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Book Review :: Joyride by Ellen Meister

Review by Elizabeth S. Wolf

Joyride by Ellen Meister invites readers to travel along as Joybird Martin embarks on her dream of becoming a life coach — from the driver’s seat of her humble blue Honda Accord. Despite a challenging upbringing and an array of insecurities, Joybird is a determined optimist, seeing the glass always brimming: “It’s a choice. I make that decision every day.”

There were times I wanted to reach into the story and shake that young woman by the shoulders for putting the needs of others ahead of her own and for some questionable choices, particularly regarding her love life. I was that invested. Also, I was occasionally annoyed at her brittle, sarcastic father. There’s some mystery around why the father’s career is in desperate straits, although I can surely guess.

Meister is skilled in advancing plot and developing characters through dialogue. With unexpected challenges or new clients, Joybird needed only a few centering breaths to find her way to empathy. Navigating plenty of intergenerational, romantic, and New York City caste conflict, Joybird journeys towards a future as bright “as the sun rising resplendently over a seedy New York City impound lot.” A fun read about the power of attitude and choices.

Joyride by Ellen Meister. Montlake, April 2025.

Reviewer bio: Elizabeth S. Wolf has published five books of poetry, most recently I Am From: Voices from the Mako House in Ghana (2023). Her chapbook Did You Know? was a 2018 Rattle Prize winner. Elizabeth’s poetry appears in multiple journals and anthologies and has received several Pushcart nominations.

Book Review :: Glorious Exploits by Ferdia Lennon

Review by Kevin Brown

Ferdia Lennon’s debut novel, Glorious Exploits, is set in ancient Greece, fifth-century Syracuse, to be exact. The Syracusans have recently defeated the Athenians in battle, a surprise to both sides, and they are keeping their prisoners of war in a quarry until they die. Lampo and Gelon are unemployed Syracusan potters, so they use their free time to visit the quarry to see which, if any, Athenians know any of Euripides’ plays, given Gelon’s love of theatre. That interest ultimately leads to their putting on a production of both Medea and The Trojan Women in one afternoon.

Lampo and Gelon, as well as the narrator, don’t sound like they live in ancient Greece, though; they sound like they live in twenty-first Ireland, more or less. Lennon, though, doesn’t play that approach for laughs. He simply uses contemporary language and voice to delve into the life of Lampo — the center of attention — as he tries to understand who he is. Gelon is the one who loves theatre and comes up with the idea to visit the Athenians, while Lampo simply goes along with his friend. Along the way, though, he has to make choices that will define the rest of his life.

It would be easy to say that this novel is about the power of art — Gelon at one point says, “It’s poetry we’re doing. It wouldn’t mean a thing if it were easy.” — but the novel is about more than that, as any good art is. It’s about friendship and sacrifice and hatred and love and mistakes. In other words, it’s about humanity, whether in ancient Greece or contemporary Ireland. The struggles and successes are the same, no matter the time or place.

Glorious Exploits by Ferdia Lennon. Henry Holt and Company, March 2024.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. IG, Threads, and BlueSky: @kevinbrownwrites

Book Review :: Rendered Paradise by Susanne Dyckman & Elizabeth Robinson

Review by Jami Macarty

Though Susanne Dyckman’s and Elizabeth Robinson’s collaborative poetry collection Rendered Paradise “offers no route” to the poets’ compositional method, the experience of reading the collection prompts consideration of what constitutes collaboration. True artistic collaboration occurs when the combined result exceeds the sum of its parts, creating a third entity that, to borrow phrases from the poems, “assures its own fidelity” to a “truer / form of two,” one that is “sublimely unemphatic.” The emphasis and spirit of Rendered Paradise is on “Voices conjoined” in an “intimacy” of seeing.

Rendered Paradise “tells” the poets’ “story of looking” inspired by artists Vivian Maier, Agnes Martin, and Kiki Smith. The collection is divided into three sections, each devoted to looking at, responding to, and highlighting the artists’ subject matter and aesthetic. Poems inspired by Vivian Maier’s artworks emphasize portrait and gesture. Those responding to Agnes Martin explore color, shape, and pattern. Poems influenced by Kiki Smith’s artworks incorporate themes of animals, reptiles, and the cosmos. The poems “model” a language of active looking regardless of the subject-artist or the poet-speaker.

Collectively, they are “Who see it all.” The poems sometimes convey the perspective of one of the poets, and at other times reflect the viewpoints of the artists. The reader is left uncertain of who “I” or “you” refers to within the poems. This “gesture beyond its own climate” suggests the poets’ intention to transcend the “dispute” over the “proximity of the pronoun.” As one poem describes, “Where / voice stops explaining patterns, it begins to have a body.”

With both collaborative method and “Identity pushed aside,” Dyckman’s and Robinson’s ekphrastic poems are “assemblage bound” and stand “for the mixing,” writing toward a “release” of pride in the seer and attachment to the seen/scene. Rendered Paradise is an exaltation of pure seeing.

Rendered Paradise by Susanne Dyckman & Elizabeth Robinson. Apogee Press, April 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Close to Home by Michael Magee

Review by Kevin Brown

Sean is a young man in Belfast, Ireland, who spends most of his time drinking or doing drugs, seemingly not making any progress in life. He and one of his best friends, Ryan, live in an apartment that they’re about to be evicted from, as their landlord ran away, and it has black mold growing in it, as well. They both work as bartenders to try to make some money, but they’ve been barred from most of the places they try to go and drink due to their behavior. In fact, the novel opens with Sean about to go to court for punching somebody at a house party, causing serious harm to the young man’s face and mouth.

However, life wasn’t supposed to go this way for Sean, as he was different than his friends. He left Belfast and went to Liverpool, where he attended university and received a degree in English. He wanted to be a writer.

He has long odds to overcome, though, as his family has fallen apart. His mother left his father when Sean was young, and it’s clear that the lack of a father has wrecked Sean. He spends part of his free time looking his father online, as well as his half-sister from his father’s new marriage. Both of Sean’s brothers behave as recklessly as he does, prompting his mother to be surprised that it’s Sean who ends up going to court due to violence. They may have learned that violence from the IRA members they grew up around.

The one bit of light in Sean’s life is Mairéad, a young woman Sean grew up with. She was as violent and out of control as Sean and his friends, but she has changed her life. She spends much of the novel preparing to move to Berlin to try to break into the world of independent filmmaking. The problem is Sean makes the same mistakes again and again. Magee raises the question of how much environment shapes people and how one can love friends and family who might be preventing one from growing. There aren’t easy answers, but the reader continues to hope Sean can figure his life out.

Close to Home by Michael Magee. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, May 2023.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. IG, Threads, and BlueSky: @kevinbrownwrites

Book Review :: gutter rainbows by Melissa Eleftherion

Review by Jami Macarty

As the title gutter rainbows implies, “grit” and “glitter” coexist in Melissa Eleftherion’s third poetry collection. “Double consciousness” is also a characteristic of the poems’ speaker: “Before [she] understood the war of misogyny / [she] battled [her] own blood for understanding.” The poems also double in their artistic purpose, offering the poet “an attempt to / convene with the memory of the / interruption” while offering the reader “the story of [a girl’s] formation.”

The collection opens with Eleftherion’s portrayal of a “defiant,” self-possessed girl, navigating life between her own “kindling” and the challenging, often dangerous interactions with men. Eleftherion’s girl was “taught to hold space for the lion / sit quiet at his table” and to endure the “street mouths” as she walks “the avenue of eyeballs.” The poems highlight how these power dynamics and threats “damage” the girl’s sense of self-worth, leading to “internalized hatred” and “misogyny.”

As Eleftherion explores how the male gaze and patriarchal expectations “fracture” a girl’s life, she draws comparisons with how a geological depression interrupts a landform. Fracture variously appears in the poems as “gutter,” “gash,” “crack,” “ditch,” “pit,” “trench,” but in each case describes the shape of a landform that is lower in elevation than the surrounding area. This metaphor provides a visual and visceral vocabulary for experiences of trauma and the challenges faced by girls “fighting to be seen beneath” “a line of semen.”

Dear Sister Reader, “her story is my story is your story the axes we intersect.” Along with Eleftherion, we “hover as transformation / in the interstices / warrior, queen.”

So too, the transformation of trauma into poetry. Melissa Eleftherion’s gutter rainbows constructs a “lyric from the detritus.” While the poems explore themes of faults and fractures, they simultaneously reach “up up,” embodying true feminist resilience.

gutter rainbows by Melissa Eleftherion. Querencia Press, August 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: A Man of Two Faces by Viet Thanh Nguyen

Review by Kevin Brown

The title of Viet Thanh Nguyen’s memoir, A Man of Two Faces, might lead readers to think that he is the center of the book, especially with a focus on the various ways he feels pulled in two different directions. That latter part is true, but the true center of the book is Ba Má, his parents. He describes how they fled from North to South Vietnam, then to the United States. While Nguyen was alive during that time, he was too young to have many memories. He also talks about how hard his parents worked owning and running a grocery store, helping to provide for him and his brother.

However, Nguyen also talks about how he began to pull away from his parents, while also celebrating them in this book. Like many refugees and immigrants who come to America (or, as Nguyen describes it, AMERICATM), he loses much of his language and culture, partly because he wants to be more American, but partly because the culture that surrounds him shapes him differently than it does his parents, who spend much of their time at work.

That culture leads to a serious fracture in how Nguyen sees himself and the world, especially the various portrayals of Vietnam in the culture of his childhood. He talks about watching movies, such as Apocalypse Now and Rambo II: First Blood, seeing actors from other Asian countries play Vietnamese soldiers and civilians. However, he also digs deeper into the idea of colonizer and colonized, showing that people from North Vietnam, like his parents, took land from the Montagnards, an Indigenous group in the Central Highlands of the country.

One question he continually returns to is what has made him (and other refugees) who he is: is that because he is a refugee and Vietnamese or because of his family and his personal traumas. His book explores both of those poles without trying to reconcile them, as if there is any way they could be reconciled.

A Man of Two Faces by Viet Thanh Nguyen. Grove Press, October 2023.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. IG, Threads, and BlueSky: @kevinbrownwrites

Book Review :: Behind You is the Sea by Susan Muaddi Darraj

Review by Kevin Brown

Susan Muaddi Darraj’s latest work, Behind You is the Sea, is a series of interlocking stories that follow several Palestinian American families through their lives in Baltimore. While they all know each other well, their relationships both between families and within families are often strained, sometimes due to differences in class, but often because of a moral judgment one makes against another.

For example, the opening story centers on Reema Baladi, a young woman pregnant with her first child. She’s been seeing Torrey, but now that she’s pregnant, he is less interested in her. She compares herself to Amal, who is also pregnant, but who is planning to have an abortion, a decision that has made her an outcast in the community, including her family, as her parents have kicked her out of the house.

