Cimarron Review
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About this Magazine:
One of the oldest quarterlies in the nation, Cimarron Review publishes work with a wide-ranging aesthetic: the bold and ruminative, the sensitive and shocking, imaginative and truth-telling. Cimarron seeks the finest stories, poems, and essays from working writers across the country and around the world.
Contact Information:
- Organization (if applicable):
- Address 1: 205 Morrill Hall
- City: Stillwater
- State Code: OK
- Postal Code: 74078
- Phone: (405) 744-9476
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
- Facebook: Facebook
- Twitter: X (Twitter)
Submission/Subscription Information:
- Format: Print
- Genres: Art, Fiction, Nonfiction, Photography, Poetry
- Copy Price: $10 domestic, $12 Int'l
- Simultaneous Submissions: yes (with notice)
- Postal Submissions: yes
- Email Submissions: no
- Online Submissions: yes (see website)
- Subscription (individuals): $32 domestic, $38 Int'l
- Subscription (institutions): $32 domestic, $38 Int'l
- Reading Period: year-round
- Payment: copies
- Contests: no
- ISSN: 0009-6849
- Founded: 1967
- Issues Per Year: 4
Publisher’s Description: Cimarron Review publishes work by writers at all stages of their careers, including Pulitzer and O. Henry prize winners, writers appearing in the Best American Series and the Pushcart anthologies, and winners of national book contests. Since 1967, Cimarron has showcased poetry, fiction, and nonfiction with a wide-ranging aesthetic. Our editors seek the bold and the ruminative, the sensitive and the shocking, but above all they seek imagination and truth-telling, the finest stories, poems, and essays from working writers across the country and around the world.
NewPages’s Reviewer John Palen says Cimarron Review “is one of those treasures among lit magazines—a publication whose commitment to high standards keeps us honest.”
The Cimarron Review is a proud member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP) and regularly nominates work for notable contests. The magazine is published four times a year out of the English Department at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK.
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