Home » Newpages Blog » Weekly Round-up of Calls & Contests :: February 26, 2022

Weekly Round-up of Calls & Contests :: February 26, 2022

February is officially over with after Monday. It doesn’t seem possible. Don’t let the shortest month of the year deter your writing goals! Check out all the submission opportunities featured on NewPages this past week while enjoying our new virtual duds. Don’t forget newsletter subscribers get early access to these opportunities and to our monthly eLitPak, so subscribe today if you haven’t already.

Calls for Submissions

You can view all active calls for submissions by visiting our website. Plus, if you have a young writer in your house, don’t forget you can find publications for them to submit to in our Young Writers Guide.

Mistake House Magazine Seeks Submissions from Graduate & Undergraduate WritersMistake House Magazine publishes fiction and poetry by students in graduate or undergraduate programs worldwide. We seek inventive work that speaks to the heart in a complex global context, including work expressive of documentary poetics. Submissions open through March 15, 2022. Submission fee $5. Guidelines at www.mistakehouse.org/submit/.

Qua Literary and Fine Arts Magazine Call for Submissions – MI. Qua Literary and Fine Arts Magazine is a student-run publication of the University of Michigan-Flint. Founded over 50 years ago, we are currently in the process of returning to a biannual publishing schedule. We invite submissions of Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry, Visual Arts, Photography, et cetera, from anyone currently living in the state of Michigan.  No submission fees. For the all-digital Winter issue, all submissions must be made by March 18th, 2022 here: go.umflint.edu/quamagazinesubmission.

Hamilton Stone Review. No. 46. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. No fee. Deadline: March 21, 2022.

Green Linden Press. Poetry Chapbook Open Reading Period. Poetry. $14-$22 fee. Deadline: March 20, 2022.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Wants Your Story! Chicken Soup for the Soul is looking for true personal, heartwarming and powerfully moving stories about extraordinary events and happenings that will make our readers say “Wow!” This book is for everyone who loves to hear about miracles, amazing coincidences, and mysterious and unexplainable things that have happened for no apparent reason. We do not intend for this book to be specifically religious — it is for everyone. If we publish your piece, you will be paid $200 plus 10 free copies of the book. Writing guidelines and more info at www.chickensoup.com/story-submissions/possible-book-topics. Deadline: April 15, 2022.

Waxing & Waning. The Blackout Edition. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography. $10 fee. Deadline: May 25, 2022.

Oyster River Pages Seeks Submissions for Annual IssueOyster River Pages is a literary and artistic collective seeking submissions for our annual issue that stretch creative and social boundaries. In addition to submissions of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and visual arts, we also seek to promote new voices in our Emerging Voices Poetry and Emerging Voices Fiction sections. We believe in the power of art to connect people to their own and others’ humanity, something we see as especially important during these tumultuous times. Because of this, we seek to feature artists whose voices have been historically de-centered or marginalized. Please see www.oysterriverpages.com for submission details. Deadline: May 31, 2022.

Able Muse (Poetry, Prose, & Art) – Submission Now Open.Able Muse is now accepting submissions for our forthcoming issue, Winter 2022/2023. Submit poetry, fiction, essays, book reviews, art, and photography. Submission opens yearly January 1 and closes July 15. Read our guidelines and submit at www.ablemuse.com/submit/.

Atmosphere Press Reading Book Manuscripts in All Genres. Atmosphere Press currently seeks book manuscripts from diverse voices. There’s no submission fee, and if your manuscript is selected, we’ll be the publisher you’ve always wanted: attentive, organized, on schedule, and professional. We use a model in which the author funds the publication of the book, but retains 100% rights, royalties, and artistic autonomy. This year Atmosphere authors have received featured reviews with Publishers WeeklyKirkus, and Booklist, and have even appeared on a giant billboard in Times Square. Submit your book manuscript at atmospherepress.com. Deadline: Rolling.

Call for Submissions: Storm CellarStorm Cellar seeks new and amazing writing and art for its spring issue! We are a journal of safety and danger, in many senses, in print and ebook formats since 2011. Send secrets, codes, adventures, mad experiments, and wild things. Black, Indigenous, POC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, neurodivergent, fat, border-straddling, poor, and other marginalized authors encouraged, bonus points for a Midwest connection. Now paying; limited no-fee submissions available each month. Full guidelines and F.A.Q. at stormcellar.org/submit and submit at Submittable.Deadline: Rolling

Chestnut Review Invites Submissions Year Round.Chestnut Review, a journal for stubborn artists, invites submissions year-round of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, and photography. We offer free submissions for poetry (3 poems), flash fiction (<1000 words), and art/photography (20 images); $5 submissions for fiction/nonfiction (<5k words), or 4-6 poems. Published artists receive $120. Notification in <30 days or submission fee refunded. We appreciate stories in every genre we publish. All issues free online which illustrates what we have liked, but we are always ready to be surprised by the new! chestnutreview.com

Daily Stories of Fifty Words or Less Straight into Your Inbox. If a reader signs up to 50 Give or Take, they will receive daily microfiction of fifty words or less straight into their inbox. Despite popular opinion, the name 50 Give or Take doesn’t refer to the number of words in the story. It is a metaphor for what we, as readers and writers, give and take emotionally from the written word. Do you write flash fiction? Then submit! We publish all accepted stories in a print collection every November 6. All you have to do is submit your story, one-line bio, and vertical photo of yourself. Info here: vineleavespress.com/50-give-or-take.html. Deadline: Rolling.