The collection ends with a story focused on Marcus Salameh, Amal’s brother. Their father has died, and Marcus has to take the body back to Palestine to bury him there. He discovers that their father had been supporting a woman named Rita, whom the Israelis had imprisoned and raped, leading to the community’s subtly ostracizing her—she’s invited to funerals, but not to weddings, for example. Marcus is confused as to how his father could reconcile supporting Rita, while banishing Amal, his own daughter.

The stories in between explore other relationships that are severed or strained, but also those that reconnect and grow. While some families break apart, other relationships develop and strengthen. There are stories that deal with domestic violence and eating disorders, but also those that reveal characters who discover the ability to love and forgive. As Marcus reflects in the final story, “The Arabs were a people that knew life could be horrifically unjust and unfair—and yet they cherished it.” Through all of their suffering, these are characters who cherish life, even when, like all of us, they do so inconsistently and imperfectly.

Behind You is the Sea by Susan Muaddi Darraj. HarperVia, January 2025.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. IG, Threads, and BlueSky: @kevinbrownwrites

Book Review :: Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect by Koss

Review by Jami Macarty

Through the poems in their debut chapbook, Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect, Koss “face[s] the world so raw and open,” endeavoring to address a traumatic past and to make “some beautiful things.” Accomplishing this entails “filling in the blanks” between the “sticky” memories of childhood “horror and experience” and taking “the liberties one / can take when” “art is conceived.”

The poet, “dancing [their] pen between” the verse line and the prose sentence, offers poems from the perspective of adulthood, looking “backwards” at the flawed adults who abused and abandoned them. Because the poems move between past and present selves, the writing is “in flux between connections and short circuits.” And, at turns, a “Cry or curse” infused with purpose: To name the “opt-out mother” and a father who “left when [they] were six”; To admit being “a victim more than once”; To grieve the death of a lover by suicide; To face the delusions of friendship and therapy. The writing also contains a “picture [of] tomorrow” in which coming to terms performs the magical act of making the trauma “go away.”

Unfortunately, it does not work that way. “There is no winning.” But trying to “be honest now” “ease[s] the pretending” and enables the poet/person to “become who they are.” Whether identifying as “craggy boxing bitch,” lesbian, “one-speed train,” or “withdrawn and frequently tired,” the poet is “a bit at odds with” self but is determined to “just feel what [they] feel.” To a survivor of abuse and oppression, the felt expression is the ultimate liberty and triumph.

These poems are “proof of… dysfunction,” but they also prove the function of art as a “salve” for what we “see / and don’t.” Whether engaging with self through trauma, queerness, psychology, or art, Koss approaches the page “with an open sense of wonder.”

Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect by Koss. Diode Editions, October 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: To Save and To Destroy: Writing as an Other by Viet Thanh Nguyen

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

When Pulitzer Prize-winning writer-activist Viet Thanh Nguyen was asked to deliver Harvard’s annual Charles Eliot Norton lectures in 2023, he admits that he was intimidated. After all, a string of luminaries had preceded him – Leonard Bernstein, Nadine Gordimer, Czeslaw Milosz, Toni Morrison, Igor Stavinsky, and Wim Wenders, among them – but in accepting the honor, he agreed to probe what it means to write as an “other.”

To begin, he had to face his otherness as an amalgam: On one hand, he’s an outsider because of his race (Vietnamese) and working-class, refugee background. But he’s also an insider because of his occupation (English professor at USC) and current social standing (MacArthur Foundation and Guggenheim fellowship recipient).

Furthermore, Nguyen understands that his privilege is not representative of other “others.” Nonetheless, he defines otherness as encompassing all who are “out of step, out of tune, out of focus, even to themselves.” This, he writes, includes “the Asian, the minoritized, the racialized, the colonized, the hybrid, the hyphenated, the refugee, the displaced, the artist, the writer, the smart ass, the bastard, the sympathizer, and the committed.”

That is, pretty much everyone aside from white, ruling-class males.

The essays in To Save and To Destroy move seamlessly between the personal and the political, and while Nguyen presents a plethora of sometimes-obtuse literary references, he expresses heartfelt solidarity with refugees and those in exile. While he contests their categorization as voiceless – he believes everyone has a voice, even if it’s ignored – he is unfailingly sympathetic to individual struggles. Particularly moving is his account of displacement’s impact on mental health. In fact, by zeroing in on his mother’s psychiatric hospitalizations, the book provides a deeply-felt account of exile’s toll. It’s beautifully wrought.

Nguyen’s deepest wish is for humanity to move into “expansive political solidarity” for collective liberation. It’s an inspiring, if aspirational, vision.

To Save and To Destroy: Writing as an Other by Viet Thanh Nguyen. Belknap Press, April 2025.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: Come One Thing Another by Cory Lavender

Review by Jami Macarty

The poems of Cory Lavender’s Come One Thing Another form a “chromosomal / bridge of inheritance, progenitors resurrected.” Informed by his family’s lore, Lavender recounts the “crackling murmur” between generations while dispensing with categorical divisions between genre (poetry and memoir) and persona (poet and narrator).

Come One Thing Another is a collection of memoiristic poetry. Cory Lavender is the person recording the lives of his “Milk Father,” an uncle accidentally shot over the “fate of [his] heifer,” an aunt who survived the Depression, and a great grandmother with a bad temper, among others on his mother’s and father’s sides of the family.

The Roy and Lavender families are chock full of rebellious, tell-it-like-it-is characters with ties to Africa, Jamaica, Germany, and Nova Scotia. Lavender, the poet among them, writes idiomatically and colloquially, giving voice to and “capturing” his relatives’ “likenesses” in rangy poems that offer opinions on deer hunting, plastics pollution, lobster prices, and “Hard Times” that affect the way of life of his family, who farm and hunt the land in a “guns and grub” relationship that makes them intimately aware of change. “Nothing like it used to be.”

To “extend remembrance” is at the heart of what motivates Lavender to write his family story. The poet is also writing to address the “shadows” and “tangle” regarding his place in his family tree.

Necessarily, a few poems address the fact that he, like his father, “grew up unaware he’s mixed,” “half-ashamed of [his] signature curls.” In the poem “Fort Cory,” the most self-telling poem within the collection, the poet confesses feeling “embarrassed writing this.” Such are the personal and artistic pressures to measure up to the “hallowed coordinates” of the people he loves.

Despite being “Besieged by insecurities,” Cory Lavender walks his own “stretch of shore” in his “cobbled ode” and heartfelt memorial.

Come One Thing Another by Cory Lavender. Gaspereau Press, August 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: The Senator by Maya Golden Bethany

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

When Oliver Michaels was elected to represent the people of Maine in Congress, he pledged to fight hard for working-class and low-income people. But as progressive bill after progressive bill is defeated, his fury is mounting and he is seriously considering leaving the prestigious body. In addition, he and his wife have separated and he is depressed and lonely.

It is at this point that New York Times reporter Alex Broussard, Michaels’ college girlfriend, contacts him about an anonymous tip she’s received about collusion between two Senators, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, and a corporate polluter. According to her source, the three individuals are embroiled in a pay-to-play scheme that has allowed industrial malfeasance to continue unchecked, with the dumping of tons of chemical waste into the waterway of a small, rural, Indiana town. Spiking cancer and respiratory illnesses in the area have concerned residents for decades, but it is not until Broussard and her colleagues begin investigating that the scope of the political scheme is uncovered. As the truth emerges, the culprits know they’re in trouble, but rather than come clean they concoct plans to retain their toehold on power.

It’s a tense and well-wrought setup that involves a slew of people – including mafia hitmen – and numerous federal agencies. While the latter work in tandem, suffice it to say that the novel has a happy ending, and anyone needing an infusion of progressive populism – as well as an example of a politician with humility, integrity, and grit – will get a hefty dose.

What’s more, The Senator is a good, old-fashioned story with characters you can root for. The satisfaction of seeing social justice prevail and a romance rekindled makes the novel an enjoyable, fun read. Highly recommended.

The Senator by Maya Golden Bethany. Rising Action Publishing Company, April 2025.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: Orbital by Samantha Harvey

Review by Kevin Brown

Orbit, Samantha Harvey’s Booker-winning novel, has almost no plot, choosing a more meditative approach instead. Six astronauts and cosmonauts circle around the Earth sixteen times in the course of the day, living aboard the international space station. There is a different mission launching on that day, one that is going to the moon, implying the demise of the ISS, as humanity looks further out to space. The six reflect on that development, but most of the book is a meditation on Earth, not on space.

One of the two events that occurs in the course of the day is that one of the astronauts—Chie, from Japan—receives word that her mother has died. She has a few moments where she deals with that grief, but not much more. The other event is the build up of a typhoon on Earth, as the six take pictures of it, so meteorologists on Earth can see how it’s developing. It turns into a super-typhoon, wiping out parts of small islands, but Harvey shows little of that destruction.

Instead, there are chapters devoted to reflections on the beauty of the Earth, as well as its ordinariness. There are reflections on the absence of borders as seen from space, implying that national divisions are Earth-bound, human-created problems; however, the narrator also points out that all of the environmental changes they can observe from space are political problems, that the supposed constructs have real effects.

Harvey explores these types of tensions throughout the novel, not settling for traditional views of how humanity is nothing more than a speck in the cosmos. Instead, she writes, “We matter greatly and not at all.” The view from space reminds readers that the Earth is valuable and that we should do all we can to protect it, even though, in the broader view, it will ultimately get subsumed by some cosmic event. Orbital is a celebration of the beauty of life now, even while admitting what the future will bring.

Orbital by Samantha Harvey. Grove Press, December 2023. Winner of the Booker Prize 2024.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. IG, Threads, and BlueSky: @kevinbrownwrites

Book Review :: Night Watch by Jayne Anne Phillips

Review by Kevin Brown

Jayne Anne Phillips’ latest novel, Night Watch, is set in and around the Civil War, as sections take place in 1864 and 1874, with an epilogue in 1883. However, very little of the novel actually occurs in what most readers would think of as the Civil War. There’s only one battle scene, and there is little mention of slavery. Instead, Phillips is interested in the effects of the war, not just on those who fought in it, but on those whose lives are more peripheral to it.

The plot follows Eliza and her daughter ConaLee, as they try to survive while their husband and father, respectively—whose name the reader doesn’t learn until near the end of the novel—is away fighting. They live in rural West Virginia, so they have ConaLee’s grandmother (of sorts, it’s complicated), Dearbhla, living nearby to help, but they are largely isolated otherwise. A Confederate soldier appears in the 1864 section, but his real effect only shows up in the 1874 sections of the novel, as he has taken over the house and family, forcing them to refer to him as Papa. He ultimately has Eliza institutionalized in the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, with ConaLee pretending to be her attendant.

