Literary Magazines – the NewPages Big List
The NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines features a vetted list of more than 1,600 online, print, and electronic literary journals covering a wide variety of genres, themes, and styles. Interested in listing your journal with NewPages? View our FAQ and contact us for more information.
Journals with larger titles have enhanced listings in our Guide to Literary Magazines.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
The 2River View poetry, art
[See sponsored listing here]
3:AM poetry, reviews, fiction, criticism, nonfiction
3cents Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
3Elements Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
7th-Circle Pyrite fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
10 By 10 Flash fiction
14 magazine (UK) poetry
32 Poems poetry
34 Orchard fiction, poetry
45th Parallel fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics
50-Word Stories fiction
86 Logic fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics
100 Word Story fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews
101 Words fiction
318 Journal poetry, fiction, nonfiction, hybrid texts, digital literature, chapbooks
805 Lit + Art (paused 2024) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
A Public Space fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, translations, art, photography
Abandon Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, cross-genre, interviews
Able Muse fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, reviews, interviews
[See sponsored listing here]
About Place Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, cross-genre, audio, video, photography, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Abstract Magazine TV fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Abyss & Apex speculative fiction
Academy of the Heart and Mind fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Account poetry, fiction, nonfiction
The Acentos Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews, translation
Acorn poetry
Action, Spectacle fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, art, interviews
ActiveMuse fiction, poetry, art
Acumen poetry, translation, essays, reviews
ADANNA poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, visual art
adda fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Adi Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Adolescent Voices fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Adroit Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews, photography, art
Aethlon fiction, nonfiction, poetry
African American Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
After Dinner Conversation fiction, nonfiction
After Happy Hour poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
After Hours fiction, poetry, photography, art, translations
Afternoon Visitor poetry, cross-genre, art
Agbowó fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, art, photography, interviews, reviews
Agnes and True fiction
Agni fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
[See sponsored listing here]
The AI Literary Review poetry
Air/Light fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Alaska Quarterly Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
[See sponsored listing here]
Alaska Women Speak fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Albion Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Alchemy Spoon nonfiction, poetry art, reviews
Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine fiction
Alice Says Go Fuck Yourself fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, translations, music
All My Relations fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Allegheny Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Allegory fiction, nonfiction
Allegory Ridge fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Allegro Poetry Magazine poetry
Allium fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, reviews, interviews
[See sponsored listing here]
Alocasia fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Aloka fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, interviews
Alphabet Box fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Alternate Route poetry, fiction, art, photography
Always Crashing fiction, poetry, video, art
The Amazine fiction, poetry, art, photography, video
The American Poetry Review poetry
American Short Fiction fiction
Amethyst Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
A-Minor Magazine fiction, poetry, art
The Amistad fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
The Amphibian Literary Journal fiction, poetry
Amsterdam Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, reviews
Amsterdam Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Ana fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, translations, art
Anacapa Review poetry
Analog fiction
And Other Poems poetry
ANGLES fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, cross-genre
Aniko Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Annie Journal nonfiction, poetry
Annulet fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Anodyne Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, art, video, music
Anomaly fiction, nonfiction, poetry, audio, comics
Another Chicago Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, reviews, interviews
Anti-Heroin Chic poetry, fiction, nonfiction, photography, art, interviews
Aôthen Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, translations
Apex Magazine (UK) fiction
Apocalypse Confidential fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Apofenie fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, translations
Applause fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Apple in the Dark fiction, nonfiction
Apple Valley Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Apricity Press poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
Aquila Magazine fiction, nonfiction
ArabLit Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, interviews, audio
Arc Poetry Magazine poetry, reviews, criticism
Archetype fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, interviews, reviews
Arcturus fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, art, photography
The Argyle Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Ariel Chart fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Arkana fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenplays, cross-genre, comics, translations, photography, art
The Arkansas International fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, translations
Arkansas Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Arlington Literary Journal fiction, poetry, art
Aromatica Poetica fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, audio, video
Ars Medica fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Artemis Journal poetry, art
Arts & Letters fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
As You Were fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Asian Outlook fiction, nonfiction, art
ASP Bulletin fiction, nonfiction
ASP Literary Journal fiction, poetry, art
Assay nonfiction
Assemble Artifacts fiction
Aster Lit fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Aster(ix) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
Asymptote poetry, fiction, drama, nonfiction
Atlanta Review poetry
Atlas and Alice fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Atticus Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, video
Audeamus fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, video, audio
Audience Askew fiction, poetry, art
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal poetry
The Auvert Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
AvantAppalachia fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Avenue fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics
The Awakenings Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, art
AzonaL poetry, translations
AZURE fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenplays, drama
Backchannels fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Backwards Trajectory fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Bacopa Literary Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction, cross-genre
Bæst nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Baffling Magazine fiction
The Baltimore Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction
[See sponsored listing here]
The Bamboo Hut poetry
Balloons Lit Journal poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, cross-genre, photography, art
The Bangalore Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, reviews
Banshee fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Banyan Review poetry, nonfiction, reviews, art
Barcelona Review fiction, nonfiction
BarBar fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Barely South Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction, cross-genre, reviews, interviews, translations, art, photography
Barnstorm poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
Barrelhouse fiction, poetry, reviews
Barren Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
Barrow Street poetry
Barstow & Grand fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Barzakh fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Bat City Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
BathHouse Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Bayou Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Bear Paw Arts Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Bear Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Beatdom nonfiction, fiction, poetry
Beaver Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
beestung fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art
Belle Ombre fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Bellevue Literary Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
The Bellingham Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Belmont Story Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, drama
Beloit Fiction Journal fiction
[See sponsored listing here]
Beloit Poetry Journal poetry
Beltway Poetry Quarterly poetry
Bending Genres fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews
Bennington Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, translations
[See sponsored listing here]
Berkeley Fiction Review fiction
Berkeley Poetry Review poetry
Bewildering Stories fiction, poetry, drama, essays
Beyond Thought fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, audio
Big Other fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
The Big Windows Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Big Wing Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, audio
bioStories nonfiction
[See sponsored listing here]
Birdcoat Quarterly nonfiction, poetry, art
Birmingham arts Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Birmingham Poetry Review poetry
Biscuit Hill poetry, comics, cross-genre
The Bitchin’ Kitsch fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Black Bough Poetry poetry
Black Coffee Review poetry
Black Fork Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Black Fox Literary Magazine fiction, poetry, art
Black Moon Magazine fiction, poetry
Black Warrior Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Blackbox Manifold poetry
Blank Spaces fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, art
BlazeVOX fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Blink Ink fiction, art, photography
[See sponsored listing here]
Blithe Spirit poetry
Block Party fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Blood Orange Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Bloodletter fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Blotter Magazine poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Blue Collar Review fiction, poetry, reviews
Blue Earth Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Blue Lake Review fiction, poetry, essays
Blue Marble Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Blue Mesa Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Blue Mountain Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays, cross-genre, comics, reviews, interviews, translations, photography, art
[See sponsored listing here]
The Blue Route fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Blue Unicorn poetry
The Bluebird Word fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Bluefire fiction
Blueline poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, photography
Bluestem poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
Bodega poetry, fiction, nonfiction
BODY poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, photography
The Boiler poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
BOMB Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
