice rewards the reader’s attention with layers of implication and beauty. We welcome many aesthetic…
Presence Presence is an annual journal of the best poetry informed by the Catholic faith, also featuring book reviews and interviews. Read More
Prime Number Magazine Prime Number Magazine, a Pushcart Prize-winning online triannual journal, publishes poetry and fiction from new, emerging, and established writers of all ages from around the world. Guest editors each issue. Read More
PRISM International PRISM international is a quarterly magazine based out of Vancouver, British Columbia. We strive to uplift and shine a light on emerging and established voices across Canada and internationally, and are especially committed to providing a platform for…
Red Tree Review Red Tree Review publishes poems that surprise, harrow, and awe, featuring both emerging and established literary voices in a sharp online format.
Revolute Revolute is a digital literary magazine of the Randolph College MFA program and is committed to publishing engaging poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Creative work is accepted during one reading period each fall, and micro reviews are accepted year-round. Read…
RHINO RHINO Poetry is a non-profit literary organization, primarily devoted to the publication of RHINO Poetry, an annual high-quality print journal featuring well-crafted, diverse poetry, flash fiction, and translations. While remaining committed to our print journal, all poems will be…
River Heron Review River Heron Review, established in 2018, publishes poetry from established and emerging writers in an attractive, free-access online issue twice a year. RHR remains committed to offering compelling poetry from a diverse population of writers as part…
River Teeth River Teeth is a biannual print journal publishing the best of creative nonfiction, including narrative reportage, essays, and memoir. We are also home to Beautiful Things, a weekly online magazine of micro-essays. Read More
Rogue Agent What is it like to live in your body? We want your skin, your liver, your viscera. We want your joy and your frustration, your vulnerable poems and art. Rogue Agent is interested in amplifying voices that are…
Salamander Salamander specializes in publishing highly accomplished poetry, fiction, and memoirs by writers who deserve a wider audience for their work. Read More
Santa Clara Review The Santa Clara Review is a student-edited literary/arts magazine that publishes poetry, fiction, nonfiction, short plays, art, and photography by students and professionals from around the world. We release issues in February and May each year in…
Sheila-Na-Gig online Sheila-Na-Gig online supports work of established/emerging poets in a crisp, uncluttered space. Free poetry submissions and fee-based quarterly contests and annual full manuscript contest. Read More
Shenandoah Shenandoah has featured great literature since 1950. Supporting poets, fiction writers, nonfiction writers, comic artists, and translators. Read More
Shift: A Journal of Literary Oddities An international, student-run journal published by the Ringling College of Art and Design, Shift features fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, graphic texts, or other work in English or in translation by emerging and established writers. We…
Shooter Literary Magazine Shooter Literary Magazine is a biannual, themed print journal showcasing short fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Publishes engaging literary work that appeals to both head and heart. Offers annual fiction and poetry competitions, a monthly flash fiction/nonfiction contest,…
The Shore Poetry The Shore publishes poems exploring the worlds of things and ideas, recognizing the liminality, the shifting of everything, our ability to name a thing whole. Read More
Sky Island Journal Sky Island Journal is an independent, international literary journal; we discover and publish the finest poetry, flash fiction, and creative nonfiction. Always free-access and advertising-free, we publish accomplished authors—side by side—with emerging voices for over 150,000 readers…
Smoky Blue Literary and Arts Magazine Smoky Blue Literary and Arts Magazine is devoted to publishing quality work that doesn’t merely strike a familiar chord but enriches our experience.
The Society of Classical Poets The Society of Classical Poets website receives millions of views every year. Visitors read engaging, beautiful, topical verse that enlivens Western Civilization’s great conversation. The SCP continues the formal tradition of using meter and other…
South Dakota Review South Dakota Review is a literary print journal published quarterly at The University of South Dakota. Read More
Southern Humanities Review Southern Humanities Review publishes fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction—as well as the occasional translation—by new and established writers. Read More
Still Point Arts Quarterly Still Point Arts Quarterly focuses on nature, art, and spirit; a feast for the eyes and the soul. Includes art of all periods and genres, along with fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Intended for artists, nature lovers,…
StoryQuarterly StoryQuarterly is a literary journal publishing emerging and established writers for over 30 years.