The novel reminds the reader of the traumas that women endured, but also that they continue to endure, especially at the hands of men. Even in the best times of their life, Eliza and ConaLee are largely dependent on men and the decisions they make. Phillips shows the effect of that trauma—and the larger traumas of the war—through characters repeatedly having their names taken from them or having to change their names. At the asylum, for example, Eliza becomes Miss Janet, while ConaLee becomes Eliza Connolly; Eliza’s husband becomes John O’Shea for a time when he loses his memory of who he was. At one point in the novel, Phillips writes, “…the past is the present unrecognized.”

While Night Watch is clearly about the Civil War, it’s also about the lack of freedom and traumas women continue to endure, the present reality that so many are unable or unwilling to recognize.

Night Watch by Jayne Anne Phillips. Alfred A. Knopf, September 2023; Vintage, February 2025. Winner of the 2024 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. IG, Threads, and BlueSky: @kevinbrownwrites

Book Review :: Feeding Ghosts by Tessa Hulls

Review by Kevin Brown

In her debut graphic memoir, Feeding Ghosts, Tessa Hulls tries to understand and explain—though, most of all, feel—the intergenerational trauma she inherited from her grandmother, Sun Yi, and mother, Rose. She knows what she experienced as a child, as her grandmother suffered from a mental illness that left her obsessed with writing her story, unable to communicate otherwise, leading Rose not only to devote her energies to caring for Sun Yi, but also to overprotecting Tessa to prevent her from suffering the same fate.

Hulls spends much of the work using research to dig into Sun Yi’s life in China, showing how and why she had to flee during the Maoist revolution. Sun Yi was a journalist who became famous for writing a memoir about her time before she escaped China, fleeing to Hong Kong. However, the trauma of her repeated interrogations before she left the country leads to her mental illness, leaving her uncommunicative except for her constant writing, which becomes less and less intelligible as she ages.

Hulls also spends time talking to her mother, trying to understand how her mother coped with Sun Yi’s struggles, but also why Rose and Tessa were unable to communicate with each other. Hulls works to understand how Rose wanted emotional reactions from Tessa that she was unable to provide, leading Tessa to ultimately leave home as soon as she was able. In fact, she ends up living in Antarctica and Alaska, at various times, putting as much space between her and her mother as possible. A note to readers, as well: Tessa struggles with self-harm for a period of time, though she does not spend much time on that part of her life.

Hulls’ work on this book—ten years in the making—to face the ghosts that have haunted her family for three generations, is an attempt to work through the traumas rather than avoid them. The work is artistically and narratively dense, as Hulls has much to convey to help her and the reader understand the years of suffering, but that work is worth it for all involved. Readers will leave with a clearer understanding not just of Tessa and her family, but the effects that intergenerational trauma can have on those who have no first-hand knowledge of the suffering that began it all.

Feeding Ghosts by Tessa Hulls. MCDxFSG Books, March 2024.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. IG, Threads, and BlueSky: @kevinbrownwrites

Book Review :: Fire Exit by Morgan Talty

Review by Kevin Brown

The title of Morgan Talty’s debut novel, Fire Exit, might give the impression that the protagonist Charles’s life is on fire, and he needs to escape it. That would give Charles too much agency and too much urgency. However, it’s true that his life is not going well and has not been going well for quite some time.

There are two events that have left him estranged from those he cares about, as well as from himself. First, his mother holds him responsible for his step-father’s death, and he doesn’t seem inclined to correct that assumption. The reader is never clear on what happened, given that the story is from Charles’s vantage point, but the guilt Charles feels is real, as is the distance from his mother. He reconnects with her, but only as she’s losing her memory and her grasp of reality.

Second, he has a house across the river from where his daughter, Elizabeth, grew up with Mary and Roger. Mary is her mother, and Elizabeth knows Roger as her father, as they never told Elizabeth about Charles, her biological father. When Mary found out she was pregnant, she left Charles, as she wanted to raise Elizabeth as a Penobscot on the reservation, so Elizabeth needed a certain level of Indigenous blood. Charles is white, even though he grew up on the reservation with his mother and step-father, who was Penobscot.

Given that much of the novel relates Charles’s feeling stuck in his life, there’s not much of a plot propelling the story forward. Charles checks on his mother, watches Elizabeth from a distance, and spends time with his friend Bobby (who spends most of his time drinking, even though Charles is in AA). Charles spends much of that time considering taking an action that could change the lives of many of the people he knows. Like in most people’s lives, not much happens in Charles’s life, but characters develop, and life moves slowly forward until it lurches ahead, leaving people wondering where it’s gone.

Fire Exit by Morgan Talty. Tin House, June 2024.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. IG, Threads, and BlueSky: @kevinbrownwrite

Book Review :: Pine Soot Tendon Bone by Radha Marcum

Review by Jami Macarty

Dear Reader, the poems of Pine Soot Tendon Bone, Radha Marcum’s second full-length poetry collection and the winner of The Word Works’s Washington Prize, “sing harmonies / to complicate your discontent” with public health, gun violence, and ecological degradation—the evidence at the crime scene and the stratum of prolonged grief “forcing us all off / center” in our cacophonic contemporary lives.

“When the semi-automatic facts rushed in,” when we entered a “Plague Year,” when a valley is “plundered, then / plowed… [and] divided / into… clone homes,” we have need of a poet as attentive to “sorrow” as to “tenderness.” Radha Marcum is such a poet. She acknowledges “worry” at “the fate / of glacier lilies” and “recognize[s] / abundance when it is offered.”

By combining a lyric attention fine as “red silt” with an intellect as “sharp [as cholla cactus] spines,” Marcum is “alert in the juxtaposition.” Her poems “mother stillness / even as they shiver.”

Like a Japanese Sumi-e artist using black ink, made from “pine, soot, tendon, bone,” to make a painting on contrasting white paper, Marcum’s “ink-marks” are meditations on what “traverses merciless spaces” while “looking for … respite, too.”

When a “wildfire haze… / peppers the membranes of our eyes,” Marcum reminds us to hear the “air singing in the redwoods / whose seeds require / / a germinating fire.” By facing what is “irretrievable,” Radha Marcum’s poems also show us what “survived” “the dark / mulch of [our] days.” In Pine Soot Tendon Bone, it is “tenderness” that proves fire-resistant and transforming.

Pine Soot Tendon Bone by Radha Marcum. The Word Works, June 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: The Burning Heart of the World by Nancy Kricorian

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

The complex legacies of violence are central to Nancy Kricorian’s spare and poetic new novel, The Burning Heart of the World. The 15-year-long civil war in Lebanon (1975-1990) and its impact on a small Armenian Christian community in and around Beirut forms the backdrop of this searing tale. Fighting is ever-present.

Nonetheless, the conflict remains enigmatic, perhaps because the book’s narrator, Vera, is a teenage girl more interested in spending time with her friends than she is in understanding the nuances of politics. Still, near-constant bombings, blackouts, and shootings take a toll on Vera and her family, and as the conflict rages the adults decide that it is time to leave Lebanon – a move that necessitates parting from a beloved family member who’d survived the Armenian genocide in the early years of the 20th century. The impact of this upheaval is masterfully woven into Vera’s coming-of-age story, and the resultant separation from friends and family – coupled with the residue of having lived in a war zone – complicate Vera’s adjustment to her new life in the United States.

But this unfolds slowly. In fact, for many years Vera is seemingly fine. Then, decades after leaving her birthplace, on a clear, sunny September day in 2001, the Twin Towers fell, triggering Vera’s long-repressed memories of wartime Beirut. Kricorian’s account of Vera’s unraveling is evocative and powerful, unsentimental but hard-hitting. There is emotional nuance here, and many brief but perceptive observations.

Published to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the start of the Lebanese Civil War, The Burning Heart of the World is a beautiful, sad, and timely look at the aftermath of war and its lasting impact on survivors. Highly recommended.

The Burning Heart of the World by Nancy Kricorian. Red Hen Press, April 2025. Pre-order is available.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: The Containment: Detroit, the Supreme Court, and the Battle for Racial Justice in the North by Michelle Adams

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

Seventy years after the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision was issued, public schools in most of the United States remain as racially and economically segregated as they were in 1954. In fact, as legal scholar Michelle Adams writes in The Containment, “since 1990, segregation has increased in every part of the country…Not only that, the school districts that serve nonwhite children receive far less financial support than those that serve mainly white children.” The difference, she writes, amounts to $2226 less per child. As a result, schools in low-income neighborhoods – the lion’s share of them filled with children of color – are more dilapidated and have fewer resources than those in higher-income areas.

These inequities could have been rectified had the 1974 Supreme Court decision in Milliken v. Bradley been different.

The Containment provides an exhaustive deconstruction of Milliken and focuses on the inexorable link between housing segregation and segregated schools. Furthermore, Adams convincingly argues that the only way to end “separate and unequal” education is to ensure that students of all races, religions, addresses, and creeds study together. Numerous plans — including busing and creating large, integrated K-12 Educational Parks — were presented in multiple trial iterations.

But SCOTUS scuttled these approaches, finding the plans invalid.

At issue was whether school segregation policies were deliberately developed or were unorchestrated. Despite reams of evidence documenting redlining and restrictive housing covenants, SCOTUS found that the city of Detroit – and by extension other locales – had not intentionally kept Black and White students apart.

The upshot? “Educational apartheid” for both Black and White kids. As Adams concludes, “the highest court in the land told the nation that suburban school district lines can be used as fences to exclude Blacks.” And most have done just that.

The Containment: Detroit, the Supreme Court, and the Battle for Racial Justice in the North by Michelle Adams. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, January 2025.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: Ojo en Celo by Margarita Pintado Burgos

Review by Jami Macarty

Margarita Pintado Burgos’s Ojo en Celo / Eye in Heat, adroitly translated by Alejandra Quintana Arocho, is a meditation on vision, “Haunted by a slow want” to see the “glistening / from its own / beyond.”

Ojo en Celo / Eye in Heat opens “on the brink of drought” with a figure who “put[s] forth the idea of rain before” “see[ing] it rain” and who wishes to “Allow oneself to rain.” Pintado Burgos’s use of the infinitive as a subject suggests the position of the figure who is seeing. It is not the seer, but the seeing and the seen that takes precedence. This is “The mystery of form” whose “forms resemble / other forms” Pintado Burgos pulls “hard into the pupils” to confront “opacity” and “seek brightness.”

Pintado Burgos’s seeker is a woman, “walking, as if there were a clear path,” through exiled and sublime spaces, “earnestly examining the makeup of days.” She asks, “What is an event?”: “Does the woman who crosses the street holding her skirt down, fearing the wind, constitute an event?” And, by extension, the poet also examines the line between being a vision and having a vision.

“No one sees her coming, but she arrives.” In her poems, Pintado Burgos stands before “a body of water” as if “in front of sadness.” This “woman / who had come from so far away,” “persisted, separating… / the vision from the retina / to look at [her]self without mirrors / broken but whole.”