The Bombay Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Bone Parade weird fiction
Book of Matches fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
Bookends Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
BoomerLitMag poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Booth poetry, fiction, nonfiction, comics
Borderline Tales fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Boston Review fiction, poetry, nonfiction, journalism
bottle rockets haiku, senryu, tanka, haibun, poetry
Boudin poetry, fiction, essays
Boulevard fiction, poetry, nonfiction
[See sponsored listing here]
Bourbon Penn speculative fiction
Bracken fiction, poetry, art
Brainchild fiction, nonfiction, art, photography
Bramble poetry
The Brasilia Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Breakwater Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
Breath & Shadow fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama
Brevity nonfiction
Brick nonfiction
Bridge fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenwriting, cross-genre, interviews
Bridge Eight Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Briefly Zine fiction, poetry
Brilliant Corners fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Brilliant Flash Fiction fiction, nonfiction
[See sponsored listing here]
Brink fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Broad River Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction
The BroadKill Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, reviews
The Broadsided Press fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Broken City fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, art, photography, reviews
Broken Lens Journal poetry, art, photography
The Brooklyn Review fiction, poetry, photography, art, drama, screenplays
Brown Bag fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, audio, video
Brushfire fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Buckman Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Bulb Culture Collective fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Bullet Points military speculative fiction
Bullshit Lit fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Burningword Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Cabinet of Heed fiction, poetry, art
Cacti Fur Poetry Journal poetry
Caesura fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews, reviews
Cafe Irreal fiction
Cafe Review poetry, reviews, art
Cagibi fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, photography, art
California Quarterly poetry, art, photography
Call Me Brackets fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Callaloo fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, dramas, art, criticism
Calyx poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, reviews, interviews
Camas fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Canary fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Cannon’s Mouth nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Canthius poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Cantos fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Canyon Voices poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
The Cape Rock poetry
Capella poetry
The Capilano Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
The Cardiff Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction, reviews, interviews
The Caribbean Writer poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama
Carolina Muse Literary & Arts Magazine fiction, poetry, art, photography, videos, audio
The Carolina Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Carousel fiction, poetry, art, cross-genre, comics, interviews
Carrier Pigeon fiction, art
Cartridge Lit fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Carve fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Cast of Wonders fiction/audio
Catamaran Literary Reader fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art
Catatonic Daughters poetry, fiction, scripts, nonfiction, art
Cathartic Youth Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Cathexis Northwest Press poetry
Cauldron Anthology fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Causeway Lit fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Caustic Frolic fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Caveat Lector fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, music, multimedia
Cease, Cows fiction, poetry
The Cenacle nonfiction, poetry
Centaur hybrid stories
The Centifictionist fiction
Cerasus Magazine poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
The Chained Muse poetry
Change Seven fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, reviews, interviews, audio, video, photography, art
Changing Skies fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, art
Channel fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Chantarelle’s Notebook poetry
Chaotic Merge fiction, poetry, art, drama, screenplays
Chapter House Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenplays
Chautauqua Literary Journal poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Cheap Pop fiction
Cherry Tree fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
[See sponsored listing here]
Cherub fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Chestnut Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
[See sponsored listing here]
Chicago Quarterly Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Chicago Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Chicago Young Writers Review fiction, poetry, lyrics, screenplays, scripts, book excerpts
Children, Churches and Daddies (cc&d) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The CHILLFILTER Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, music
The Chimes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Chinchilla Lit fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenwriting, art
Chinese Literature & Thought Today fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, translations
[See sponsored listing here]
Chiron Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Cholla Needles poetry, art, photography
[See sponsored listing here]
Cicada fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
Cider Press Review fiction, poetry, reviews
Cimarron Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
[See sponsored listing here]
The Cincinnati Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Cirque Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, drama
The Citron Review fiction, poetry, nonfiction
Clade Song poetry
Clarkesworld fiction, nonfiction, podcasts, art
Cleaver Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, cross-genre, reviews, translations
[See sponsored listing here]
Clinch fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Clover + Bee Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Clockhouse poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama
The Closed Eye Open fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Cloudbank fiction, poetry
The Cloudscent Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Club Plum Literary Journal fiction, art
[See sponsored listing here]
The Coachella Review poetry, fiction, screenplay
Coastal Shelf fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Cobalt Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Cobra Milk poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, media
Coffin Bell fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Cola Literary Review fiction, poetry
Cold Mountain Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
Collateral poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, photography, comics
[See sponsored listing here]
College Literature nonfiction, reviews, criticism
The Collidescope fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Collision fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Colorado Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Columbia poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
The Columbia Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
The Common fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
[See sponsored listing here]
COMP fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interview
Compass Rose Literary Journal poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
Complete Sentence fiction, nonfiction, art, reviews
Comstock Review poetry
Concision Poetry Journal poetry
The Concord Review essays
The Concrete Desert Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Conduit poetry
Coneflower Cafe fiction, poetry, art
Configo (UK) fiction, poetry, art
Confluence fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Conjunctions fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Connecticut River Review poetry, reviews
Connections Literary Magazine fiction, poetry, art, photography
Consequence fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, interviews, reviews, translations, comics, audio, video
[See sponsored listing here]
Consilience poetry, art
Constellations fiction, poetry
contemporary haibun online haibun, essays, interviews
Contemporary Verse 2 nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
ContiguousLyt fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, drama, reviews, interviews
The Continental Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, art
The Continental Review video, poetry
Contrary fiction, poetry
Cool Beans Lit fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Copihue Poetry poetry, translations
Copper Nickel fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
The Copperfield Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Cordite Poetry Review poetry
The Core Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Cortland Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, reviews
Corvid Queen fiction, poetry, cross-genre
The Cosmic Background slipstream fiction
Cosmic Daffodil fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Cosmorama speculative fiction, art, comics, games, music, cross-genre
Cotton Xenomorph fiction, poetry, art
Cottonwood fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Counterclock fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, cross-genre
A Coup of Owls fiction
Couplet Poetry poetry
The Courtship of Winds fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, drama
[See sponsored listing here]
Crab Creek Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Crab Orchard Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, translations
Crack the Spine fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art
CRAFT Literary fiction, nonfiction, reviews, interviews
Crannog poetry, prose
Crashtest poetry, fiction, nonfiction, interviews, art
Cream City Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Creative Colloquy fiction
The Critical Flame fiction, poetry, nonfiction
Crow & Cross Keys fiction, poetry
Cumberland River Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
[See sponsored listing here]
The Cupboard Pamphlet fiction, nonfiction
The Curator nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Curieux Academic Journal nonfiction, scholarly works
Curlew Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, interviews
CutBank poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Cutleaf fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
[See sponsored listing here]
Cutthroat fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
The Dalhousie Review fiction, nonfiction, reviews
The Daily Drunk fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, reviews
The Dark City fiction
Dark Matter: Women Witnessing fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Dark River Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Dark Sire fiction, poetry, art
Dark Yonder neo-noir fiction
Danse Macabre fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
The Dawn Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, cross-genre, art
The Deadlands fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Dead Fern Press fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Dead Mule fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews
The Decadent Review nonfiction, poetry, art, reviews
december fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Decolonial Passage fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Deep Overstock fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Deep Wild fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
defunkt fiction, poetry, art
Del Sol Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Delmarva Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
deLuge Literary and Arts Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Delta Poetry Review poetry
Delicate Friend fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Denver Quarterly fiction, essays, interviews, reviews, poetry
