Beloit Fiction Journal
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About this Magazine:
The Beloit Fiction Journal publishes the best in contemporary short fiction. Traditional and experimental narratives find a home in our pages. We publish new writers alongside established writers.
- Editor(s): Chris Fink
Contact Information:
- Organization (if applicable): Beloit Fiction Journal
- Address 1: Beloit College
- Address 2: 700 College Street, Box 11
- City: Beloit
- State Code: WI
- Postal Code: 53511
- Phone: (608) 363-2681
- Website:
- Facebook: Facebook
- Twitter: X (Twitter)
- Instagram: Instagram
Submission/Subscription Information:
- Format: Print
- Genres: Fiction
- Sample (Postpaid): $10
- Copy Price: $10
- Simultaneous Submissions: yes (with notice)
- Postal Submissions: yes
- Email Submissions: no
- Online Submissions: yes (see website)
- Subscription (individuals): $10
- Subscription (institutions): $15
- Reading Period: 8/1-12/1
- Response Time: 2 months
- Payment: copies
- Contests: yes (see website)
- ISSN: 0883-9881
- Founded: 1985
- Issues Per Year: 1
Publisher’s description: Work first appearing in Beloit Fiction Journal has received the Iowa Short Fiction award and has been reprinted in award-winning collections, including the Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, the Flannery O’Connor and the Milkweed Fiction Prize collections.
BFJ has published work by A. Manette Ansay, Rick Bass, Mark Brazaitis, Lan Samantha Chang, Gary Fincke, Robin Hemley, Karl Iagnemma, Dennis Lehane, Cris Mazza, John McNally, Maura Stanton, Ron Wallace, Gordon Weaver and Mark Wisniewski.
In 2015 we established the Hamlin Garland Award for the Short Story, a $2000 prize.
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