In Ojo en Celo / Eye in Heat Margarita Pintado Burgos “contort[s] all of [her]self” and empties herself out like “the sky empties itself out” to confront “Writing as an ailment of surfaces” and illuminate an “expansion” of vision. Ojo en Celo / Eye in Heat rains, reins, and reigns!

Ojo en Celo / Eye in Heat by Margarita Pintado Burgos, translated by Alejandra Quintana Arocho. Winner of the 2023 Ambroggio Prize of the Academy of American Poets. The University of Arizona Press, February 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Meditations for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman

Review by Kevin Brown

For those fans of Oliver Burkeman’s previous work Four Thousand Weeks, his latest book, Meditations for Mortals: Four Weeks to Embrace Your Limitations and Make Time for What Counts, may feel a bit redundant. Burkeman’s overall argument is the same: we only have a limited amount of time on this planet, so, despite what those who try to craft “life hacks” preach, there aren’t any tricks to change that cold reality. Thus, instead of spending time and energy trying to work in a few more minutes here and there in the misguided belief that people have the ability to do everything, Burkeman contends that we should focus on using our limited time doing what we love and what gives our life meaning.

However, he has updated some of the research from his previous book, and he formats this one in a package that’s easier to access for those who are coming to his work for the first time. In Meditations for Mortals, he divides the book into four sections—Being Finite; Taking Action; Letting Go; Showing Up—for the four weeks he suggests readers devote to the book. Each section, then, has seven brief (usually around five or six pages) readings moving through each of those ideas. Readers can follow that plan, as I tried to do for about a fourth of the book, or read the book straight through in a few sittings, which is how I ended up finishing it, and the book works just as well either way.

Burkeman positions his book as a type of anti-self-help, as he doesn’t want to try to convince readers that they can make a few changes and their lives will be perfect. He knows how unreasonable and unattainable that approach is. Instead, he wants readers to see their limits, then make changes to live more enjoyable, meaningful lives. His argument is compelling, and he brings in a number of resources to help readers take those steps. He knows they’re not easy, but they can make change feel much more doable. As his subtitle says, he wants readers to embrace their limitations and make time for what counts.

Meditations for Mortals: Four Weeks to Embrace Your Limitations and Make Time for What Counts by Oliver Burkeman, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, September 2024.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. IG, Threads, and BlueSky: @kevinbrownwrite

Book Review :: Invisible Lives by Cristalle Smith

Review by Jami Macarty

In Invisible Lives, Cristalle Smith writes “to offer / what [she] can” from the intergenerational trauma of her and her family’s lives which intersected with abuse of power and violence in the home, between intimate partners, and sexual abuse of children by adults. As the poet speaks from the “aching confusion” of her past, she breaks her family’s silence on these taboo subjects and those often cruelly adjacent such as poverty, homelessness, addiction, and suicide.

As Smith chronicles her life from a young girl to becoming a mother, she necessarily engages with gender — “When you’re a girl, you take things into you.” Memory, that “conduit / in between” experience and time, “lives in [her] body.” “It’s funny the things you remember.” And it is telling.

As she boldly shares what she remembers, Smith’s writing moves between the extension of the sentence and the brevity of the line, to get at the tensions between growing “up Always / on / the / run” and trying to “get the [life she] wished for.”

Moving from the prairies of Alberta to the Everglades of Florida with stints elsewhere in between, Smith’s restless writings chronicle lessons on how to drive and live along the way, transforming her traumatic past by singing the Blues of her survival.

Invisible Lives by Cristalle Smith. University of Calgary Press, July 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Thanks for Letting Us Know You Are Alive by Jennifer Tseng

Review by Jami Macarty

In her third full-length poetry collection, Thanks for Letting Us Know You Are Alive, Jennifer Tseng includes the reader in an epistolary exchange between her and her father. Reading the lyric poems, constructed in part from letters written by Tseng’s father, is as intimate as reading over the poet’s shoulder.

The epistles/poems bring to the fore the “inherent dilemma” within human communication. Despite the impossible and the obdurate, the poems also reveal a humble striving for connection and understanding between parent and child. This parent and child reach toward each other through the challenges of speaking different languages—English and Mandarin—across oceans. Every letter is a “riddle,” “contradiction,” or a “code [they] sent back & forth.”

Tseng is, and therefore her readers are, situated both “Outside [her father’s] letters” and “inside” them, providing a near real-time experience of the poet rereading her father’s letters and writing back to him. “The letters’ spell: / What’s missing.” The poems then are part reconstruction of memory and completion of correspondence while always reaching “farther” for “father.”

In a book “of mourning,” Jennifer Tseng “sit[s] in her father’s Shanghai apartment & eat[s] / His letters.” She “swallows the underworld” of “regret,” digests incoherence, and arrives at a “Plush unity. / A father never ends.”

Thanks for Letting Us Know You Are Alive by Jennifer Tseng. University of Massachusetts Press, April 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Context Collapse by Ryan Ruby

Review by Aiden Hunt

Fans of literary criticism and poetry have likely heard the buzz surrounding poet-scholar Ryan Ruby’s Context Collapse: A Poem Containing a History of Poetry, published by Seven Stories Press in November 2024. While I’m familiar with that feeling of disappointment when a hot new book just doesn’t live up to the hype, I was pleasantly surprised to find this book meeting, if not exceeding, the praise already being heaped upon it.

Ruby fills his epic poem about the history of poetry with plenty of footnotes—also presented as verse—explicating clever allusions to moments in the history of poetry and poetics through more detailed asides and famous quotes. With the exception of the prose prologue titled, “Razo” and the epilogue final section, “Tornada,” written in tercets, every other page contains footnotes on the right juxtaposed with one to twenty-nine lines of poetry on the preceding page, weaving text and subtext together in a feat that recalled to my mind Junot Diaz’s award-winning novel, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.

Readers uninterested in footnotes and looking up literary quotes in various languages including French, Mandarin, Latin, and Ancient Greek might find the book not to their tastes. However, while this poem may be a challenge to consume, Ruby’s witty, often cheeky allusions to linguistic history pay intellectual dividends for the effort. First thought, best thought: While the subject may be too specialized to interest all readers, Context Collapse is educational, entertaining, and edifying, particularly for poetry enthusiasts.

Context Collapse: A Poem Containing a History of Poetry by Ryan Ruby. Seven Stories Press, November 2024.

Reviewer bio: Aiden Hunt is a writer, editor, and literary critic based in the Philadelphia, PA suburbs. He is the creator, editor, and publisher of the Philly Poetry Chapbook Review, and his reviews have appeared, or are forthcoming, in Fugue, On the Seawall, Jacket2, and The Adroit Journal, among others.

Book Review :: Playground by Richard Powers

Review by Kevin Brown

The obvious playground in Richard Powers’ newest novel is an online platform Todd Keane developed, where users can submit comments people vote on for electronic currency, of sorts. He worked it out shortly after graduating college, which he attended with his best friend, Rafi Young, who wants to be a poet. The title also describes their love of games, in general, as they bond over chess, then Go, and even their relationship is a type of competitive game.

However, the ocean is also a type of playground, as Evie Beaulieu learns early in her life when her father uses her to test an early type of scuba equipment, leading her to spend as much time as she can underwater. She falls in love with the way the undersea animals play with one another or even by themselves. Unfortunately, humans also see the ocean as their playground, one more space they can colonize, disrupting and destroying the lives of those who were already there.

Ina Aroita’s life reinforces that idea, as she grew up on naval bases throughout the Pacific, but ends up on Makatea in French Polynesia, an island that phosphate mining had ravaged years before. Evie and Rafi are also there by the end of the novel, and a group of investors wants to use Makatea as a launching pad for man-made islands that exist outside of national jurisdictions (and, thus, regulations).

The narration moves between Todd’s telling his story to an unnamed listener—though the reader will ultimately discover who he’s talking to—and the stories of the three other characters until they all intersect on Makatea near the end of the novel. Powers also pulls a narrative trick, leaving the reader to wonder if the novel itself is one more playground, this time one that works for good.

In the same way that Powers helped readers see forests differently in Overstory, it’s clear he wants readers to wonder at the world beneath the sea, as he critiques the ways humanity has actively damaged oceans and the lives within. This time, though, he wants to remind readers that novelists can play, as well as preach.

Playground by Richard Powers. W.W. Norton, September 2024.

Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. IG, Threads, and BlueSky: @kevinbrownwrite

Book Review :: My Marriage Sabbatical: A Memoir of Solo Travel and Lasting Love by Leah Fisher

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

By the time psychotherapist Leah Fisher was in her early 60s, she was sick of eating dinner alone while her husband, Charley, worked late into the evening. She was also sick of his reluctance to take an extended vacation. But rather than stew in resentment or anger, she presented him with a carefully thought-out plan. If he couldn’t envision taking a year-long trip – a real break from their life in the San Francisco Bay – she’d go alone.

As she presented it, the idea was more of a negotiation than an ultimatum. After all, Fisher still loved Charley and wanted to remain married. Nonetheless, she was ready for something new, an adventure. As the pair talked, they came up with an arrangement in which Fisher would travel for several months and then return home for a week or two. They also broached sexual infidelity and developed ground rules for what would, and would not, be allowed. Moreover, Charley arranged his occasional vacations to meet her in some of the seven countries – Bali, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala, Java, and Mexico – she visited.

Fisher’s travels – staying in each location for a month or longer – allowed her to learn Spanish and dance salsa, all while maintaining the spark between her and her mate. It also allowed her to contribute to the communities she visited. Indeed, Fisher moved beyond tourism and volunteered in numerous capacities, running a short-term women’s group and translating and adapting a workbook, first created for American hurricane survivors, to help kids process their emotions after a mudslide destroyed their homes.

Deeply felt and emotionally honest, Fisher spent 16 years writing and revising My Marriage Sabbatical. As she and Charley continually alter their relationship, they model lived feminism and compromise. The result is wanderlust-inducing – the stuff of dreams and daring.

My Marriage Sabbatical: A Memoir of Solo Travel and Lasting Love by Leah Fisher. She Writes Press, January 2025.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: Humble Pie by Pat LaMarche

Reviewed by Eleanor J. Bader

Journalist and longtime social justice activist Pat LaMarche’s latest book, Humble Pie, defies categorization. Yes, it deconstructs the horror of hunger in the US. And yes, it tells poignant stories of people – the housed, the unhoused, and the doubled-or-tripled up – who rely on the country’s nearly 100,000 food pantries to feed themselves and their families. And yes, it showcases the inadequacies of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) programs. But Humble Pie is more than an expose about people’s struggles. The book also sheds light on the cruel and arbitrary policies that govern both public and private social welfare programs and highlights the false narrative that continually smears low-income folks as undeserving, lazy, or morally lax.

