Cherry Tree
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- A National Literary Journal @ Washington College
About this Magazine:
Cherry Tree is an annual print journal that publishes the best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and literary shade. Produced by the Literary House Press.
- Editor(s): James Allen Hall, Sufiya Abdur-Rahman, Kimberly Quiogue Andrews, Alyse Bensel, Roy Kesey, Amber Taliancich
Contact Information:
- Organization (if applicable): Literary House Press
- Address 1: Washington College
- Address 2: 300 Washington Avenue
- City: Chestertown
- State Code: MD
- Postal Code: 21620
- Phone: (410) 778-7899
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook: Facebook
- Instagram: Instgram
- Blog: Blog
Submission/Subscription Information:
- Format: Print
- Genres: Cross-Genre, Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry
- Copy Price: $15
- Simultaneous Submissions: yes (see website)
- Postal Submissions: no
- Email Submissions: no
- Online Submissions: yes (see website)
- Subscription (individuals): $15
- Reading Period: 8/1-10/1
- Response Time: 3 months
- Payment: yes (see website)
- Contests: no
- ISSN: 2372-9791
- Founded: 2014
- Issues Per Year: 1
Publisher’s description: Cherry Tree's aesthetic champions image-rich, sonically adventurous poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction which showcase whimsy and wit alongside risk and urgency. In 2016, we introduced "Literary Shade," a section featuring work that responds to and challenges oppressive social structures. Our Cherry Tree name recalls the apocryphal story of George Washington’s ax, and we encourage writers to craft new and inventive ways to critique, to re-imagine, and to chop away at literary traditions.
We endeavor to serve as both a site of coalescence and protest and a vibrant archive of human thought and feeling.
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