The Malahat Review
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About this Magazine:
One of Canada's most admired journals, publishing contemporary poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction by emerging and established writers from across the country and around the world.
Contact Information:
- Organization (if applicable): Clearihue Bldg
- Address 1: University of Victoria
- Address 2: PO Box 1700, Stn CSC
- City: Victoria
- State Code: BC
- Postal Code: V8W 2Y2
- Phone: (250) 721-8524
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
- Facebook: Facebook
- Twitter: X (Twitter)
- Instagram: Instagram
Submission/Subscription Information:
- Format: Print
- Genres: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Reviews, Translations
- Sample (Postpaid): $16.95 CAD
- Copy Price: $11.95 CAD
- Simultaneous Submissions: ok for regular submissions (not allowed for contests)
- Postal Submissions: no
- Email Submissions: no
- Online Submissions: yes (see website)
- Subscription (individuals): $40 CAD (print), $20 CAD (digital)
- Subscription (institutions): $90 CAD
- Reading Period: year-round for Canadian submitters, poetry and fiction submissions limited to certain months for international submitters (see website)
- Response Time: 1-6 months for poetry, 3-9 months for prose
- Payment: $70 CAD per published page (see website); 2 copies; 1-year print subscription
- Contests: yes (see website)
- ISSN: 0025-1216
- Founded: 1967
- Issues Per Year: 4
Publisher’s description: The Malahat Review, established in 1967, is among Canada’s leading literary journals. Published quarterly, it features contemporary Canadian and international works of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction as well as reviews of recently published Canadian poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. On occasion it also publishes interviews, essays, and issues on a single theme or author, such as “Elusive Boundaries: Mapping Creative Nonfiction in Canada” (December 2015), “Indigenous Perspectives” (December 2016), “Victoria Past, Victoria Present, Victoria Future” (our fiftieth-anniversary issue released October 2017), and "Queer Perspectives" (Winter 2018).
The Malahat Review is dedicated to excellence in writing. Its aim is to discover the most promising of the new writers and to publish their work alongside the best established writers, to present work accurately and attractively to readers, and to increase awareness of Canadian writing in general through perceptive critical comment. The magazine runs four contests per year: a Long Poem Prize and a Novella Prize, held in alternating years, the Far Horizons Award for emerging writers (poetry and fiction in alternating years), the Constance Rooke Creative Nonfiction Prize, and the Open Season Awards for poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Please see our website for details on all contests and for general submission guidelines.
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