New England Review
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About this Magazine:
Publishing fiction, poetry, essays, and translations since 1978, New England Review gives readers a vital snapshot of the literary moment, four times a year, in its richness, complexity, and diversity.
- Editor(s): Carolyn Kuebler, Leslie Sainz, Jennifer Chang, Ernest McLeod, Emily Mitchell, Elizabeth Kadetsky
- Phone: (802) 443-5075
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
- Facebook: Facebook
- Twitter: Twitter
- Instagram: Instagram
Submission/Subscription Information:
- Format: E-pub, Print
- Genres: Drama, Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Translations
- Sample (Postpaid): $10
- Copy Price: $12 (print); $10 (digital)
- Simultaneous Submissions: yes
- Postal Submissions: no
- Email Submissions: no
- Online Submissions: yes (see website)
- Subscription (individuals): $38 (print); $33 (digital)
- Subscription (institutions): $55
- Reading Period: 9/1-11/1; 3/1-5/1
- Response Time: 4-12 weeks
- Payment: yes (see website)
- Contests: no
- ISSN: 1053-1297
- Founded: 1978
- Issues Per Year: 4
Publisher's description: New England Review gives readers a vital snapshot of the literary moment, four times a year, in its richness, complexity, and diversity. We publish poetry and fiction in a variety of shapes and styles—some renovating old forms and others inventing new forms altogether—alongside a range of nonfiction, including personal and lyric essays, cultural revaluations, travelogues, and more. Translations are also a regular part of our mix, and once a year we highlight writing from another part of the world in a portfolio of international writing. While each piece in the magazine can be read and appreciated on its own, the issue as a whole is assembled with an eye to flow and thematic coherence or dissonance, creating a sum greater than its parts.
NER is published four times a year by Middlebury College. Editor: Carolyn Kuebler; Managing Editor: Leslie Sainz; Poetry Editor: Jennifer Chang; Fiction Editors: Ernest McLeod and Emily Mitchell; Nonfiction Editor: Elizabeth Kadetsky.
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