Detroit Lit Mag fiction, nonfiction, poetry,
Devastation Baby fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
DIAGRAM fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art, reviews
Dialogist poetry
Digital Dreamers Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Diode Poetry Journal poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Dipity poetry, fiction, audio, video, photography
The Dirty Spoon nonfiction, interviews
The Disappointed Housewife fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Discretionary Love fiction, nonficton, poetry, video
DisLit Youth Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
DMQ Review poetry
Dodging the Rain poetry
Doek! fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Does It Have Pockets fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Dogwood poetry, prose
Door is a Jar poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Dorothy Parker’s Ashes poetry, nonfiction, art, photography
Doubly Mad fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Down in the Dirt fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Down River Road fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, art, interviews, reviews
The Downtime Review fiction, nonfiction
The Drabble fiction, nonfiction, poetry
draft fiction, drafts, interviews
Drawn to the Light Press poetry
Dream Pop Journal poetry, fiction, nonfiction, visual art
Dreamers Creative Writing fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Dreams & Nightmares fiction, poetry, art
The Dribble Drabble Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Driftwood Press fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews, comics
[See sponsored listing here]
Drunk Monkeys fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
The Dublin Review nonfiction
Duck Duck Mongoose fiction, nonfiction, poetry
DuFrank Lit fiction
Dulcet Literary Magazine fiction, poetry, art, interviews, photography
Dunes Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Dust poetry, art, photography
Eastern Iowa Review fiction, nonfiction
Eclectica fiction, nonfiction, poetry
EcoTheo Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Ecotone fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Edge City fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Eggplant Tears fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, media
The Ekphrastic Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
El Portal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Elan fiction, poetry, nonfiction, screenwriting, plays, art
Electric Lit fiction
elementia fiction, poetry, nonfiction, comics, art
The Elevation Review poetry
Elm Leaves Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Embark fiction
Emerald City fiction
[See sponsored listing here]
Emerge Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
the engine(idling poetry, cross-genre, flash, visual art
Ensemble Park fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Ephemeral Elegies poetry
Epiphany poetry, fiction
Epistemic Literary fiction, poetry
Epoch fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenplays, comics
eratio poetry
Erato Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, music
erbacce Journal poetry
Esoterica fiction, nonfiction
Etched Onyx fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Eternal Haunted Summer fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Ethel fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Ethic Threads Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Eucalyptus Lit poetry, prose, cross-genre
Eunoia Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Euphony poetry, fiction, nonfiction
EVENT fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, reviews
Every Day Fiction fiction
The Ex-Puritan fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews, experimental works
Exacting Clam fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, art
Existere fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, interviews, reviews
Expanded Field fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, translations
Exposition Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays, cross-genre, comics, translations, audio, video, photography, art
Extra Teeth fiction, nonfiction
Eye to the Telescope speculative poetry
Ezra fiction, poetry, drama, reviews, translations
F(r)iction fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, comics, reviews, interviews, art
Fabula Argentea fiction
Fahmidan Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Failbetter fiction, poetry, art
Failed Haiku poetry
Fairy Tale Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction, translations, art
The Fantastic Other fiction, poetry, art
Farmer-ish nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Fatal Flaw fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
Faultline poetry, fiction, translations, art
fauxmoir fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Feathertale Review fiction, poetry, comics
FEED fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Feels Blind Literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, drama, screenplays, photography, art
Fence poetry, fiction, art, criticism
FERAL poetry, art
The Fib Review Fibonacci poetry
Fiction on the Web fiction
The Fictional Cafe poetry, fiction, nonfiction, reviews, interviews, audio, photography, art
Fictive Dream fiction
The Fiddlehead fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
The Field Guide Poetry Magazine poetry, art
Figure 1 poetry, translations, art
Filling Station fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews, reviews
Fine Print fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics
fingers comma toes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Firewords Magazine fiction, poetry
Fireworks fiction
The First Line fiction, nonfiction
Five Minutes nonfiction
Five on the Fifth fiction, nonfiction
Five Points fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Five South fiction, poetry, cross-genre
The Five-Two poetry, audio, video
FLARE fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays
Flash Fiction Magazine fiction
Flash Fiction Online fiction, nonfiction
FlashFlood fiction
Flash Frog fiction, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Flash Phantoms horror fiction
Flatbush Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
Fleeting Daze Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Flint Hills Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
flo. fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, media
Flock fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, comics
Flora Fiction fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
The Florida Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, graphic narrative, interviews, reviews
Flying South poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Flyway fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Foglifter Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, cross-genre, interviews, translations, art, photography
Folly fiction, poetry, nonfiction, interviews, comics
The Font fiction, essays, poetry, interviews, articles
Fools Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Foothill poetry
The Forge Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction
The Four Faced Liar (IE) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Four Way Review poetry, fiction
Fourteen Hills fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Fourteen Poems poetry
Fourth Genre nonfiction
[See sponsored listing here]
The Fourth River poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Fractured fiction
Free Flash Fiction fiction
Free State Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama
Freefall fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
FreezeRay poetry
Freshwater fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Frigg fiction, poetry
Frogpond haiku, haibun, rengay, renku, nonfiction, reviews
Frontier Poetry poetry
Frozen Sea poetry, art
Fruit Slice fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
FU Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Fugue fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Full Bleed fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, reviews, translations, art, photography
Fulminare Review fiction, poetry
Fun for Kidz fiction, nonfiction
Functionally Dead nonfiction
Funicular Magazine fiction, flash fiction, poetry
The Furious Gazelle fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Furrow fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, comics
Gambling the Aisle fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
The Ganga Review (formerly Lalitamba) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews, translations
[See sponsored listing here]
Gargoyle fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
[See sponsored listing here]
Gastropoda fiction, nonfiction
The Gateway Review magical realism, fiction, art
Gemini Magazine fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art
The Gentian Journal poetry, photography
The Georgia Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, reviews
Ghost City Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, reviews
Ghost Parachute fiction
Ghost Proposal nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art
Gigantic Sequins fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art, comics
Ginosko Literary Journal poetry, fiction, nonfiction, interviews
Girls Right the World fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Glacial Hills Review nonfiction, poetry, art
The Glacier poetry, fiction, art
Glass poetry
Glass Mountain fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, comics, reviews, interviews, translations, art, photography
glassworks fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, reviews, interviews, art, photography
Gleam: Journal of the Cadralor poetry
Glint Literary Journal poetry, fiction, nonfiction, reviews, art, cross-genre
The Global Review nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
The Globe Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Global Youth Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
GNU Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, comics, screenplays
God’s Cruel Joke fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, art
Gold Man Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Golden Handcuffs Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Gone Lawn fiction, porse, prose poetry, novel excerpts, multimedia, cover art
The Good Life Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
Good River Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays, cross-genre, reviews, interviews, writing for children and young adults
[See sponsored listing here]
Gooseberry Pie Lit Magazine fiction
The Gorko Gazette nonfiction, poetry, reviews, comics
Grailing Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Grain Magazine poetry, fiction, nonfiction, cross-genre
Grande Dame Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Grand Little Things poetry
Granta fiction, nonfiction
The Gravity of the Thing fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Great Lakes Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
Great River Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Green Blotter fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Green Hills Literary Lantern poetry, fiction
Green Ink Poetry poetry
Green Silk Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
GreenPrints nonfiction
The Greensboro Review fiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Grey Matter nonfiction, poetry
Grey Sparrow art, photography, fiction
The Greyhound Journal fiction, poetry
Griffith REVIEW nonfiction, fiction, poetry, visual essays
Grim & Gilded fiction, poetry
Gris-Gris fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Grist fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Grub Street fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art, photography
Gulf Coast fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Gulf Stream poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Gyroscope Review poetry
HAD fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Haiku Commentary nonfiction
haikuniverse poetry
Hairstreak Butterfly Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Half Mystic fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art, audio
Halfway Down the Stairs fiction, poetry, and nonfiction
HaluHalo Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Hamilton Stone Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review poetry, nonfiction, reviews
Hanging Loose fiction, poetry, art
Harana Poetry poetry, interviews, reviews
Harbor Review poetry, audio, art
Hare’s Paw Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, audio
