The Writing Disorder
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- A Literary Journal
About this Magazine:
Writing Disorder is a quarterly literary journal. We publish new fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art. We also feature interviews and reviews. Our mission is to showcase new and emerging writers—particularly those in writing programs—as well as established writers. We welcome original and experimental work.
- Editor(s): C.E. Lukather, Juliana Woodhead, Paul Garson
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
- Facebook: Facebook
- Instagram: Instagram
Submission/Subscription Information:
- Format: Online
- Genres: Art, Audio, Comics, Cross-Genre, Fiction, Interviews, Nonfiction, Poetry, Reviews, Translations, Video
- Simultaneous Submissions: yes (with notice)
- Postal Submissions: no
- Email Submissions: yes (see website)
- Online Submissions: no
- Reading Period: year-round
- Response Time: 12 weeks
- Payment: no
- Contests: no
- Founded: 2010
- Issues Per Year: 4
Publisher’s description: The Writing Disorder is a quarterly literary journal. We publish new fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art. Each issue is published online. The mission of our journal is to showcase new and emerging writers—particularly those in writing programs—as well as established writers. We also feature interviews and reviews.
Past interviews with prominent writers, artists, and musicians include: Chang-rae Lee, Ivy Pochoda, Steph Cha, Simon Larbalestier, Martin Aston, Amelia Gray, Stuart Dybek, Francesca Lia Block, Alexandra Styron, Mallory O’Meara, Kathryn Harrison, Alan Hess, Dimitris Lyacos, Tara Vanflower, Steven Weissman, Tina May Hall, Manuel Gonzales, Isis Aquarian, Howard Junker, Rudy Ratzinger, David Cowart, Ruth Clampett, and Chelsea Wolfe.
Although we strive to publish original and experimental work, The Writing Disorder remains rooted in the classic art of storytelling. All work featured in Writing Disorder includes a bio and link to the writer's or artist's website, or a link to the website where his or her work can be found and/or purchased.
Please read our guidelines at: Send your work to: [email protected].
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