Moreover, the book blurs the line between memoir – LaMarche’s account of the many years she’s worked to ameliorate hunger and homelessness – and cookbook. It’s a fascinating amalgam: Vivid anecdotes from homeless and formerly homeless individuals are presented alongside recipes for the low-cost meals they’ve created (or sometimes adapted). In addition, numerous budget-friendly recipes from British chef Archie, The Pie Guy, a former restauranteur, give the book heft.

“Food is more than sustenance,” LaMarche writes. “It is a form of communication, an expression of love.” Indeed, Humble Pie is a heaping serving of all of this. As a how-to guide, Humble Pie will help poor individuals and families survive. But the book can also be read as a policy guide for lawmakers, social service workers, and people who simply want to make a difference in the lives of their neighbors.

As LaMarche reports, approximately nine million people worldwide die of starvation annually. The US is not exempt: Anti-hunger researchers at Feeding America note that 40 million Americans are food insecure. “Starving children hamstring a country’s ability to flourish on the world stage,” she concludes.

Wouldn’t it be nice if politicians remembered this?

All proceeds from the sale of the book will benefit anti-poverty organizations in Pennsylvania.

Humble Pie by Pat LaMarche, Illustrated by Jeremy Ruby. Charles Bruce Foundation, November 2024.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: Ordinary Entanglement by Melissa Dickey

Review by Jami Macarty

In Ordinary Entanglement, Melissa Dickey speaks of the “harnessed unharnessed bound unbound” particular to a woman’s private life as mother, daughter, and lover and her reckoning with “power / and deception” in political society, “where marks are made.” But she “must be careful not to see everything / through a wound.”

This is a challenging endeavor for a mother when she realizes she has “brought / [her] children to [her] childhood”; when “betting on climate change [is a] good bet”; when the destruction of “historic Black neighborhoods” makes way for an interstate highway.

Dickey’s attention to what is unfolding internally — the thought of buying a “four-dollar coffee”— in response to what the poet encounters on the street — “people living / in tents”— is the entanglement of life. In other words, the phenomenon of “getting used to getting used to / a feeling [she doesn’t] want to get used to.”

The poet comes to recognize the plain fact that “everything we do we do at some cost.” It may be true that “people / have reasons for doing bad things / / but a reason doesn’t make the thing good.” And this is only one side of the reckoning, “Another knock / at the same door.” Dickey also aims to reckon with “goodness,” to “try to say ‘blessed’ and mean it.”

As she learns “how to live threaded / how to live tethered,” Melissa Dickey “disperse[s] what nags / let[s] a prayer unravel.”

Ordinary Entanglement by Melissa Dickey. CSU Poetry Center, October 2023.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: EtC by Laura Mullen

Review by Jami Macarty

In Laura Mullen’s EtC, “each good lyric [is] dislodged from its place,” making way for “each new definition” of “what to let matter, and how much, and when.” What matters to Mullen is what is “Reserved for advertising”—the female body, “Elsie the C,” corporate power, and the “Industrialization of America’s / food supply.” “[T]here are / Always more cows,” but “repetition could lead to estrangement.”

The collection’s title, EtC, doubles as the abbreviation for the Latin phrase et cetera and as an anacronym for “Elsie the Cow.” “It’s a matter / Of emphasis.” Or “repetition could lead to” a narrator “uncertain, potentially mistaken, exposed as unreliable.” “Nothing in this book / should be confused / with the actual.”

What is in this book is “an arrangement / Of grievances,” “a collection of cuts” related to “a mostly hostile country. America. A land where you’re expected to pay, one way or the other for intimacy.” Between “the world that is / and exhibition,” Mullen is “trying to make the word [milk] come back to sense” as nourishment and eschew extraction.

Whether what is “Measured in exchange” is “Meat or milk” or a woman’s body that “became another border to be crossed,” Laura Mullen’s EtC asks “The most urgent questions facing us.” The poet leaves the reader contorting the “Sacred, scared, / Scarred.”

EtC by Laura Mullen. Solid Objects, November 2023.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Susto by Tommy Archuleta

Review by Jami Macarty

Before reading any poem in Tommy Archuleta’s Susto, the reader is situated by Eliseo “Cheo” Torres’s definition of “susto”: “1. shock; 2. magical fright.” That definition suggests the lyric, elegiac, surrealist, and fabulist poems to follow. The poems, presented in monostich, couplets, and tercets, fit the relationships central to Archuletta’s poems, the speaker-son’s relationship with himself and his relationship with his mother and father. The lack of poem titles has the effect of creating poetic continuity and expressing the continuousness of a son’s love for his parents and grief over their deaths.

Archuletta’s are personal poems, a “love / / letter to suffering” that he and his family have withstood. “Say little knives / litter the ground of every life / / we survive.” As the speaker-son “weep[s] / with” his life and “speak[s] to” his parent’s relationship he gains perspective, writing “light is light no matter how / dark things get.” This perspective is necessary to “survive [on] this side” and “keep singing.”

Each of the collection’s four sections contains one or two “Remedio[s],” botanical-based treatments sharing traditional knowledge for healing both spirit and body. The speaker-son is explicit about “suffering” caused by “pain / god and sometimes fever” that calls to be healed. The origins of some of the suffering remain private and mysterious—“after what happened / happened”—but nonetheless are felt. There is a sense that the speaker-son most desires to break out of an imprisonment of self, “the wolf you / the crow you / the weary supplicant.”

To break free, Tommy Archuleta is beseeching “of God,” “the ancients,” and of mother:

“Singing as
if I’ve always known

that hearing is the last
sense to go”

Tommy Archuleta’s songs “for you me and the ghosts / / inside us” all are those of a curandero and therefore spirit medicine.

Susto by Tommy Archuleta. The Center for Literary Publishing, April 2023.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Nest of Matches by Amie Whittemore

Review by Jami Macarty

Speaking from a Nest of Matches, Amie Whittemore knows “the long burden / of… death.” In “Summer Swim,” the poet writes, “Too often, my poems are love notes / / to the past.”

While Whittemore’s poems harvest “a penchant / for melancholy,” they also write through an acceptance of multiple losses and a recovery of a whole self. Just as “death upon death” gives rise to an “urgent but futile wish to control its narrative,” so too, “is it possible to love one’s / own tattered self.”

The “tattered self” in Nest of Matches “seek[s], like every / / fled human before [her],” a sense of self “beyond fragmentation” and the “freedom” to “unfurl” a queer self as legitimate of life and worthy of love.

The tension between these dynamics is reflected in the collection’s title. In “nest” there is shelter but it is a hotbed of undesirable things. The hemispherical shape of a nest echoes in the sometimes-ruminating poems and in the twelve-poem series devoted to each month’s full moon.

In “Flower Moon,” a name given to May’s full moon attributed to the Algonquin peoples, Whittemore cues the reader to a “turn” of awareness “never-not-awkward”:

“Here I am again,
giving the moon
my baggage,
asking it to carry
my longing,
my fullness.”

Depicting the tidal forces between Earth and the moon and self and other, Whittemore’s “moon” series cannot help but conjure Mary Oliver’s Twelve Moons (1972). The moon is a feminine symbol associated with water, emotion, the rhythm of light, and the cycle of time. Or as Whittemore writes in “Aubade,” “there’s so many agains inside me,” “new and repetitious as moons.”

“Language remains a wobbly bridge” in Amie Whittemore’s Nest of Matches, but language is what “veins” the collection’s “fearless and true” conversations over “life’s / many distances.”

Nest of Matches by Amie Whittemore. Autumn House Press, March 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: The Detroit Lions by Dave Birkett

Review by Denise Hill

As a native Michigander and lifelong fan, I was excited to see Dave Birkett’s, The Detroit Lions : An Illustrated Timeline. First, there’s no one better to tell this story than Birkett, a sports journalist covering the team since 2010, and second – it’s the Detroit Lions! Still, I was skeptical I could appreciate this tome, with reminiscences back to the team’s start in 1934 (waaaay before my fan time) and (sorry Dave) likely a lot of stats to make my brain wander.

Winnowing 90 years of history down to under 200 pages, with pictures, is no small task, but Birkett harnesses this successfully. There is a new segment every page or two-page spread (perfect for open-book display) and a photo on every page.

Each segment focuses on a player, game, coach, element of play, or some facet related to the team. I learned the roots of the Thanksgiving game-day tradition (“Why is it always the Lions?”) and the team’s signature colors, Honolulu Blue and Silver, and about the two players who sang backup on Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On?” While there are many celebratory stories, as a reporter and not a PR spin doctor, Birkett does not shy away from somber and sometimes downright shameful notes: rifts among personnel, devastating game losses, unethical behaviors, players sustaining life-altering injuries, and the passing of many greats due to various causes.

And yes, there’s data for enthusiasts who love to recall these key moments, but Birkett couches this within unique narratives, managing a fine balance to keep readers with a range of interests engaged. Birkett’s own voice is subtle, crafting the historical record and quotes from central figures to speak as the voice of The Lions. His rhetoric guides readers to sense the sorrow, disgust, frustration, excitement, and humor in many relived memories.

As Thanksgiving comes around, and you roll your eyes and once again ask, “Why is it always the Lions?” Answer: Because it’s THE LIONS! And each year, believe me, fans will also roll their eyes and ask, “Will they do it this year?”

What say you, Dave?

Don’t answer, because as true Lions fans know, predictions don’t matter. We always show up to cheer our team for the win.

The Detroit Lions: An Illustrated Timeline by Dave Birkett. Reedy Press, October 2024.

Reviewer bio: NewPages.com Editor Denise Hill reviews books based on personal interest.

Book Review :: Reclaiming Venus by Maya Smith and Alvenia Bridges

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

When Maya Smith was looking for a short-term rental so she could complete a research project, she answered an ad for an $800 apartment share in midtown Manhattan. It was 2014, and while the offer sounded too good to be true, when she arrived at the building the situation proved more fortuitous than she could have imagined.

The prime tenant, Alvenia Bridges, was now down on her luck but had once rubbed elbows with Jimi Hendrix, Jerry Hall, Bill Graham, and other celebrities. In fact, for a time, Bridges was an iron-willed concert coordinator, working for The Rolling Stones and Roberta Flack. She’d earlier been a highly sought-after model thanks to her friendship with race car driver John von Neumann, a man with well-oiled connections to the rich and famous of the 1960s and 70’s.

It’s a remarkable story, and as Bridges slowly confided in Smith, the pair decided to collaborate on a memoir. The result, Reclaiming Venus – Venus was von Neumann’s nickname for Bridges–is a gossipy but intriguing look at one woman’s escape from the racism and sexism of 1950s Kansas. As the story unfolds, readers learn that she sidestepped parental abuse and neglect, a feat made possible by her grandmother. Then there’s luck–being in the right place at the right time and meeting the right people–something that was no doubt aided by the fact that Bridges was a six-foot-tall beauty.