Harpur Palate fiction, poetry
Harvard Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, interviews, reviews
Haunted Words Press fiction, poetry, art
Hawai’i Pacific Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Hawai’i Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Hayden’s Ferry Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, reviews, interviews, translations, art, photography, audio, video
Hazlitt fiction, nonfiction, interviews
Headland fiction, nonfiction
The Headlight Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays, reviews, photography, art
The Healing Muse fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Healthline Zine fiction, nonfiction, art, poetry
Heart poetry
HeartWood poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Heavy Feather Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction, cross-genre-comics
hedgerow poetry, art
Heimat Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Hektoen International scholarly articles, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Helix poetry, fiction, art
Hellbender Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Hellebore fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, cross-genre
The Hemlock fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, art, photography, reviews, interviews
Here Comes Everyone fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Here poetry
Heron Tree poetry
Heron’s Nest haiku
HerStry nonfiction
hex fiction, poetry
Hexagon Speculative Fiction Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, comics
Hidden Compass nonfiction, photography
Hinchas de Poesia poetry, fiction, nonfiction, photography, painting
Hindsight nonfiction, art
Hinterland nonfiction
Hippocampus nonfiction, personal essay, craft
Hiram Poetry Review poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Hobart fiction
Hobo Camp Review poetry, fiction
Hog Creek Hardin (formerly Asterism) fiction, poetry, art
Hole In The Head Review poetry, reviews, interviews, translations, photography, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Hominum Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Honey Literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, reviews, interviews
Honeyguide Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Hong Kong Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, art
The Hooghly Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
The Hoolet’s Nest fiction, poetry
Hoot poetry, fiction, nonfiction, book reviews
The Hopkins Review John Hopkins University, fiction, poetry, nonfiction
The Hopper poetry, nonfiction, fiction, visual art, craft interviews, book reviews
Horns fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Hot Dish Magazine fiction, poetry,
Hot Pink Magazine poetry
Hot Pot Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Hotel Amerika poetry, fiction, nonfiction
House of Arcanum fiction
House of Zolo speculative fiction, poetry
House Mountain Review poetry, cross-genre, reviews, interviews, photography, art
Howl (IE) fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Howl fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
[See sponsored listing here]
The Hudson Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Huizache: The Magazine of a New America poetry, prose
Humana Obscura fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, art
[See sponsored listing here]
The Humber Literary Review fiction, poetry, art, interviews, nonfiction
Hunger Mountain fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
Hypertext Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
[See sponsored listing here]
Hyphen Punk punk fiction
I-70 Review poetry, fiction, art, photography
[See sponsored listing here]
Ibbetson Street poetry
Ice Lolly Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama
Ice Queen Magzine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Icebreakers Lit fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Iconoclast fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Idaho Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Identity Theory fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
IHRAF Publishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Ilanot Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, cross-genre
Illuminations fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, interviews
Iman Collective fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Immigration Diaries fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Impossible Archetype poetry
Impostor poetry
In The Mood Magazine criticism, nonfiction, poetry, comics, interviews, games, art
The Incandescent Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, film, spoken word
Inch poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Indiana Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Indianapolis Review poetry, art
Indicia fiction, poetry, art
Ink in Thirds fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, photography, art
The Inflectionist Review poetry, art
Infrarealista Review fiction, nonfiction, reviews, criticism
Ink Sweat & Tears fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Inklette poetry, fiction, nonfiction, photography
INKspire fiction, nonfiction, poetry, articles, interviews, art
Innisfree Poetry Journal poetry
Instant Noodles fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Institutionalized Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Interlochen Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews, screenplay, songs, hybrid
Inkwell Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, cross-genre
inScribe (AU) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Interim nonfiction, poetry
The Interpreter’s House poetry
Intima fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, audio
Intrepidus Ink fiction
Intrinsick fiction, nonfiction
Inventio fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Inverted Syntax fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Invisible City fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews
IO Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenplays, reviews, art, photography
ionosphere poetry, nonfiction
The Iowa Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Iris Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, art, photography
Irish Pages fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, translations
Iron City Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenplay, art
Iron Horse Literary Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, interviews, reviews
Isele Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Island fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Isotrope fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
ISSUED: stories of service fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, cross-genre, drama, graphic narratives, screenplays, art, photography
Issues in Earth Science fiction, nonfiction
Italian Americana fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Iterant poetry, art
J Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Jabberwock Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Jade Plant Project fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Janus Literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Jelly Bucket fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, interviews, translations, art
Jelly Squid fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Jenny Magazine fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art
Jersey Devil Press monthly, fiction
Jewish Girls Unite fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, art, photography
Jewish Fiction .net fiction
[See sponsored listing here]
Jewish Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
JMWW fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Jokes Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Josephine Quarterly poetry
The Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews, art, audio
The Journal of African Youth Literature poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, screenplays, comics, photography, art
The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Journal of Expressive Writing nonfiction, poetry
Journal of New Jersey Poets poetry
Joyland Magazine fiction
Juke Joint poetry, art, photography
Juniper poetry
Kaleidoscope fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
[See sponsored listing here]
The Keeping Room fiction, nonfiction, photography, art
[See sponsored listing here]
The Keepthings nonfiction, photography
Kelp Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
Kennings Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
The Kenyon Review fiction, poetry, nonfiction
[See sponsored listing here]
Kestrel fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, translations, art, photography
KidSpirit nonfiction, poetry, art, video
Kikwetu fiction, nonfiction poetry
Kitchen Table Quarterly nonfiction, poetry, art
Konch Magazine fiction
KUDU fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Kweli Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
L’Esprit fiction, nonfiction, reviews
La Raiz Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet fiction
The Lake poetry, reviews
[See sponsored listing here]
Lake Effect fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Lammergeier fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Lamplit Underground fiction, poetry, reviews, art, video, audio
Lana Turner poetry, essays
The Lascaux Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Last Girls Club horror
Last Leaves Magazine poetry, art
The Last Line fiction
Last Stanza Poetry Journal poetry
Latin American Literature Today fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, interviews
LatineLit fiction
The Laurel Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, drama
Lavender Review poetry, art
Leading Edge fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Leavings fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Lenticular fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Letters Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
The Letters Page essays, stories, poetry, memoir, travelogue, and criticism
Levitate fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Libre fiction, nonfiction, interviews, translations, art, photography, video
Life and Legends translations, poetry, fiction, video
LIGHT fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics, drama, screenplays
Light poetry
The Light Ekphrastic fiction, poetry, audio, video, photography, art
Lighten Up Online poetry
Lily Poetry Review poetry
Liminal Transit Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
The Lincoln Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics, reviews, interviews
The Lindenwood Review fiction, poetry, essays
Lines + Stars poetry, fiction
Lit Kids Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Literal poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Literally Stories fiction
The Literary Bohemian fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Literary Heist fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews, reviews
Literary Mama fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, photography
Literary Veganism fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Literary Yard fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
LitMag fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Litmosphere fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Litro Magazine poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Litterateur RW fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, reviews
Little Blue Marble fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Little Jefferson fiction, poetry
The Little Journal of Northeast India fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Little Patuxent Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
little somethings press poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
Live Mag! poetry
The Loch Raven Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
Lodestar Lit fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry
Lolwe fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
The London Magazine fiction, poetry, reviews
long con magazine art, audio, video, poetry, fiction, drama, translations
A Long House fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, media
Long Island Quarterly poetry, reviews
Long River Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, drama, hybrid pieces
Longleaf Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Los Angeles Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, reviews
Lost Balloon fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Lotus-eater fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, photography, translations
Loud Coffee Press fiction, poetry, art
