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Magazine Stand :: The Gettysburg Review – Final Issue

Due to Gettysburg College’s decision to close the Gettysburg Review, the final edition was made available for preorder only. Issue 35:1 features paintings by Michael Alvarez, fiction by Dariel Suarez, Leyna Krow, Leslie Pietrzyk, and others; essays by Marilyn Abildskov, Maura Lammers, Christina Pugh, and others; poetry by Natania Rosenfeld, Angie Estes, Virginia Konchan, Samyak Shertok, and others.

Editor’s Note: Our condolences and all due respect to the long history of editorial staff, writers, and readers who have loved and supported this publication since its debut in 1988. It is sad to witness such short-sighted decision-making by the administration, shuttering the college’s thirty-five-year reputation within the literary community and beyond.

Magazine Stand :: The Gettysburg Review – 34.3

The Gettysburg Review 34.3 cover image

The third edition of The Gettysburg Review Volume 34 features paintings by Marjorie Thompson, fiction by Linda Mannheim, Jess Jelsma Masterton, Benjamin Powell, Zara Karschay, Gen Del Raye, and Asha Thanki; essays by Talley V. Kayser, Kathryn Nuernberger, Bradley Bazzle, and Rebecca McClanahan; poetry by Alice Friman, Karin Gottshall, David Moolten, Cody Smith, Esther Lin, Michael Waters, Chelsea Hill, Fleda Brown, M. K. Foster, Heather Christle, Afua Ansong, Jeremy Radin, Brian Swann, Nick Lantz, Joseph J. Capista, Christopher Howell, and Bruce Beasley. A complete table of contents as well as subscription and single-copy purchase information can be found on their website.

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Magazine Stand :: The Gettysburg Review – 34.2

The Gettysburg Review 34.2 magazine cover image

Issue 34.2 of The Gettysburg Review features paintings by Tidawhitney Lek, fiction by Kate Jayroe, Marina Petrova, Rachel Klein, and Caitlin Boston Ingham; essays by James Whorton Jr., Samuel Ligon, Nicole Graev Lipson, and Catherine Niu; poetry by Will Brewbaker, Pablo Piñero Stillmann, James Davis, Sara Borjas, Jill McDonough, Tina Barr, Susan Rich, Jill Osier, Margaret Gibson, Colin Cheney, Philip Schultz, J. P. Grasser, Jim Daniels, Mihaela Moscaliuc, Brianna Noll, Fleda Brown, Joy Manesiotis, Mary Leauna Christensen, Anushka Shah, Laura Read, and Albert Goldbarth.

To find more great reading, visit the NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Literary Magazines, the NewPages Big List of Alternative Magazines, and the NewPages Guide to Publications for Young Writers. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date!

Review :: “A Place I Didn’t Try to Die in Los Angeles” by Jenny Catlin

Taylor Franson review of "A Place I didn't Try to Die in Los Angeles" by Jenny Catlin published in The Gettysburg Review headshot image of Catlin

Guest Post by Taylor Franson

Jenny Catlin’s [pictured] essay, “A Place I Didn’t Try to Die in Los Angeles,” touches on themes of shame, women’s lack of power, and personal agency. Throughout the piece are moments of dry humor, contrasted with surprising moments of tenderness. Catlin’s prose is both incredibly poignant and incredibly scathing. Her ability to create stark and bold images, while commenting on societal issues is phenomenal. You cheer for her, as she decides not to die, and moan as she makes other choices detrimental to her life. You cannot help but cry with her as she cries in “the Nut” (the now-closed seedy Nutel Motel), and understand what she means when she writes, “There is a kind of alone that only exists in cities as big as Los Angeles.” The piece is infused with emotion and power. Catlin’s diction carries the essay and sets the tone for the entirety of the piece as they expertly balance harsh realities with the inner turmoil that follows. Many women who have felt powerless and forced into difficult choices will not only relate to Catlin’s essay but may see a direct reflection of themselves here as well.

“A Place I Didn’t Try to Die in Los Angeles” by Jenny Catlin. The Gettysburg Review,

Reviewer bio: Taylor Franson Thiel is a creative writing graduate student at Utah State University. She wrote this review because she had to for a class, but she means every word. She can be found on Twitter @TaylorFranson

Magazine Stand :: The Gettysburg Review – 34.1

The Gettysburg Review literary magazine v34 n1 2022 cover image

Issue 34:1of The Gettysburg Review features paintings by Carrie Moyer, fiction by Leila Mohr, Holly Beth Pratt, Corey Campbell, Allison Field Bell, and Victoria Campbell; essays by Magin LaSov Gregg, Jenny Catlin, E. G. Cunningham, and Christina Pugh; poetry by Laura Read, Michael Pearce, Linda Pastan, Katharine Jager, Danny Duffy, Anne-Marie Thompson, Hannah Craig, David Kutz-Marks, Meghan Maguire Dahn, Michael Homolka, Caroline Crew, Jill Gonet, Keith Leonard, Jacob Sunderlin, Wendy Guerra, Dorothy Chan, Michael Lavers, John Poch, Frank Paino, Cindy King, Caleb Braun, Calgary Martin, and William Olsen.

