Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought is published by Pittsburg State University with the expressed purpose “to discover and publish scholarly articles dealing with a broad range of subjects of current interest” to encourage “discussions of an analytical and speculative nature.” The Fall 2024 issue includes articles by Stephanie Alexander (“The Spectacular Feminine Body: (Re)Writing Maternity in Rich, Walker, and Cisneros”), Christopher Au (“‘I think of old friends’: Reflective Nostalgia in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Speculative Fiction Narrators”), Pingfan Zhang (“The Cinematic Past and Literary Present of Yan Geling’s Novel The Flowers of War [2012]), David McCracken (“Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The Black Cat’ as Recovery Story”), Ian Hall (“Shirkers and Sophisticates: Contrasting Notions of Class, Caste, and Status in Absalom, Absalom!“) Phillip Frank & Donald Baack (“Connection? Conspiracy Theories and Influencer Marketing: An Analysis Using Core Marketing Spokesperson Characteristics”). The issue also includes a folio of thirty-seven poems by Ted Kooser.
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