Louisiana Literature fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Louisville Review fiction, poetry; Cornerstone: poetry by students K-12
Lover’s Eye Press poetry, art
Lowestoft Chronicle poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, interviews
Lucent Dreaming fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Lucky Jefferson poetry
Lucky Lizard Journal poetry
Lullwater Review poetry, fiction, art, poetry, fiction, art
The Lumiere Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, cross-genre
Lunaris Review fiction, nonfiction, art, photography, poetry
Luna Station Quarterly fiction, speculative
Lunch Ticket poetry, fiction, nonfiction
The Lyric poetry
The MacGuffin fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Mad Swirl poetry, fiction, art
The Madrigal poetry
maganda magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Magazine1 fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, cross-genre, drama, graphic narratives, screenplays, translations, art, photography, audio, video
Magic Dragon fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Magma Poetry poetry
The Magnolia Review art, poetry, fiction
Main Squeeze fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, video
The Main Street Rag fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
The Maine Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Maintenant poetry, art, photography
The Malahat Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews
[See sponsored listing here]
Mamalode fiction
The Manhattan Review poetry, nonfiction, reviews
Manoa fiction, translations
The Mantle Poetry poetry
manywor(l)ds fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art, translations
Map Literary poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Marathon Literary Review poetry, fiction, photography, art
The Margins (AAWW) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews
Marrow Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, audio, video
Maryland Literary Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Mascara Literary Review poetry, fiction, reviews, translations
MASKS Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Masque & Spectacle fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, audio, video, reviews
The Massachusetts Review fiction, poetry, translations
The Masters Review fiction, nonfiction
matchbook fiction, nonfiction
Maudlin House fiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
The Maverick fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
MAYDAY Magazine poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, reviews, interviews, translations
[See sponsored listing here]
The McNeese Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction
McSweeney’s fiction, nonfiction
The Meadow poetry, fiction, screenplay, nonfiction, art,
[See sponsored listing here]
Meanjin fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Meat for Tea fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics
Medical Literary Messenger fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, art
Medicine and Meaning fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Memoir Magazine nonfiction, reviews, interviews, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Memoir Mixtapes nonfiction
Memoirist nonfiction
Meniscus fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Meraki Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Mercurian nonfiction, drama, translations, review
Mercurius fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Meridian fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Metamorphoses fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
Metaphorosis Magazine fiction
The Metaworker fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Mezzo Cammin poetry
Michigan Quarterly Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
MicroLit Almanac flash, fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Mid-American Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, reviews
Mid-Level Management Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Midnight & Indigo fiction, nonfiction
Midst poetry
Midsummer Dream House fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays, art, photography, comics, graphic narratives, music
Midway Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama
The Midwest Quarterly nonfiction, poetry
Midwest Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Mikrokosmos/mojo fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, comics
Milk Candy Review fiction
Milking Cat fiction, comics, screenplay, video
the minnesota review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Minyan fiction, poetry
Miracle Monocle fiction, poetry, nonfiction, cross-genre
Mirk Fantasy Magazine fiction
Misfit Magazine poetry
Mississippi Review fiction, poetry, interviews
The Missouri Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Mistake House fiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Mizna fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Mobius fiction, nonfiction, poetry
MockingHeart Review poetry, art
The Mockingowl Roost fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Modern Haiku poetry
Modern Literature fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
Modern Poetry Quarterly Review poetry, art
Modern Poetry in Translation poetry, translations
Moko fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews, reviews
Molecule fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, drama, screenplays, cross-genre, comics, interviews, reviews, translations
Mollusk Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, art, photography
The Molotov Cocktail flash fiction
Mom Egg Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Monarch Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Monday Night fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
Monkeybicycle fiction, poetry
Months To Years nonfiction, poetry
Moon City Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, reviews, translations
Moonday Magazine speculative fiction, poetry, art
MoonLit Getaway fiction, poetry, art
MoonPark Review fiction, nonfiction, cross-genre
Moot Point Magazine fiction, poetry
Moria fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Mosaic nonfiction, interviews
Mosaic Art & Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Moss fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Moss Puppy Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Moss Trill poetry
Movable Type fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
MSU Roadrunner Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Mud Season Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Mudfish poetry, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Mudlark poetry
Mukoli fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Mulberry Literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, comics
Muleskinner fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Multiplicity Magazine nonfiction, photography
Mumber Mag fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translation
Muse India fiction, nonfiction, poetry
the museum of americana fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, audio, reviews
Mystery Tribune fiction, nonfiction, art, photography
n+1 fiction, nonfiction, drama, reviews
Nanoism fiction
Narrative Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Nashville Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics
The Nashwaak Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
The Nasiona nonfiction, poetry, interviews
Nassau Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Nat Brut fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art
Natural Bridge fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, translations
The Nature of Things fiction, poetry, art
Naugatuck River Review poetry
nawr (UK) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, music
Necessary Fiction fiction, nonfiction, interviews, reviews
NELLE fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Nelligan Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, reviews
Neologism Poetry Journal poetry
Neon fiction, poetry, art, photography
Neuro Logical fiction, poetry
New American Writing poetry
New Delta Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
New England Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, reviews, translations
[See sponsored listing here]
New Feathers Anthology fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, audio, video
The New Guard fiction, poetry
New Haven Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
New Letters fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, art
[See sponsored listing here]
New Limestone Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
New Millennium Writings fiction, nonfiction, poetry
New Ohio Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
New Orleans Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, reviews
New Pop Lit fiction, poetry, audio, reviews
The New Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry
New South Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
New Welsh Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
new words poetry
New World Writing fiction, poetry
Night Coffee poetry, art
The Night Heron Barks poetry, reviews, interviews
Nightmare horror, dark fantasy, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
Nimrod fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Nine Mile poetry
Ninshar fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, art
Ninth Letter fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Nixes Mate Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
No Tokens Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
Noctua Review fiction, poetry, art
NOMADartx Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, cross-genre, reviews, interviews, translations
NonBinary Review fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art
Noon fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Normal School fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The North American Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
North Carolina Literary Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
North Dakota Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, reviews, interviews, translations
North of Oxford nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Northern New England Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Northern Appalachia Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Northwest Indiana Literary Journal fiction, poetry, art, photography
Northwest Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, interviews, comics
Notre Dame Review fiction, poetry
Novelty Fiction Gazette – fiction
NOVUS Literary Arts Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Nowruz fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, translation
Nunum fiction, art
Oakland Arts Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, comics
Oakwood fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Obsidian fiction, poetry, art, photography, drama, cross-genre, translations, audio, video
[See sponsored listing here]
Ocean State Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Ocotillo Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
October Hill Magazine fiction, poetry
O-Dark-Thirty fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Off the Coast poetry, art, photography, interviews, translations, audio
OffCourse fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, translations
[See sponsored listing here]
Okay Donkey fiction, poetry
On Spec fiction
On the Premises fiction
On the Run fiction
Once Upon a Crocodile fiction, poetry
One poetry
ONE ART: a journal of poetry poetry
One Sentence Poems poetry
One Story fiction
Only Poems poetry
OPEN fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays, interviews
Open Doors Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
The Opiate fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Oracle: Fine Arts Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, comics, interviews, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Orange Blossom Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
oranges journal fiction, nonfiction
Orca fiction
Origami Poems Project poetry micro-chapbook
Oroboro poetry, fiction, comics
The Other Bunny poetry
The Other Journal nonfiction, reviews, art
the other side of hope fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Other Terrain Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Otis Nebula poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Otoroshi Journal poetry
Out of Print fiction
Outlander Magazine poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, photography