Wood Cat Review. Inaugural Issue. Flash fiction, short fiction, essays, poetry. No fee. Deadline: Year-round.

Writing Contests

You can find all active contest ads on our website. Like to plan your submissions calendar in advance? The Big List of Writing Contests lists a variety of book, magazine, and chapbook contests by their deadline date. Plus, if you have elementary to undergraduate aged writers in your life, don’t forget to go through our contests for young writers. The majority of those contests are free to enter.

2022 Able Muse Contests Now Open for Submissions. 2022 Able Muse Contests :: Submit now! Write Prize (poetry & fiction): $500 each + publication. Final Judges: Aaron Poochigian (poetry), Dennis Must (fiction); $15 entry; deadline: March 15, 2022. Enter now—go to www.ablemusepress.com for full details.

Announcing the Second Annual Perkoff Prize from the Missouri Review. The 2022 Perkoff Prize is a tri-genre contest from the Missouri Review that awards $1,000 and publication each to writers of the best story, set of poems, or essay that engages in evocative ways with health and medicine as judged by the editors. Deadline: March 15. Regular entries ($15) will receive a free year-long digital subscription to TMR, while All Access entries ($30) will receive a year-long digital subscription plus access to the last 10 years of digital issues, complete with audio recordings of all features. All entries considered for publication. Learn more at our website

2022 Prime Number Magazine Awards for Poetry and Short Fiction. $1,000 first prize in each category plus a Pushcart Prize nomination. Winners and two Runners-up in each category published in Prime Number Magazine. Reading fee $15. Poetry judged by Faith Shearin, author of Lost Language and others. Short Fiction judged by Jubal Tiner, author of The Waterhouse and founding editor of Pisgah Review. Open January 1 to March 31. Submit online through Submittable. Details at www.Press53.com/prime-number-magazine-awards.

2022 Able Muse Contests Now Open for Submissions. 2022 Able Muse Contests :: Submit now! Book Award (poetry): $1,000 + book publication. Final Judge: Rachel Hadas; $25 entry; deadline: March 31, 2022. Enter now—go to www.ablemusepress.com for full details.

New American Voices Award. $5,000 New American Voices Award: a post-publication book prize for immigrant writers, from Fall for the Book and the Institute for Immigration Research. Submissions open for fiction and creative nonfiction. Two finalists receive $1,000 each. Previous winners include Patricia Engel, Lysley Tenorio, Melissa Rivero, and Hernán Díaz. Submission Deadline: March 31. View the full guidelines: fallforthebook.org/newamericanvoices/.

Switchback Books. Gatewood Prize. Poetry. $15 or $25 fee. Judge: Julie Carr. Deadline: March 31, 2022.

Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest (no fee). Submit one humor poem up to 250 lines to win $2,000. Second prize: $500. 10 Honorable Mentions: $100 each. Top 12 poems published online. 21st annual contest sponsored by Winning Writers and co-sponsored by Duotrope. No fee to enter. Accepts published and unpublished work. Judge: Jendi Reiter, assisted by Lauren Singer. This contest is recommended by Reedsy. Learn more and submit at winningwriters.com/werglenp22. Deadline: April 1, 2022.

The Nimrod Literary Awards: $6,000 in Prizes. Submissions are open for the Nimrod Literary Awards, the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry and the Katherine Anne Porter Prize for Fiction, with prizes of $2,000 and $1,000 and publication, as well as readings at our Awards Ceremony. Finalists and selected semi-finalists will be published and paid at a rate of $10/page. For poetry, submit 3-10 pages; for fiction, one story, 7,500 words maximum. Manuscripts may be mailed or submitted online: nimrodjournal.submittable.com/submit. Each entry must be accompanied by a $20 entry fee, which includes a one-year subscription. Open internationally. Email or visit our website for complete rules. Deadline: April 1, 2022.

First Pages Prize – Submissions Open March 1, 2022.
Open to un-agented writers worldwide, the FIRST PAGES PRIZE invites you to enter your First Five Pages (1,250 words) of a longer work of fiction or creative nonfiction. Five winners receive cash awards, a tailored edit and an agent consultation. Our 2022 prize judge is author Justin Torres. Entry fee is $20 ($35 Extended). Visit our website for more information: www.firstpagesprize.com. Deadline: April 10 (April 24 Extended).