The MacGuffin
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About this Magazine:
The MacGuffin, a national literary magazine from Schoolcraft College in Livonia, Michigan, is a collection of the best poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction.
Contact Information:
- Organization (if applicable): Schoolcraft College
- Address 1: 18600 Haggerty Road
- City: Livonia
- State Code: MI
- Postal Code: 48152
- Phone: (734) 462-4400 Ext. 5327
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
- Facebook: Facebook
Submission/Subscription Information:
- Format: Print
- Genres: Art, Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry
- Sample (Postpaid): $6
- Copy Price: $9
- Simultaneous Submissions: yes
- Postal Submissions: yes
- Email Submissions: yes (see website)
- Online Submissions: no
- Subscription (individuals): $22
- Reading Period: year-round
- Response Time: 1-4 months
- Payment: copies
- Contests: yes (see website)
- ISSN: 1527-2346
- Founded: 1984
- Issues Per Year: 3
Publisher’s description: The MacGuffin, established in 1984, is a national literary magazine published by Schoolcraft College in Livonia, Michigan. Our 6 x 9” perfect-bound publication features high-quality poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. It also features artwork, including prints, drawings, and black and white photos. The material ranges from traditional to experimental. With its fresh and eclectic content, The MacGuffin attracts a variety of people with many different interests. We publish three issues yearly.
Each year, The MacGuffin offers the National Poet Hunt Contest, with a first place prize of $500 and two honorable mentions. All winning poems, including honorable mentions, are published in the Winter issue of The MacGuffin. Past judges have included Terry Blackhawk, Jim Daniels, Thomas Lynch, and Dorianne Laux. Visit our website or send SASE for contest guidelines.
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