Outlook Springs fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Overheard fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Overland fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Oversound poetry
Oxford American fiction, nonfiction
Oxford Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Oxford Poetry poetry, translations
Oyez Review fiction
Oyster River Pages fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Packingtown Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, media
Pacifica Literary Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Painted Bride Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Palette Poetry poetry, interviews
The Palisades Review nonfiction
Palooka fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics
Panel Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, translations, interviews, reviews
Pangyrus LitMag fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, comics, reviews, interviews, translations
Panoply fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Panorama fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
Paper Brigade fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, interviews, translations
Paper Crane fiction, nonfiction, screenplays, art, photography
Paper Dragon fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Parakeet Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Parentheses Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Paris Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Paris-American poetry
Parish Line Press fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Parely Lit poetry, graphic literature, drama, audio, video
The Particle Papers serial fiction
Passager fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Passages North fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
The Passionfruit Review poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
Paterson Literary Review fiction, poetry, art, photography
[See sponsored listing here]
Peach Mag fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Peatsmoke Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Peauxdunque Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
peculiar fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, art
Pedestal Magazine poetry, reviews
Pembroke Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Pendemics Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Peninsula Poets poetry
Pennine Platform poetry [print]
Pensive fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, cross-genre, comics, interviews, translations, audio, video
The Pensieve fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Perch fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, music
Peregrine fiction, poetry
periodicities nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Permafrost fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, drama, screenplays, cross-genre, comics, reviews, interviews, translations, audio, video
[See sponsored listing here]
Persimmon Tree fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Petigru Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
petrichor poetry
Phantom Drift fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Phare fiction, poetry, photography
Phenomenal Literature fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, interviews, reviews, translations
Philadelphia Stories fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Philly Poetry Chapbook Review reviews, craft essays, author/publisher featuers
Phoebe fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Pictura Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Pierian poetry
The Pinch fiction, poetry
The Pine Cone Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, translations
Pine Hills Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
Pine Row poetry
Pink Panther Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Pinky Thinker Press fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, video
Pinyon fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
pioneertown fiction, poetry, nonfiction, cross-genre
Pirene’s Fountain poetry, interviews, reviews
Pithead Chapel fiction
plain china fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Plainsongs poetry
Planet Scumm fiction
The Plant-Human Quarterly nonfiction, poetry
Plants and Poetry fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
A Plate of Pandemic fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Platform Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, translations
Plato’s Caves fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Please See Me fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, audio, video
Pleiades fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews, translations
Plenitude Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics
Ploughshares fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Plum Tree Tavern poetry
Plume poetry, nonfiction, interviews, reviews
[See sponsored listing here]
Plumwood Mountain nonfiction, poetry, art, reviews
PN Review nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Pocket Samovar fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Poemeleon poetry
The Poeming Pigeon poetry, art
Poet Lore nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Poetry poetry
Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Poetry East poetry
Poetry Flash nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
Poetry International poetry
$ Poetry is Currency poetry
Poetry London poetry, reviews
Poetry Northwest nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
The Poetry Porch poetry
Poetry Quarterly poetry
The Poetry Review nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Poetry South poetry
Poetry Super Highway poetry
Poetry Wales poetry, reviews
Poetrybay poetry, reviews
Poets Reading the News fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Polaris fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Polemical Zine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Polyphony Lit fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Pomegranate London fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Pomona Valley Review fiction, poetry, art
Ponder Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, drama, audio, video
Poor Yorick fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Porcupine Literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Porlock poetry
Porridge Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Porter House Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews, reviews
Portland Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Posit fiction, poetry, art, photography, cross-genre
[See sponsored listing here]
The Post Grad Journal poetry, art, photography
Post Road fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, drama
Postcard poetry
Potomac Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
Prairie Fire fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Prairie Margins fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Prairie Schooner fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Presence poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Presence [UK] poetry [print]
Press Pause Press fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Prime Number fiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
The Primer fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, media
PRISM International fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, drama, interviews, reviews, translation
Prism Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Prison Writing Project fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Profiles fiction, nonfiction, translation, art
Prole fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Prose Poems poetry
The Prose Train fiction
Provenance Journal poetry, prose
Prune Juice poetry
Psaltery & Lyre fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Puerto Del Sol fiction, nonfiction, poetry
PULP Literature fiction, poetry, art
Pulsebeat Poetry poetry
Qu Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Quail Bell Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Quarter After Eight fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, cross-genre
The Quarter(ly) fiction, poetry, comics, graphic stories, art, analysis, reviews, interviews
Quarterly Literary Review Singapore fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews
Quarterly West fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Quartet poetry
Queen’s Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Queer Toronto Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, reviews
The Quiet Reader fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
Quist (Quebec) fiction, nonfition, poetry, art
Qwerty fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, art, reviews
R U Joking? fiction, nonfiction, comics, jokes
Rabbit poetry, nonfiction, interviews, reviews
Radar Poetry poetry, art, photography, translations, video
Radon Journal fiction, poetry
Rail Switch Poetry poetry videos
Rain Taxi Review Of Books reviews, interviews
Raleigh Review fiction, poetry
Random Sample Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
#Ranger art, poetry, music, film
Radon Journal fiction, poetry
Ragaire Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cover art
Rappahannock Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Raritan fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, translations
Rathalla Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Rat’s Ass Review poetry
Rattapallax poetry
Rattle poetry
The Raven Review fiction, poetry
The RavensPerch fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
(Re) An Ideas Journal fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art, music
re•mediate fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, reviews, interviews
Reactor nonfiction, reviews
The Reader fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews
Reckon Review fiction, nonfiction
Reckoning fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Red Cedar Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics
Red Flag Poetry poetry
Red Ogre Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Red Rover Magazine fiction, poetry, photography, art
Red Tree Review poetry
Red Wolf Journal poetry
Redivider fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, comics
Reed Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Rejoinder nonfiction, fiction, poetry, art
Relief fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics
Remington Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Renaissance Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Reservoir Road Literary Review fiction, nonfiction
Resonance fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, comics, translations, reviews
Reunion: The Dallas Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, drama, screenplays, translations
Review Americana fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplay
Revolute fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
[See sponsored listing here]
The Revolution (Relaunch) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Rewrite the Stars fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
RHINO poetry, reviews
The Rialto poetry
Ricepaper fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Riddle Fence fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
riddlebird fiction, nonfiction
Right Hand Pointing fiction, poetry, art
Rind fiction, nonfiction, poetry
RipRap Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Rising Phoenix Review poetry
Rivanna Review fiction, nonfiction, reviews
River and South Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
River Heron Review poetry, reviews, interviews
[See sponsored listing here]
River Styx fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, comics
River Teeth nonfiction
[See sponsored listing here]
Riverbed Review fiction, poetry
riverrun poetry, fiction, nonfiction
riverSedge fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, drama
Roanoke Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews
Rock Salt Journal fiction, nonfiction, art
RockPaperPoem poetry
Rockvale Review poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, art
Rogue Agent poetry, interviews, art, photography, video
Rollick Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Room fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, reviews
The Rose City Sisters fiction
Rougarou fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Rough Cut Press poetry
Rubbertop Review fiction, poetry
The Rumen fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Rumpus nonfiction
Rundelania poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, photography, cartoons
Runestone Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Rushing Thru the Dark drama, screenplays, poetry, art, photography
Rust+Moth poetry
