In Volume 4, Issue 3 of Club Plum, unexpected small worlds light up before us. Maybe the light stings in the Whiskey a Go Go or throbs from the freight train up in the hills. Maybe it reflects off your wet paddleboard or dazzles from your Windex-blue gemstone on your finger. Maybe it nips our geese-girl ankles as we run in the garden or whistles in the ears of the university men who won’t let us speak. Or maybe the light shines from the eyes of a man who was once a little girl and who lays her to sleep forever with love, keeping her safe and remembered. Discover these and more in creative nonfiction by Sloane Gray and Amanda Seney, flash nonfiction by Heather Vaughan, flash fiction by Lisa Piazza, prose poetry by Amy DeBellis, Phoebe Houser, CiCi Logan, Iris Rosenberg, and art by Margaret Karmazin and Steven Ostrowski.
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