The Sunlight Press The Sunlight Press, is a nonprofit literary journal, publishing new and established voices in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, craft essays, and photography. Founded in 2017, the journal is strictly online publishing twice weekly. We’re interested in how…
Superpresent Superpresent was founded in 2020. We publish essays, fiction, poetry, visual art, film, and experimental art. Read More
Swamp Ape Review Swamp Ape Review is a literary and visual arts journal out of Florida Atlantic University. We encourage hybrid or non-traditional pieces that unsettle our assumptions of what is possible. Read More
Terrain.org With its focus on place, climate, and justice, Terrain.org publishes place-based editorials, poetry, essays, fiction, hybrid forms, articles, videos, reviews, interviews, the ARTerrain gallery, the Unsprawl case study, and critically-acclaimed series such as Letter to America on a rolling…
THEMA THEMA is a journal of short stories, poetry, photography and art, each issue based on a unique theme. What do the themes mean? We don’t know! You tell us. Let each theme roll around in your head and see…
The Tiger Moth Review The Tiger Moth Review is a new, independent art + literature online journal that publishes poetry, prose, art, and photography engaging with nature, culture, the environment and ecology. We champion minority, marginalized, and underrepresented voices, and…
Tint Journal Tint Journal, the online literary magazine for non-native English creative writing, publishes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry by non-native English or ESL writers in biannual issues. Interview and review submissions on ESL writers or books are accepted year-round by…
trampset trampset is an online literary journal publishing fiction, nonfiction, and poetry on a rolling basis.
Under the Gum Tree Under the Gum Tree is an independent literary arts micro-magazine. Because we strive for authentic connections through vulnerability, we exclusively publish creative nonfiction and visual art. Read More
Valley Voices Valley Voices: A Literary Review is a biannual publishing prose, poetry, interviews, and criticism from writers and scholars from the Mississippi Delta and elsewhere. Works published in Valley Voices have been selected for anthologies, scholarly books, and The Best American Poetry.…
Vita Poetica Journal The Vita Poetica Journal is an online quarterly publication of creative work explored through a spiritual lens. This may be engaging directly with religious faith or a broader inquiry into meaning and the human experience. Submissions of…
Water~Stone Review “Water~Stone Review is one of the most elegant, substantial literary journals anywhere on the American scene….It will nourish and uplift you.”—Naomi Shihab Nye Read More
Watershed Review Watershed Review’s mission is to publish literature and visual art illustrating diversity in thought and experience, capturing the crucial narratives and images of our current cultural moment, as well as awareness of the shifting edges of genre. We…
Waxing & Waning Waxing & Waning is a literary journal committed to what’s on the fringe, whatever is deep and true.
West Trade Review West Trade Review is published quarterly (one print edition each spring and an online quarterly each summer, fall, and winter). We strive to put forth the best contemporary poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction (memoir/personal essays), photography, and artwork…
Willawaw Journal Willawaw Journal is an online magazine for poetry and art, published twice a year. Each issue features the poem prompt of a northwest poet laureate and sometimes a model response from the editor. Our mission is to support and…
Wordrunner eChapbooks Wordrunner eChapbooks is a hybrid of literary journal and online chapbook, the latter featuring novella-length fiction and nonfiction collections by one author (also available as ebooks). Our annual online journals are themed anthologies of fiction, CNF/memoir, and poetry.…
The Write Place at the Write Time The Write Place at the Write Time is about the synchronistic convergences of time, place, readers, and writers that create unforgettable moments where lives change course and dreams are born. Read More
The Writing Disorder Writing Disorder is a quarterly literary journal. We publish new fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art. We also feature interviews and reviews. Our mission is to showcase new and emerging writers—particularly those in writing programs—as well as established…
Zone 3 Zone 3 publishes fiction, poetry, and nonfiction from beginning and established writers. Read More