Rusted Radishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, drama, comics, interviews, translations
Sad Girl Review poetry, art, photography, reviews
Sage Cigarettes poetry, art, photography
Salamander fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Salmagundi fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Salt Hill fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Same Faces Collective fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art, photography
samfiftyfour fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Samjoko Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, drama
San Antonio Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
San Pedro River Review poetry, art
Sand fiction, poetry, art, photography, translations
Sand Hills Literary Magazine poetry, fiction, nonfiction, comics, interviews, audio, video, photography, art
The Sandy River Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, drama
Sanskrit fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, audio, video
Santa Ana River Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Santa Barbara Literary Journal fiction, poetry
Santa Clara Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
[See sponsored listing here]
Santa Fe Literary Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, drama
Santa Monica Review fiction, nonfiction
Saranac Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, drama, translations
Satura Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Saw Palm fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Scavengers fiction, nonfiction, poetry, hybrid, visuals
School Magazine fiction, articles, plays, poems, puzzles
Schuylkill Valley Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art, photography, interviews, translations
Scraps fiction, nonfiction
Scrawl Place fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Screen Door Review fiction, poetry, comics
Scribble fiction
Scribere fiction, nonfiction, poetry
ScribesMicro fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Sea to Sky Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, interviews, reviews
SeaGlass Literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Seashores nonfiction, poetry
Seaside Gothic fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Second Chance Lit fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Seize the Press fiction
The Selkie fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
Seneca Review nonfiction, poetry
Sequestrum fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, cross-genre, comics, translations
The Seraphic Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art, photography
Serotonin fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Seventh Wave fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Sewanee Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
SHARE fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Shearsman (UK) poetry [p]
Sheepshead Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Sheila-Na-Gig Online poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Shenandoah fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, translations, reviews
[See sponsored listing here]
Shift: A Journal of Oddities fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, cross-genre, comics, interviews, translations, audio, video, art, photography
Shirley Magazine fiction
Shō Poetry Journal poetry
Shooter Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, cross-genre
The Shore Poetry poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Short Beasts fiction
Short Fiction fiction, interviews
Short Reads nonfiction
Shot Glass Journal poetry
Sidereal Magazine nonfiction, poetry
Silly Goose Press fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
sin cesar (formerly Dryland) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
Sinister Wisdom fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Sink Hollow fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Sinking City fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Sisyphus fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, cross-genre, interviews, reviews
Six Hens nonfiction
Sixfold fiction, poetry
Sixth Finch poetry, art
Skipping Stones fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Sky Island Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Slab fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Slag Glass City nonfiction, photography, video, audio
Slant poetry
Slightly Foxed nonfiction, reviews
Slippery Elm fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Slipstream poetry, art, photography
Smartish Pace nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews, translations
Smarty Pants Magazine for Kids educational activities, book reviews, stories
Smith Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Smoke and Mold fiction, nonfiction, poetry
SmokeLong Quarterly fiction, nonfiction
Smoky Blue Literary and Arts Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, reviews
Snapdragon nonfiction, poetry, photography
So It Goes poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, photography
Society of Classical Poets Journal poetry, reviews, translations
[See sponsored listing here]
Solarpunk Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art [e-pbu]
Soliloquies fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Solstice fiction, nonfiction, photography
Solum Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Somesuch Stories fiction, nonfiction
Sonder Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Songs of Eretz Poetry Review poetry
Sonora Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
SORTES fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, audio, video
Soundings East fiction, nonfiction, poetry
South 85 Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
South Broadway Ghost Society fiction, poetry, art, photography, comics, video
The South Carolina Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
South Dakota Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genres, reviews
[See sponsored listing here]
South Florida Poetry Journal fiction, poetry, art, photography, audio, video, interviews
The South Shore Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews, reviews
The Southampton Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics
Southchild Lit fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
The Southeast Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Southern Humanities Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Southern Indiana Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, interviews
Southern Poetry Review poetry
The Southern Quarterly nonfiction, interviews, reviews
The Southern Quill fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Southern Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
Southwest Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Southword fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Spartan fiction, poetry
Spaceports & Spidersilk fiction, genre fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
SPANK the CARP fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Speckled Trout Review poetry
The Spectacle fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Spectrum fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Speculative Nonfiction nonfiction
Spellbinder fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays, art
Spittoon Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, translations
Split Lip Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, reviews, interviews
Split Rock Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, cross-genre, graphic narratives, interviews, reviews, art, photography
Splonk fiction
Spoon River Poetry Review poetry, translations
Spoonfeed fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Sport Literate nonfiction, poetry
The Spotlong Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Spray Paint Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry, scripts, art
Sprung Formal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, audio, video
Spry Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Squawk Back fiction, poetry
Stanchion fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Stand Magazine fiction, poetry
Star 82 Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Star*Line poetry
State of Matter fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Steam Ticket fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
StepAway Magazine fiction, poetry
The Sterling Collective Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Stickman Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Still fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
Still Point Arts Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Stimulus Respond fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Stinging Fly fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Stink Eye Magazine poetry
The Stirling Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Stirring fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
Stone Canoe fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, drama
Stone Circle Review poetry
Stone of Madness fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Stone Poetry Quarterly poetry
Stone Soup fiction, poetry, art, photography
Stoneboat fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, drama
Stonecoast Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, drama
Storm Cellar fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, comics, reviews, translations, art, photography
Story fiction, nonfiction
Story Monsters Ink nonfiction, reviews
StoryBottle Co. fiction
StoryQuarterly fiction, nonfiction
storySouth fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Storyteller’s Refrain fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, drama, audio
Strange Horizons fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, reviews
A Stranger’s Guide fiction, nonfiction, photography
streetcake fiction, poetry, art
Streetlight Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Strix (UK) fiction, poetry
Sublunary Review fiction, poetry, art
Subnivean fiction, poetry
subTerrain fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, reviews
Subtropics fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Suburban Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, comics
Sucarnochee Review fiction, poetry
Suddenly and Without Warning fiction
Sugar House Review poetry
Sugared Water fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
SugarSugarSalt Magazine nonfiction
Summerset Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Sun fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Sundial Magazine fiction, poetry, art
Sundog Lit fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Sunlight Press fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, photography
[See sponsored listing here]
Sunspot Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Superpresent fiction, nonfiction, poetry, video, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Surging Tide fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, audio, video
Suspense Magazine fiction
Susurrus fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
Swamp fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Swamp Ape Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
[See sponsored listing here]
The Swamp Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
swamp pink (formerly Crazyhorse) poetry, fiction, nonfiction
[See sponsored listing here]
Sweet nonfiction, poetry
Sweet Tree Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama
swifts & slows poetry, visual poetry, poetic collaborations
swim meet lit mag fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, reviews
swim press fiction, poetry, art, photography
Switchyard fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews
SWWIM Every Day poetry, translations
SWING fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art
Sybil fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics
Syncopation Literary Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
Synchronized Chaos fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Tab Journal poetry
table/FEAST fiction, poetry
Taco Bell Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Tagvverk fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Tahoma Literary Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
takahe fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, reviews
Talking River Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Talking Writing fiction, poetry, art, photography
Talon Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Tamarind (UK) fiction, nonfiction
Tangled Locks Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Tangled Web Magazine fiction
Taper poetry, art