While her decline is not as clearly detailed as her ascent, Reclaiming Venus: The Many Lives of Alvenia Bridges is nonetheless an entertaining account of one woman’s determination to live boldly and on her own terms. Moreover, despite not being a civil rights or feminist activist, Bridges always modeled chutzpah, standing up for herself and other women and challenging white male domination of the music and fashion industries. Unsung until now, Reclaiming Venus brings Alvenia Bridges to public attention. At 80, she has earned her laurels.

Reclaiming Venus: The Many Lives of Alvenia Bridges by Maya Smith and Alvenia Bridges. Rising Action Publishing Co., October 2024.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: Bone of the Bone by Sarah Smarsh

Review by Kevin Brown

Sarah Smarsh became well-known for her memoir Heartland, about growing up in Kansas, but she honed her craft as a writer working as a journalist. As she describes it, she’s in the last generation to receive an old-school journalism education, but she has spent her career writing for digital publications, as newspapers slashed their staffs.

This collection gathers together thirty-seven pieces she published over the past decade, almost all of which center around issues of class and/or perceptions of those who live in the Midwest, including her family. Smarsh wants readers to understand what it means to live in poverty in America, including being a member of the working poor. For example, in her piece “Blood Brother,” she talks about her brother, who followed the traditional path to success by going to college, but who ended up selling plasma to be able to pay his bills. In “Rural Route,” she even explores the importance of the postal service to those who live outside urban areas.

The other main idea that runs through her essays are people’s misperceptions of Kansas as “Trump country,” a particularly timely topic. She’s especially critical of those attached to various forms of media who live on either coast of America and portray those in the middle (when they portray them at all) through such a narrow lens.

In “In Celebration of Rare and Exquisite Accuracy from Hollywood,” she praises the show Somebody Somewhere for a realistic portrayal of people in live in Manhattan, Kansas, pointing out that the people behind the show are from the Midwest. In several essays, she reminds readers that college-educated White voters were largely behind President Trump’s election in 2016, not the supposedly uneducated rural White voters who received most of the blame.

Near the end of her collection, she also includes three more personal essays about when she considered running for public office; her husband; and her mother. Overall, the primary focus of the book is on “the unseen,” to whom she dedicates the collection. She helps readers see them in all their humanity, the goal of any good writer.

Bone of the Bone by Sarah Smarsh. Scribner, 2024.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. Twitter @kevinbrownwrite

Book Review :: Money, Lies, and God: Inside the Movement to Destroy American Democracy by Katherine Stewart

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

Katherine Stewart’s latest book, Money, Lies, and God: Inside the Movement to Destroy American Democracy, draws connections between the disparate groups and individuals who have spent the last 40-plus years working to turn the US into a theocratic, authoritarian regime. The players include Evangelical/Pentecostal/Catholic churches; men’s rights activists; funders; conservative think tanks, training entities, and organizations; homeschooling and voucher supporters; conspiracy theorists; people who want to erode church-state separation;  anti-abortion, anti-birth control, anti-LGBTQIA “family values” activists; and MAGA-supporting elected officials and jurists at every level of government. 

Stewart spent years attending conservative conferences and lectures, reading their materials,  and interviewing people on the right. Her eyewitness account is riveting and will terrify anyone who believes in democratic governance. Her conclusion is stark: While the right-wing coalition is fragile, the many groups that comprise its ranks are united by purpose. But they no longer simply want “a seat at the noisy table of American democracy.” Instead, they “want to burn down the house.” Moreover, she writes that the rise of the right intentionally uses obfuscation “to advance its undemocratic agenda by actively promoting division and disinformation.”  Ultimately, she concludes, it’s about power. 

Lies, Money, and God is a compelling read. At the same time, Stewart stresses that resistance by progressive entities and individuals can defeat the right. She urges the left to think long-term, be strategic, and relentlessly exploit contradictions in conservative unity: “Does it want small government or does it want a government big enough to share your bedroom and your body? …Does it want free speech or does it want to ban books, limit the information doctors are allowed to share with patients, and compel religious speech in public schools?” 

Good questions. Stewart argues that “heightening and exposing” these contradictions will benefit both the general public and “supporters of anti-democratic reaction.”  It will require hard work, she writes, but if we want to preserve the republic, it’s the only option.

Money, Lies, and God: Inside the Movement to Destroy American Democracy by Katherine Stewart. Bloomsbury Publishing, February 2025 (preorder available).

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: Dangerous Fictions by Lyta Gold

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

While the current spate of book bans and censorship attempts by Moms for Liberty and Parents Defending Education have received a great deal of attention, essayist Lyta Gold’s Dangerous Fictions: The Fear of Fantasy and the Invention of Reality reports that even in less politically-charged times, the books we read, the movies and television shows we watch, and the video games we play, are heavily controlled by market forces, fear of upsetting the status quo, and pressures from both the right and the left to influence our viewpoints and emotional responses.

This tendency, she writes, goes back to Plato, whose Republic warned that when people encounter tales of gods or heroes “behaving badly,” they sometimes emulate their negative traits. The Greeks called such imitation “mimesis” and many joined the famed philosopher to argue that society needed “to cut the heart out of fiction: all vice, all cruelty, anything that might tempt the masses by example.”

As is obvious, this was–and is–a fool’s errand.

Gold’s text is dense, but Dangerous Fictions is a soundly reasoned dive into how fictional representations are used and interpreted. “The problem isn’t that fiction contains the power to mobilize people for good or evil,” she writes, “but the deeper problem is simply power itself: who has it and who doesn’t…In the end, what fiction does, and what it’s capable of doing, is something quite different from political action.”

Take the emergent genre of climate fiction. “Only human beings can take political action: only human beings can dismantle the existent fossil fuel infrastructure and build the new structure of energy and mitigation that will be necessary to cope with temperatures that will keep rising,” she concludes.

Indeed, she’s right: Apocalyptic narratives will not save us. Likewise, while fiction can introduce readers to people and places they’d likely never otherwise encounter, expecting this exposure to eviscerate racism, homophobia, or sexism is unrealistic. In the end, fiction is neither dangerous nor safe. It just is.

Dangerous Fictions: The Fear of Fantasy and the Invention of Reality by Lyta Gold, Soft Skull Press, October 2024.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: The Essential Howard Gardner on Education

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

According to acclaimed Harvard professor, Howard Gardner, “There is in the United States (and likely elsewhere) an enormous desire to make education uniform, to treat all students in the same way, and to apply the same kinds of one-dimensional metrics to all. This trend is inappropriate on scientific grounds and distasteful on ethical grounds.”

In fact, Gardner writes that by ignoring the “multiple intelligences” of each individual, school systems fail to recognize that people learn in different ways. This not only stifles creativity, but fails to build on student strengths, inclinations, and talents.

Small wonder that so many children hate school.

But alternatives exist. In place of rigid classes where standardized testing is routine, Gardner suggests apprenticeships and project-based learning as a hands-on supplement to didactic instruction. This, he argues, builds on the differing forms of intelligence exhibited by students and allows them to find their footing in whichever intelligence sphere is dominant, whether bodily-kinetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, linguistic, logical, musical, naturalist, or spatial.

Unsurprisingly, Gardner’s definition of intelligence is broad and encompasses “the ability to solve problems and to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural settings. ” And while he recognizes that the ability to read, write, and calculate remains imperative – and requires rote lessons – he stresses that the time spent on standardized test preparation is ill-spent. Instead, he writes, when teachers know their students, they can easily evaluate progress as part of their daily interactions.

This makes good sense.

Likewise, the 29 essays in The Essential Howard Gardner on Education argue for “individual-centered schools” that allow kids to develop by utilizing their natural affinities. It’s a persuasive, if lofty, vision centered on respect for, and nurturance of, children and the adults they’ll become. Both students and teachers would be better served if schools heeded his wisdom.

The Essential Howard Gardner on Education by Howard Gardner. Teacher’s College Press, May 2024.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: The Mighty Red by Louise Erdrich

Review by Kevin Brown

Louise Erdrich’s novel, The Mighty Red, appears to be about a young woman, Kismet, who is in love with Hugo, but marries Gary Geist, who seems to be protected by a guardian angel (or perhaps by his privilege), while also following Kismet’s mother, Crystal, who works driving a truck hauling sugar beets to the plant. There’s also a subplot about Crystal’s husband (though they’re not really married), Martin, who made poor investments for the local Catholic church’s renovation fund, losing everything in the 2008 recession (or embezzling it).

The novel is about those people and the area in North Dakota where they live, and their stories are interesting enough on their own to keep the reader engaged, wondering why Kismet would make the decisions she makes, how Crystal will cope with Martin’s disappearance (and the FBI’s investigation into that disappearance), and what secret Gary is hiding from Kismet.

It’s what characters don’t know or willfully ignore that truly matters, though, as Erdrich shows the effects humanity has on the planet, as well as on each other. Gary’s family signed a contract to raise only genetically-modified sugar beets, ones that will withstand the weedkiller RoundUp, refusing to see the effects that deal will have on their land and themselves. Americans willfully overlook the bailout of the banks, while people lose their houses, as well as church renovation funds. The country has always overlooked the way they treated Indigenous people, taking their land as well as their lives, leaving them with little of either, well into the twenty-first century.

Erdrich uses the sugar beets—and sugar, in general—as a metaphor for what we do to the planet and to each other. What the characters believe will be sweet in the short-term has long-term consequences, while the difficult decisions are the ones that lead to meaningful relationships. And all the while, the Red River runs through their lives, unchanging, ever-flowing, always changing.

The Mighty Red by Louise Erdrich. HarperCollins, October 2024.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. Twitter @kevinbrownwrite

Book Review :: She Falls Again by Rosanna Deerchild

Review by Jami Macarty

By “digging deep / in [her] bone memory” with “unfailing hands,” Cree poet Rosanna Deerchild offers readers She Falls Again. In her third collection of poems, Deerchild devotes her attention to “cultural storytelling” and “sing[s] honour songs” while “carry[ing] / her broken notes” through “the voices / of [her] mother / her mother and hers.” The songs and stories are “history mementoes”:

“it is written on my mother’s residential school skin
it is whispered by my grandmother’s tb ghost
it is the lonely grave of my grandfather in your field of honour
it is the target on my back”

“[L]ooking madder than a broken treaty,” “the-woman-who-falls-from-the-sky was an indian woman.” But hers is not mental illness; it is the intense rage of a “normal person” in an impossible situation where one person accuses the other of a fault which the accuser bears: “they call us savage / while they ravage // the earth our mother.” To the dominant/mainstream culture, an “indian woman” is “disney porn” and “a body of land conquered.” The “burial mounds // sharp and waiting.”

The poet “gathers all her grief” around Indigenous women who are “not /missing / just not here,” and for whom there is no explanation for “why so many / of just-us go without justice.” On the violence toward Indigenous women, she will “be silent no more.”

Rosanna Deerchild is “the returning voice / from the silence // the telling / story” of the women of her matrilineal line. Their “stories are scars [she] turns to stars / set free in the sky of telling.”

