Club Plum Literary Journal
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About this Magazine:
Club Plum Literary Journal publishes creative nonfiction, flash fiction, prose poetry and art by emerging and established authors whose absorbing tales and imagery unravels in voices either understated or lyrical but always powerful.
- Editor(s): Thea Swanson
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
- Facebook: Facebook
- Instagram: Instagram
Submission/Subscription Information:
- Format: Online
- Genres: Art, Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry
- Simultaneous Submissions: yes (with notice)
- Postal Submissions: no
- Email Submissions: yes (see website)
- Online Submissions: no
- Reading Period: year-round
- Response Time: 2 weeks
- Payment: no
- Contests: no
- Founded: 2019
- Issues Per Year: 4
Publisher’s description: From its inception, Club Plum’s aim has been to act as an entrance into a literary world of empathy and art. A place to take and to give. Readers and writers do not see ads, contests, or distracting elements. The reader’s experience and the viewer’s experience are focused, so that when we pull away, we are changed, just a little.
Club Plum Literary Journal does not allow entry to sexists, homophobes or racists. Here you will not find the male gaze or casual belittling. Lovers of romance will be directed to the nearest sports bar. God Words will not be found at CP. This is a safe place. Our hearts have been pummeled; our minds have been toyed with. We see clearly now. This is a place for thinkers and doers. A place to turn our pain into wondrous works of art.
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