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- a journal of literature and art
About this Magazine:
Posit is an online journal of carefully curated poetry, prose, and art. We seek work that is innovative, thoughtful, well-crafted, and challenging—writing whose strong voice rewards the reader’s attention with layers of implication and beauty. We welcome many aesthetic styles, but are especially interested in experimental work.
- Editor(s): Susan Lewis, Carol Ciavonne, Bernd Sauermann, Barbara Tomash
- Website: positjournal.com
- Facebook: Facebook
- Twitter: X (Twitter)
- Instagram: Instagram
Submission/Subscription Information:
- Format: Online
- Genres: Art, Cross-Genre, Fiction, Photography, Poetry, Video
- Simultaneous Submissions: yes (with notice)
- Postal Submissions: no
- Email Submissions: no
- Online Submissions: yes (via Submittable)
- Reading Period: 10/1 - 6/10
- Response Time: 1-3 months
- Payment: no
- Contests: no
- ISSN: 2333-6285
- Founded: 2013
- Issues Per Year: 3
Publisher's description: Posit is an online journal of poetry, prose, and visual art that offers an aesthetically pleasing showcase for carefully curated contemporary work. We seek innovative writing that is thoughtful, well-crafted, and challenges the reader to stretch. We like poetry and prose with a strong voice that rewards the reader’s attention with layers of implication and beauty. Although we are receptive to a wide range of aesthetic styles, we are especially interested in experimental work.
Posit is committed to showcasing quality work by people of all ages, ethnicities, national identities, sexual orientations, and gender identifications. We publish rising talent alongside acclaimed authors such as Lydia Davis, Rae Armantrout, Anne Waldman, Will Alexander, Michael Palmer, Tyrone Williams, D.A. Powell, Edwin Torres, and Tongo Eisen-Martin, as well as artists such as John Walker, Brenda Goodman, Jill Moser, Jeanne Silverthorne, Hiroyuki Hamada, Dee Shapiro, Al Wong, Joan Tanner, Jeanne Jaffe, Soledad Salamé, and Cynthia Carlson.
Run by a small core of working writers on an all-volunteer basis, Posit publishes three issues per year. Since our founding in 2013 we have made all of our content available online 24/7, free of paywalls or advertising. Our issues reach readers in North America, Australia, India, the UK, Europe, and Asia. Although the limited size of our issues constrains us to decline the vast majority of work we are offered, most of our contributors come to us through Submittable.
Posit supports our contributors via email campaigns, Instagram, X, Facebook, and nominations for the Pushcart Prize, the Best of the Net, and Best New Poets.
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