In She Falls Again, women rise up,

“making their way back
to the front

making their way
to lead”

In her “strong woman song,” Rosanna Deerchild “writes [women] alive.

She Falls Again by Rosanna Deerchild. Coach House Books, October 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Blue on a Blue Palette by Lynne Thompson

Review by Jami Macarty

In Blue on a Blue Palette, Lynne Thompson sings “Blues got me and gone” to “Say woman,” to claim her voice, her yes, and to say no. To “arrange a resistance,” the poet speaks with candor about the female body, desire, and aging, speaks from “anguish” about male violence against females and police violence against people of color, and, determined not to “fail history,” she claims her role as “a daughter” who has “lived to tell you this” about the “Blue Water” “sorry with our bones.” Dear Reader, “how the choices are few for / those who ignore women in revolution.”

To “forsake the grim, / or shake the shadows,” Thompson “practice[s]” in poems in a variety of forms from abecedarian and villanelle to cento. By my count, there are nine centos in the collection. What the ekphrastic form is to painting, the cento is to poetry. Derived from the Latin word “patchwork,” the cento offers the poet an associative compositional mode and a formal device by which she recontextualizes the writing and accentuates the voices of poets Ai, Wanda Coleman, Robert Hayden, Langston Hughes, and Sonia Sanchez, among others, as relevant, even essential, in lives “long as this.”

“Say history. Claim. Say wild.” As resistance engenders insistence, the poems of Blue on a Blue Palette “praise” survival, suggesting Lucille Clifton’s lines: “come celebrate / with me that everyday / something has tried to kill me / and has failed.” Like Clifton’s “won’t you celebrate with me,” among other poems, Thompson’s poems express strength of self.

Celebrating her identity as woman and poet of color, acknowledging the “unnumbered regrets” of history, and honoring the friendship of poets in life and on the page, Blue on a Blue Palette is Lynne Thompson’s “praise-song.”

Blue on a Blue Palette by Lynne Thompson. BOA Editions, April 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Freeman’s Challenge by Robin Bernstein

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

When Auburn State Prison opened in 1816, prisoners were forced to do unpaid work in several for-profit industries: making furniture or manufacturing carpets, combs, carriage lamps, or animal harnesses. Harvard history professor Robin Bernstein calls it “penal capitalism,” and her riveting book, Freeman’s Challenge: The Murder that Shook America’s Original Prison for Profit, tells the story of inmate William Freeman, a free-born Black teenager who was incarcerated from 1840-1845 for stealing a horse, a crime he denied.

From the start, Freeman bristled at having to labor without pay and opposed the prison’s nighttime solitary confinement, enforced silence, beatings, and water torture for worksite infractions. His resistance escalated after a guard battered Freeman so severely that his eardrum shattered and his temporal bone was damaged. This left him deaf and intellectually impaired – but still so enraged that he sued the prison for unlawful imprisonment and back wages after he was released. The lawsuit failed. Likewise, his attempts to find gainful employment.

Frustrated, Freeman began collecting weapons and in March 1846, he entered the home of George and Mary Van Nest, white people he barely knew, and killed both adults and a child. He then went to another home and killed again. Although Freeman subsequently tried to escape, he was quickly apprehended.

Freeman’s trial pitted those who favored execution against those who favored life imprisonment and prompted a slew of racially charged arguments about Black moral depravity and inferiority. Moreover, whether Freeman was insane, inherently criminal, or a victim of anti-Black prejudice took center stage. Freeman never testified. Although he was sentenced to hang, he died of tubercular phthisis at age 22.

Bernstein masterfully transports contemporary readers to the 19th century and details how popular culture sensationalized the murders and trial. She also depicts the city of Auburn’s development and charts the benefits of the prison economy for local townspeople.

Two hundred-plus years later, prisons continue to benefit. Auburn is now the oldest continually operating maximum-security prison in the US; today’s inmates earn just 65 cents per hour for their labor.

Freeman’s Challenge: The Murder that Shook America’s Original Prison for Profit by Robin Bernstein. University of Chicago Press, May 2024.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: Song of the Ground Jay: Poems by Iranian Women 1960 to 2023

Review by Jami Macarty

In the expanded edition of Song of the Ground Jay: Poems by Iranian Women 1960 to 2023, Mojdeh Bahar has selected and translated the poetry by one hundred and four Persian women poets born after September 1941. The bilingual Persian and English anthology features poems that have not previously appeared in a book and include classical Persian poetic forms such as ghazals, do-beti (couplets), and robai’i (quatrains), though most of the poems have been written in free verse’s open form.

Here, an arresting quatrain by Fariba Arabnia:

“I am fine.
Just like a farm
Its crops razed by locusts
No longer worried about sickles.”

An ethos of connection characterizes the spirit of the anthology. The poets connect to their feelings, to contemporary women poets from Iran and the Iranian diaspora, to the Persian literary tradition, and to literary and social themes through the triumvirate lens of history, ideology, and geography.

These women poets, “citizen[s] of the state of wandering” (Nahid Bagheri Goldschmeid), have traveled “inconsolable borders” (Pegah Ahmadi) with “bloody hands / in their pockets” (Shabnam Azar) and the “scent of petroleum” (Roja Chamankar) in the air, have “survived many storms” (Mana Aghaee) to claim their dignity, imploring “Let me be a woman” (Razieh Bahrami Khoshnood).

Here, a candid excerpt from Mahshid Naghashpour:

“Women strive
for equality with men
What a futile and ill-defined effort
Equality with men who have caused chaos
and war in the world!
And who hold the detonator in their hand
It can’t go on like this
We must think of something!
Maybe it would be better for men to strive
for equality with women”

Writing against oppression, censorship, and exile, and “with dream / Hope / Anticipation” (Niki Firoozkoohi), these women poets take refuge in language, “writing… in order to live” (Maryam Jafari Azarmani).

Poem by poem, Song of the Ground Jay introduces Anglophones to the “vertigoes” of Persian women poets’ fierce hearts beyond the borders of their “shackled” lives. Like the Iranian Ground Jay (Podoces pleskei), the anthology’s sand-colored, black-throated mascot, adapts to dry habitats so too have Persian women poets adapted to their “battle with words” (Sanaz Zaresani). Despite “the lump in a throat” (Neda Abkari) the “razor-sharp tongue[s]” of these poems “shine” and offer readers trilling cries and melodic notes as they “kill with poetry” (Zahra Zaman)!

Song of the Ground Jay: Poems by Iranian Women 1960 to 2023 selected and translated by Mojdeh Bahar. Gordyeh Press, September 2023.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Rebirth of a Nation: Reparations and Remaking America by Joel Edward Goza

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

Joel Edward Goza, a white professor of ethics at Simmons College, believes that the United States cannot become a truly interracial democracy unless white people find ways to “repent, repay, and repair” the damage caused by slavery, Jim Crow, and the continued economic and social subjugation of Black Americans.

In Rebirth of a Nation, Goza makes his case, delving into history to find the ideological underpinnings that continue to classify Black people as intellectually and morally inferior to whites. The policies and speeches of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt are parsed and each man’s complicity “in creating and perpetuating a nation divided along racial lines” is highlighted. But Goza does not let contemporary political leaders off the hook and the coded language of law-and-order, “welfare queens,” and personal responsibility is analyzed for its ongoing impact on policy and personal relationships.

Likewise, popular culture. Goza writes that notions of Black sloth, sexual deviance, intellectual inferiority, and irresponsibility popularized by eugenicist Madison Grant (1864-1937) and Baptist minister-turned-novelist Thomas Dixon (1865-1946), have had long-lasting resonance – leading to still-segregated and unequal public schools and still-festering white fear of miscegenation and Black power among many white Americans.

These realities, Goza argues, need to be reckoned with. In fact, he writes, it is high time for white people to grapple with the legacy of white supremacy and racism and excise both.

While this is an admittedly tall order, Goza is an optimist who believes that white folks will eventually support reparations, including monetary payments, an end to the school-to-prison pipeline, and the over-policing of underresourced and neglected Black communities. He also believes they’ll support changing the tax codes so that wealthy Americans of all races will be required to pay their fair share.

Rebirth of a Nation presents these necessities as both a challenge and an inspiration. It’s a powerful injunction.

Rebirth of a Nation: Reparations and Remaking America by Joel Edward Goza; Foreword by William J. Barber III. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., September 2024.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: Ghost Work by Robert Colman

Review by Jami Macarty

Robert Colman’s Ghost Work joins recent fatherhood-focused poetry collections, including James Lindsay’s Only Insistence (2023), Bruce Snider’s Fruit (2020), and Matthew Zapruder’s Father’s Day (2019). While these other collections engage fatherhood by meditating on having a child or being childless, Colman’s Ghost Work offers readers a sober and heartbreaking meditation on the gradual loss of his father from dementia. The “father/son equation / now recognizably finite,” he asks, “What gain / to argue facts with him…?” “Is it his memory, or a ghost of mine?”

Throughout the collection, in what feels like close to real time, the poet-son seeks the “right words / to contain” what is disappearing, “‘Father’ in every sentence” and “‘Father’ like a sentence.” Words contain, sentences contain, and so does poetic form. The poet uses the received forms of the ghazal, pantoum, sonnet, and triolet to hold his grief and “stake the way.” Yet despite all attempts to avert loss, “We’ve lost the ear to identify the bird. / We’ve lost the language of the hollow / to find it.”

In Ghost Work, Robert Colman traces the evolution of loss and generously includes the reader in a most primal, personal time of grief. These poems face “death in facts” with dignity and love all the way through to their final breaths.

Ghost Work, by Robert Colman. Palimpsest Press, February 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Abortion Pills: US History and Politics by Carrie N. Baker

Abortion Pills: US History and Politics by Carrie N. Baker book cover image

Review by Eleanor J. Bader

The story Professor and Journalist Carrie N. Baker tells in Abortion Pills: US History and Politics takes place at the intersection of public health and political posturing. Players include feminists, doctors, the pharmaceutical industry, the Food and Drug Administration, Congress, state lawmakers, and anti-abortion actors who, for four decades, have grappled over protocols for pill distribution and use, a battle that largely sidesteps the fact that abortion medication has been used to safely end unwanted pregnancies in 96 countries.

But overly-cautious US lawmakers aside, Baker reports that the pills – called mifepristone and misoprostol – are typically taken within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy and now account for 63 percent of abortions that are arranged via telemedicine or by visiting US health centers or contacting online clinics.

It’s a remarkable figure, and Baker writes that she expects it to grow.

Moreover, the rapid development of informal pill distribution networks, largely promoted on the internet, presently help an untold number of people acquire pills. According to Baker, these efforts began to skyrocket after the 2022 Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Center (which upended legal protections for abortion.) “The overturn of Roe removed abortion pills from the medical system in many states and spurred the development of informal networks of pill distribution and support for using them,” she reports. “Rather than moving patients to providers, advocates worked to move pills to people.” The upshot is that people have become increasingly aware that pills can be easily purchased and used at home.

