Due to Gettysburg College’s decision to close the Gettysburg Review, the final edition was made available for preorder only. Issue 35:1 features paintings by Michael Alvarez, fiction by Dariel Suarez, Leyna Krow, Leslie Pietrzyk, and others; essays by Marilyn Abildskov, Maura Lammers, Christina Pugh, and others; poetry by Natania Rosenfeld, Angie Estes, Virginia Konchan, Samyak Shertok, and others.
Editor’s Note: Our condolences and all due respect to the long history of editorial staff, writers, and readers who have loved and supported this publication since its debut in 1988. It is sad to witness such short-sighted decision-making by the administration, shuttering the college’s thirty-five-year reputation within the literary community and beyond.