Tar River Poetry poetry
Teach. Write. fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays
Tears in the Fence fiction, poetry
Teen Ink poetry, essay, art, photography, prose, video
Teen Voices journalism [0]
TeenWritersProject #TWP fiction, nonfiction, poetry, memoirs, plays, photo essays, journalism
The Telling Room fiction, nonfiction fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
[See sponsored listing here]
TERSE Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, audio
The Texas Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, art, comics
Text Power Telling Magazine nonfiction, poetry, drama, music, video, art
The Thalweg fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics
Thema fiction, poetry, art, photography
[See sponsored listing here]
Tilted House Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Thimble Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
Thin Air Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art
Third Coast fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama
Third Wednesday fiction, poetry, art
Third Street Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Thirteen Bridges Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Threepenny Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Thriller Magazine fiction, poetry, art, reviews, interviews
Through Lines Magazine nonfiction, poetry, art
Thrush poetry
the tide rises, the tide falls poetry
Tiferet fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
The Tiger Moth Review fiction, poetry, photography, art, translations
[See sponsored listing here]
Timber fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Timberline Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Tinderbox Poetry Journal nonfiction, poetry
Tinfish poetry
TINGE Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Tint Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
[See sponsored listing here]
the tiny journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Tiny Molecules fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Tiny Spoon fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art
tiny wren lit poetry
tinywords poetry
Tipton Poetry Journal poetry
Toasted Cheese fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Tofu Ink Arts Press poetry, art
Touchstone fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Tower fiction, nonfiction, poetry
tr. review of translations fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations
Trace Fossil Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, multimedia, hybrid
Trafika Europe fiction, poetry
Trampoline poetry
trampset fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, reviews, interviews, translations
Transition Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Translation Review fiction, poetry, interviews, reviews, translations
TravelnItch fiction, nonfiction
Triggerfish Critical Review poetry
Trouble Maker Fire Starter poetry
Tripwire nonfiction, art, interviews, reviews, translations
TriQuarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry
trnsfr fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
tsuri-doro poetry
Tulsa Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, drama
Tulsa Studies In Women’s Literature nonfiction, reviews
Tupelo Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, translations
The Tusculum Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama
Twelve Mile Review poetry
Twenty Bellows fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Twin Bill baseball fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, art
Twin Bird Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics
Twin Pies Literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Two Hawks Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art
Two Thirds North fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, translations
Typehouse Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
ubu fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama
Ucity Review poetry
Ultramarine Literary Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, art, photography
Umbrella Factory fiction, nonfiction, poetry
unbroken poetry
Uncanny fiction
underbelly poetry
Under a Warm Green Linden poetry, interviews, reviews
Under Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Under the Basho poetry
Under the Gum Tree nonfiction
[See sponsored listing here]
Under the Madness fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Under the Sun nonfiction
Underground Arcana fiction
Unlikely Stories Mark V poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, music, media
Unlost poetry, art
The Unmooring nonfiction, art, photography
UReCA fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, video, audio, scholarly works [0]
U.S. Kids fiction, nonfiction, poetry, crafts
Utopia Science Fiction Magazine science fiction, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, comics
Vagabond City Literary Journal fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art, interviews, reviews
Valley Voices fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
Valparaiso Fiction Review fiction
Valparaiso Poetry Review poetry
Variant Literature fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Variety Pack fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, comics, reviews, interviews, audio, photography, art
Vassar Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, art, screenplay
Vast Chasm fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Vastarien fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Vautrin fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
A Velvet Giant fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre
Verandah fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, art, photography, comics
Verdad fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Verse-Virtual poetry
Version (9) Magazine poetry
Versopolis Review nonfiction
Vestal Review fiction
Viewless Wings poetry, interviews
[See sponsored listing here]
The Violet Hour Magazine fiction, nonfiction, art, photography, reviews
The Virginia Quarterly Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
Vita Poetica Journal poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, reviews, interviews
[See sponsored listing here]
Voicemail Poems poetry, audio
Voices at MSU Texas fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Voices in Italian Americana fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Voices Project poetry
Voiceworks fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, comic
Voidspace fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, audio, games
Volney Road Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, cross-genre, comics, interviews
Voyage fiction, nonfiction
Voyage of Verse poetry
Waccamaw fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Wales Haiku Journal poetry
Wallace Stevens Journal nonfiction, poetry, photography, reviews
Walloon Writers Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography
Wallstrait fiction
War, Literature & the Arts fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Warning Lines Literary poetry, fiction, nonfiction, visual art
Wasafiri fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
Washington Square Review fiction, poetry, interviews, translations
Wasteland Review poetry
The Watershed Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Watershed Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art
[See sponsored listing here]
Water~Stone Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
The Wax Paper fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Wax Poetry and Art Magazine Network fiction, poetry, art, photography
Waxing & Waning fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays, cross-genre, comics, translations, art, photography, video
Waymark Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Weber fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews
Weight Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Weird Horror horror fiction, weird fiction [print]
Wells Street Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Welter fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
West Branch fiction, nonfiction, poetry
West Marin Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
West Trade Review fiction, poetry, photography, art
[See sponsored listing here]
West Trestle Review fiction, poetry, art
The Westchester Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama
Westerly Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Western American Literature nonfiction
Western Humanities Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Whale Road Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Where the Meadow Resides fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Whiptail poetry
Whiskey Island Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Whistling Shade fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, comics
White Wall Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, interviews
Whitefish Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Who Let the Stories Out? fiction
Wigleaf fiction
Wild Roof Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Wild Willow Magazine poetry, art, photography
The Wild Word fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Wilder Things Magazine fiction, poetry, drama
Wilderness House Literary Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, reviews
Wildness fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Willawaw Journal poetry, art
Willow Springs fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, translations
Windhover Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Windward Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Winter Papers fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, interviews
Witcraft Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Witness fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
WomenArts Quarterly Journal fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Worcester Review fiction, poetry
Word for/Word fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
word west revue fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, video
Wordgathering fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, drama, reviews, audio, video
Wordrunner eChapbooks fiction, nonfiction, poetry, echapbooks
[See sponsored listing here]
Words & Whispers poetry, fiction
Words Without Borders fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, interviews, translations
Workers Write! fiction, poetry
World Literature Today fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
World Poetry Review poetry
The Woven Tale Press fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
The Wrath-Bearing Tree fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
Writeadelic fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Write City Magazine fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Write the World Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, journalism, lesson plans
The Write Place at the Write Time fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews
[See sponsored listing here]
Writeresque fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Writers Resist poetry, fiction, nonfiction, digital images
The Writing Disorder poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, interviews, reviews
[See sponsored listing here]
Writing In A Woman’s Voice fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Written Tales fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Wyldblood Magazine (UK) fiction, nonfiction
Wyngraf fiction
Xavier Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translation
X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine fiction, nonfiction
Y2K Quarterly fiction, nonfiction, poetry
The Yale Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, reviews
The Yalobusha Review fiction, poetry, art
Yellow Medicine Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Yes, Poetry poetry
Yolk fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Young Ravens Literary Review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Young Voices fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics
Young Writers Project fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography
Your Impossible Voice fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, interviews, reviews
Youth Communication nonfiction
Zeniada poetry, art
Zero Readers poetry
Zhagaram Literary Magazine poetry, art, photography
ZiN Daily fiction, nonfiction, reviews, poetry, art, video, audio
The Zinnia Anthology fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Zoetrope fiction, screenplays, art
Zone 3 fiction, nonfiction, poetry
[See sponsored listing here]
ZYZZYVA fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art