That said, Baker acknowledges that abortion medication is not a panacea and recognizes that abortion surgery will sometimes be necessary; she also cautions readers that people have been arrested and convicted for acquiring pills unlawfully. Still, despite legal risks, Abortion Pills celebrates the determined feminists and public health activists who have put abortion medication directly into women’s hands.

Abortion Pills: US History and Politics by Carrie N. Baker. Amherst College Press, December 2024.

Reviewer bio: Eleanor J. Bader is a Brooklyn, NY-based journalist who writes about books and domestic social issues for Truthout, Rain Taxi, The Progressive, Ms. Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Indypendent.

Book Review :: Precedented Parroting by Barbara Tran

Review by Jami Macarty

“The first step is admitting it,” opens Barbara Tran’s debut Precedented Parroting. The “it” is either something the speaker wishes to forget or is the speaker “admitting” to being a “willful forgetter.” The speaker has “taken this step many times.” To remember poses risks. Memories represent something “that plagues” and cause the speaker to “become stranded”; the memories at the fore, those specific and unique to a Vietnamese family, their immigration, and the anti-Asian sentiments and violence they survive/d. Throughout the collection, the reader witnesses the struggle between forgetting, “admitting,” and “sharing.” In the poem “Blue from a Distance,” the poet writes, “There is a phrase / in Vietnamese chia buồn / sharing sadness.”

From poem to poem, Tran turns the pages of a family photo album, “slicing / open” or “framing” a “moment” of her memory within her family’s life. The poet defines trauma as the nesting of a smaller figure inside a larger figure — “each loss / encompasses smaller / losses” like a bird’s “feather each barb / holds smaller / barbs.”

A cacophony of birds flock Tran’s poems. In the first poem alone, a raven, drongo, kingfisher, kite, cormorant, heron, egret, and sandpipers appear. As the title suggests, the parrot takes precedent. Parrots, readers are told in the title poem, respond to trauma in ways similar to humans: “They rock themselves to comfort / themselves They scream and suffer / from insomnia and nightmares.” But birds also have the ability to “let go their contact / with the earth and water.”

These “poem[s] are a road map / writ” “in measured layers, offering facts withholding / crucial details” by a speaker who “comes from a family / of unreliable narrators.” That is because it is “really difficult / to learn / how to live,” “to find / [one’s] own feather.” The poems in Precedented Parroting mark a beginning “telling,” and in this beginning, Barbara Tran sings as birds do.

Precedented Parroting by Barbara Tran. Palimpsest Press, February 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond

Review by Kevin Brown

The New York Times Book Review used to have a question in their weekly interview with authors where they would ask that author what book the President should read. The answers were often rather enlightening, but they became more political when Donald Trump was in the White House, which is when, I believe, the newspaper stopped asking the question. Matthew Desmond’s book would be a good answer, no matter who the President is, so I’m sorry that question isn’t there any longer.

Desmond lays out a solid argument that the poverty in America isn’t accidental, and it isn’t a result of laziness on the part of those who are poor. Instead, poverty is due to a concerted effort by politicians and corporations. The policies in the U.S. create poverty and keep people in that situation under the guise of a scarcity of resources. Similarly, corporations claim they cannot afford to pay workers more or they will have to charge consumers more for their products, all while recording record profits and bonuses for CEOs.

Desmond doesn’t let the average reader—white and at least middle class—off the hook, either. He points out that many government benefits actually make life better for people who are not poor—whether that be the ability to write off mortgage interest or zoning laws that drive up housing prices—not those who need the most help.

Thus, he calls on readers to vote and act in such a way to help alleviate poverty, especially by supporting companies that actually pay their employees a living wage (he doesn’t name particularly egregious businesses, such as Amazon, but they readily come to mind). However, real change has to come at the policy level, as poverty is, in fact, by design, so the solutions will need to be, as well.

Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond. Crown, March 2024.

Reviewer bio: Kevin Brown has published three books of poetry: Liturgical Calendar: Poems (Wipf and Stock); A Lexicon of Lost Words (winner of the Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry, Snake Nation Press); and Exit Lines (Plain View Press). He also has a memoir, Another Way: Finding Faith, Then Finding It Again, and a book of scholarship, They Love to Tell the Stories: Five Contemporary Novelists Take on the Gospels. Twitter @kevinbrownwrite

Book Review :: Stedfast by Ali Blythe

Review by Jami Macarty

In Stedfast, his third collection of poetry, Ali Blythe responds to John Keats’s last sonnet, which opens with the line: “Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art—” As if cutting a key from the past, Blythe disassembles Keats’s poem, by a full line, half line, or word at a time, then reassembles it across the titles of Stedfast’s poems. For instance, the first three poems in Stedfast are titled “Bright Star,” “Would I were stedfast,” and “As thou art.”

The poems of Stedfast are love poems in the romantic tradition, delivered in couplets and by “lyric address” from a speaker who whispers “disquieting thoughts” to a lover “asleep.” “And so on down the page” the “export is memory,” “the same old stories” by a “ghostwriter.” Via “astral projection” and “delicate revolutions,” Blythe reconceives and transforms Keats’s single sonnet into a book-length nocturne.

Taking place over “one night,” the collection meditates on the idea of steadfastness in romantic relationships, and by extension, in romantic poetry. As “one myth” dissolves “within / another, risking / our own nihility,” the poet grapples with the tension between “allusions” and illusions, illusions and reality, a romantic past and a fragile future.

In Stedfast, Ali Blythe’s poems constitute a “path / of devotion” to other and poetry, and they “seize what shines.”

Stedfast by Ali Blythe. icehouse poetry, September 2023.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein

Review by Kevin Brown

The premise of Naomi Klein’s latest book, Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World, sounds like it could be the basis for a Hollywood comedy: people often confuse Naomi Klein, author of books that attack corporations and climate change, with Naomi Wolf, author of The Beauty Myth, but now turned right-wing conspiracy theorist. There’s even a moment where Klein talks about earlier confusions with Naomi Campbell, a Black British model who does not, in fact, write books about corporate power or the climate crisis.

However, given that Naomi Klein wrote this book, it is not a comedy. Instead, Klein uses the confusion with Wolf to talk about the mirror world of the title, the one that Wolf now lives in, creating and perpetuating a reality that is similar to the real world, but different in dangerous ways. Klein talks about how she and Wolf have fairly similar concerns: the rise of technology and the companies that monitor and misuse their creations; global organizations that make decisions that overrule the concerns of people within independent nations; governments who use crises and catastrophes to change policies their citizens would never support otherwise. Wolf, though, takes those ideas and produces conspiracy theories with no basis in fact, sharing them online and on Steve Bannon’s productions.

Klein makes it clear that the primary difference between her work and Wolf’s work is the diligent research and fact-checking that goes into what Klein produces. That approach means that Klein is open to information that can change her mind, unlike Wolf and those like her. While Klein doesn’t spend as much time on former President Trump as she could, it’s clear that he and his supporters are who she’s trying to explain, through the lens of Wolf. Ultimately, Klein argues that all of the mirroring that goes on prevents people from seeing themselves and others clearly. Her book tries to cut through that to help readers understand a world they would never experience otherwise.

Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, September 2023.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Tangled in Vow & Beseech by Jill McCabe Johnson

Review by Jami Macarty

In Tangled in Vow & Beseech, Jill McCabe Johnson tangles with self as daughter, sister, mother, survivor, and poet; with an “unpredictable series / of geometries” in relationship with an intimate partner; with the “the weight / of weep and want and regret” of the most pressing socio-political issues of our contemporary time. The poet allows her speaker to get real about “another mass / moment” of gun violence, those “who fell in the path / of xenophobia,” “the silencing of women,” and the dangers of “indifference.”

While the poet “sit[s] with” the consequential and holds others to account, she assumes her ethical responsibilities as a citizen and an artist, insisting that the personal includes the public. Perhaps this collective of “all-too-human / foibles” accounts for McCabe Johnson’s poems being “leashed to form.”

In some cases, the poet determines form by the poem’s content. For instance, the poem “Boxed In” uses vertical lines to erect walls around horizontal textual lines, thereby boxing in the text: “| if I typed with an eye | toward balance | maybe each poem could carve a window | or box.” Received forms, such as the abecedarian, acrostic, apostrophe, elegy, epistle, and nocturne, claim space among poems that act as a “Travel Journal” and press release. The handful of contrapuntal poems, scattered throughout the book, offer readers multiple meaning combinations. The gesture of multiple possibilities of meaning makes sense because, throughout the collection, McCabe Johnson reaches beyond the unary and binary.

With her “eye | toward balance” and inclusion, Jill McCabe Johnson “breaks the bones of what we know. Resets them” to offer readers Tangled in Vow & Beseech, a book of both the “jurisdiction of the past” and an “edict of hope” for the future.

Tangled in Vow & Beseech by Jill McCabe Johnson. MoonPath Press, March 2024.

Reviewer bio: Jami Macarty is the author of The Long Now Conditions Permit, winner of the 2023 Test Site Poetry Series Prize (forthcoming University of Nevada Press), and The Minuses (Center for Literary Publishing, 2020), winner of the 2020 New Mexico/Arizona Book Award – Poetry Arizona. Jami’s four chapbooks include The Whole Catastrophe (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2024) and Mind of Spring (Vallum Chapbook Series, 2017), winner of the 2017 Vallum Chapbook Award. To learn more about Jami’s writing, editing, and teaching practices, visit her author website.

Book Review :: Good Different by Meg Eden Kuyatt

Good Different is a stunning novel-in-verse narrated by Selah, a 13-year-old girl struggling to act normal amidst an onslaught of feelings (as all 13-year-olds are, but they do not know that).

The metaphor of the dragon carried throughout the book works on several levels: to embody Selah’s emotional state, as one struggles inside her; as a strike against social norms, as seen in her rule set (“Don’t talk about dragons too much”); and as a symbol of difference that’s powerful and cool.

A turning point in the story comes when Selah attends a Fantasy Convention where she encounters others embracing dragon art, dragon lure, and living life on the autism spectrum. Selah goes online and finds much to learn about herself and others, tools to assist with the impinging world, and a brave new word: accommodations. The scene with her school hallway lined with poetry brought me to tears.

Empathy can be taught, and in showing (not telling) how different can be awesome, this book is a welcome lesson. There should be a copy of this book in all middle/elementary school classrooms and libraries. As Selah says:

I am full
of possibilities—
I can do more
than just hide

Good Different by Meg Eden Kuyatt. Scholastic Press, April 2023.

Reviewer bio: Elizabeth S. Wolf has published five books of poetry, most recently, I Am From: Voices from the Mako House in Ghana (2023). Her chapbook Did You Know? was a 2018 Rattle prizewinner. Elizabeth’s poetry appears in multiple journals and anthologies and has received several Pushcart nominations.