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Magazine Stand :: Allium – Fall 2024

Allium: A Journal of Poetry & Prose is a multi-genre print and online journal published three times a year by Columbia College Chicago’s School of Communication and Culture. The Fall 2024 issue features fiction by by Sharleen Mondal, Charlie Wade, Nicholas Rivera, Elizabeth DeKok, Michael Lutz, Katie Altstadt, David Gonzalez, Rea Vinkler, Brian J. Buchanan; poetry by Stuart Ross, Terence Winch, MICHAEL CHANG, Michelle Alexander, CAConrad, Cindy Buhl, Samantha Imperi, rob mclennan, Zia Wang, Patrick Paridee Samuel, A Kaiser, James Cushing, C. Russell Price, RJ Gibson, Huckleberry Shelf, Meg Jerit, Mark Fishbein, Lake Angela, Spencer S., nat raum, Emily Perkovich, Ricki Cummings, Bob King, Courtney Hitson, Marie Marchand, Seth Copeland, Dana Jaye Cadman, Olivia Sanchez; and nonfiction by Celene Chen, Wren Sager, Brittany Ackerman, Morgan Rose-Marie, William Vandegrift, Richard Cross.

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Magazine Stand :: Allium – Summer 2024

The Summer 2024 issue of Allium is available for readers to enjoy online, opening with works by Featured Artist Jeanne Marie Beaumont, who works ‘principally in collage and assembly. Readers can take these final days of summer to savor fiction by De’Andre Holmes, Lily Swanson, Hayden Casey, Daniel Steinmetz, Tom Roth, Elise Swanson Ochoa, Odin Weller, Lori Cidylo, Alex Rawitz, Brad Dress, Louise Wilford, Steve Ives, J. D. Strunk, George Tyler, Maura Stanton, Eve Rayve, Amelia Dellos; nonfiction by Scott Hurd, Gail Tyson, Deja A. Smith, Chelsey Clammer, David Tippetts; and poetry by Grant Chemidlin, Amy Miller, William Orem, Arden Stockdell Geisler, Riane Bayne, Eric Ellis, Yana Kane, Aurora Bones, Banah Ghadbian, Alexandra Riseman, Justine Mercado, Sarah Brockhaus, Alex Schmidt, Jeremy Radin, Caroline Patterson, Monet Lewis, Kelly DuMar, Rosanne Singer, Frances Klein, Brendan Bense, Vanessa Ogle, Nathan Santiago, Jane Costain, and Alanna Shaikh.

Discover loads more great lit mags with our Guide to Literary Magazines, Big List of Literary Magazines, and Big List of Alternative Magazines. If you are a publication looking to be listed in our monthly roundup or featured on our blog and social media, please contact us.

Magazine Stand :: Allium – Summer 2023

Allium Magazine literary magazine cover image

Allium Summer 2023 online issue upholds its mission to publish “work that is provocative, evocative, and bold,” and that represents a range and diversity of wrters’ voices. In this issue, readers can enjoy several watercolor panels from featured artist Leela Corman, whose graphic novel Victory Parade is set during World War II in Brooklyn, New York, and is due out in April 2024. Other works in this issue include fiction by Gemini Wahhaj, Greg Golley, Shelley Ettinger, Miranda Dennis, Max Smothers, Zoe Hanlon, Mary Lewis, Charli Andrews, Katy Gathright, Jeiyanni Hollings, Anthony Koranda, Jay Bigboy; nonfiction, Lauren Hohle, Carmelinda Escuder, Laura Hodes, Alexandra Ernst, Becky A. Benson, Daphne Reed, Ethan Dulaca, Jeffrey Ihlenfeldt, Justine Feron, Cristina Benavides; and poetry by Susan M. Schultz, Jan Beatty, Samantha Johnson, Sarah Iqbal, Denise Miller, Lorraine Carey, Izzy Dimiceli, Josette Akresh-Gonzales, Mole Hart, Moira Barrett, Gretchen Shull, Alorah Welti, Mara Tillman, Stephen Jackson, W.J. Lofton, Jake Bailey.

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Magazine Stand :: Allium – Spring 2022

Allium Spring 2022 literary magazine cover image

The Spring 2022 issue of Allium, an online journal of poetry and prose from Columbia College Chicago’s Department of English and Creative Writing, features fiction by Babak Movahed, Joshua Beggs, Tinia Montford, Wren Sager, nonfiction, Bethany Jarmul, Poetry, Kitty Donnelly, Kent Leatham, Jen Ashburn, Lee Johnson, Erin Rodoni, and the craft essay, “My Rocky Relationship with An Old Friend,” by Clementina Ojie. Rebecca Fish Ewan, author of Doodling for Writers, is the featured artist. Ewan will be teaching “Visual Hybrid Form” in a five-week online class through Literary Kitchen.