elsewhere online literary magazine of prose publishes works they consider “at the crossroads” with the editors caring “only about the line / no line” and asks writers for short works of flash fiction, prose poetry, and nonfiction that “cross, blur, and/or mutilate genre.” elsewhere further concentrates their efforts by publishing only six writers quarterly, and the newest issue highlights those top six with works—and a few opening lines to tantalize readers—from Benjamin Bartu (“good mercy, we’ve broken it at last!”), Cynthia Marie Hoffman (“The universal sign for choking is a hand clamped to the throat like an animal fastening teeth to its prey.”), Lis Moberly (“I disembowel a deer in the yard.”), Benjamin Niespodziany (“My neighbor bought a white Ferrari and painted it red then again back to white.”), Ken Poyner (“The birds are back.”), and Ren Weber “(I ask my neighbor if I can lean over the fence and take an orange from her tree.”). elsewhere is free to read online.