Magazine Stand :: The Gettysburg Review – 33:4

The Gettysburg Review cover image

The Gettysburg Review 33:4 features paintings by Erik Weisenburger, fiction by Jackson Saul, Benjamin Ehrlich, and Sofia Ergas Groopman; essays by Molly Gallentine, Alexis Richland, Cassandra J. Bruner, Stephen Corey, and James McKean; poetry by Kathryn Cowles, Janice N. Harrington, Colin Pope, Alice Friman, Albert Goldbarth, Christopher Howell, Margaret Gibson, Bruce Snider, Floyd Collins, Sherod Santos, Jaswinder Bolina, Nicholas Friedman, and Sydney Lea.

Magazine Stand :: The Gettysburg Review – 33.3

With paintings by Jenny Brillhart, fiction by Jeff Frawley, Matthew Raymond, Kevin Breen, Kay Bontempo, and David Blanton; essays by Anne Kenner, Kathy Flann, and Phillip Hurst; poetry by Rosalie Moffett, Ann Keniston, Evan Blake, Lynn Domina, John McCarthy, D. S. Waldman, Diane Martini, James Harms, John Bargowski, Jill McDonough, Ed Falco, Jeffrey Harrison, Sharon Dolin, Danusha Laméris, Lance Larsen, Richard Lyons, Linda Pastan, Mark Kraushaar, Melissa Kwasny, and Nance Van Winckel. More info at The Gettysburg Review website.

The Gettysburg Review – 33.1

The Gettysburg Review is out and features paintings by Tollef Runquist, fiction by Julialicia Case, Martha Shaffer, Kirsten Vail Aguilar, and Andrea Marcusa; essays by Elizabeth Kaye Cook, Kathy Flann, Don Lago, Christine Schott, Rebecca McClanahan, and Melissa Haley; poetry by Christopher (c3) Crew, Peter Grandbois, Despy Boutris, Douglas Smith & George Looney, John Hazard, Brian Swann, Maura Stanton, Cindy King, John Brehm, and more.

Reading “Insomnia in Moonlight” by Alice Friman

Gettysburg Review - Autumn 2019Guest Post by Emily Lowe

Alice Friman’s “Insomnia in Moonlight” in The Gettysburg Review Fall 2019 is a moving poem that grapples with a popular theme within this issue: death. Friman handles the topic delicately, with humor, and with heft. The poem is broken into four irregular stanzas beginning with the dead waking in the night, making noise. This stanza read with immediate intrigue through the life Friman breathed into death about a speaker who cannot sleep because the dead are alive in their thoughts. It suggests playfulness, too, written with a lighter tone than often associated with death and mourning.

Friman then equates the dead to the sun, something bright and fixed, and the speaker to the changeable moon, “she wears my child face—round, / sunburnt, and pensive.” The final lines in the poem are the most striking, offering up the speaker’s recount of a total eclipse where the moon tried to “blot out the sun.” It felt like a reflection of their desire to hold death in their hands and make sense of it, but the speaker admits that the moon fails in its attempt to resist permanence, to resist, as Friman puts so eloquently in her final two lines: “geometric progression, the unerasable / dead, and everything else I don’t understand.”

Reviewer bio: Emily Lowe is an MFA candidate in Nonfiction at the University of North Carolina Wilmington where she is also a fiction editor for Ecotone literary magazine.

The Gettysburg Review – 33.4

The Autumn issue of The Gettysburg Review is out. The issue features paintings by Jared Small, fiction by Jennifer Anne Moses, Jared Hanson, Darrell Kinsey, and Sean Bernard; essays by Andrew Cohen, K. Robert Schaeffer, and Christopher Wall; poetry by Jill McDonough, Max Seifert, K. A. Hays, Albert Goldbarth, Mary B. Moore, R. T. Smith, Jill Bialosky, Katharine Whitcomb, Corey Marks, Kimberly Johnson, Margaret Ray, Danusha Laméris, Linda Pastan, Christopher Bakken, Christopher Howell, and Margaret Gibson.

The Gettsyburg Review – Autumn 2019

Gettysburg Review - Autumn 2019The Autumn 2019 issue of The Gettysburg Review offers readers a great selection of poetry and prose as usual, from Alice Friman’s “Hygiene,” which utilizes breasts as a way to measure time and maturity in a sort of tongue-in-cheek way, to the 55-part essay “A Brief Account of Certain Left-Leaning Tendencies” by Valerie Sayers which highlights her father by using the word “left,” to digestible words of wisdom in three poems by Joyce Sutphen.

But what really left me enamored was the art feature. Nine paintings by Anne Siems grace the pages and cover of this issue. The portraits are whimsical and magical, using creative patterns and images of nature to create portraits that draw viewers in. More little details pop out the longer one looks. People become one with nature—mushrooms cloud around a body in “We Are All Connected,” animal heads sprout from hands like puppets in “Beasts,” antlers grow from the head of an animal-surrounded girl in “Eve Dreams of a Wolf.” These works are gorgeous and give readers a good reason to stick around within the pages of this issue long after they’ve gotten their share of words.

The Gettysburg Review – Fall 2019

Gettysburg Review - Autumn 2019

The Autumn 2019 issue of The Gettysburg Review features a selection of paintings by Anne Siems; fiction by Cody Harrison, Gary Amdahl, and Kathryn Harlan; essays by Valerie Sayers, Geoff Wyss, and Floyd Collins; poetry by Gregory Fraser, Robert Gibb, Adam Tavel, G. C. Waldrep, Connor Yeck, Kathryn Nuernberger, Alison Pelegrin, Todd Davis, Alice Friman, Nancy Carol Moody, Edward Mayes, Averill Curdy, Joyce Sutphen, Sarah Kain Gutowski, and Stanley Plumly.