Magazine Stand :: Cave Wall – #17

In the introduction to Cave Wall #17, Editor Rhett Iseman Trull addresses the feeling I’m sure many of us have experienced – repeatedly – given all we witness in the world around us: What good are we doing writing poems? In response, she writes, “I get it. Language feels futile. A poem can’t cure disease or stop a war or bring back the dead. I hear many poets ask it in time of tragedy/atrocity: What good are poems? Well, here. Read this issue. It’s the only way I know who to answer that question.” Helping Trull answer that question in this issue, readers can find poetry by Angelique Zobitz, Dion O’Reilly, Renee Soto, Jeffrey Bean, Benjamin S. Grossberg, Matt Mason, Roxanne Halpine Ward, Abbie Kiefer, Angela Dribben, Devon Miller-Duggan, Erik Jonah, Julie Hanson, Angela Sucich, Dannye Romine Powell, Brady Thomas Kamphenkel, M.L. Brown, Ellen Kombiyil, Ruth Dickey, John Poch, Han Vanderhart, John Krumberger, Brandon Amico, Laure-Anne Bosselaar, Anne McCrary Sullivan, and artwork by Elvia Perrin.