It seems like August just started and it’s already half over with next week. Don’t forget to check out all the August opportunities below on where to submit your work so you don’t miss out.
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Calls for Submissions
You can view all active calls for submissions by visiting our website. Plus, if you have a young writer in your house, don’t forget you can find publications for them to submit to in our Young Writers Guide.
Sunspot Lit. Long-form fiction & nonfiction, graphic novels, poetry. $6.50 fee. Deadline: August 15, 2022.
iō Lit. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics, cross-genre. $4-5 fee. Deadline: August 16, 2022. Paying market.
Book of Matches. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations. No fee. Deadline: August 19, 2022.
Fleas on the Dog. Issue 12. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama. No fee. Deadline: August 31, 2022.
Sleet. Winter 2022 Issue themed Tattoos. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. No fee. Deadline: August 31, 2022.
Split Rock Review. Issue 19. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics, cross-genre, reviews, interviews. First 300 submissions free each month. Deadline: August 31, 2022.
Split Rock Press. Poetry Chapbooks. Poetry. $8 fee. Payment: 10 copies, 50% discount on additional copies, complimentary copy of chapbooks published in 2023. Deadline: August 31, 2022.
Sunspot Lit. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays, cross-genre, interviews, reviews, translations, art, comics. $5 fee. Deadline: August 31, 2022.
Interim. 2022 Print Issue. Fiction, essays, poetry, art on “Music.” $4 fee. Deadline: September 1, 2022.
L’Esprit Literary Review. Issue 1. Consciousness-forward fiction, nonfiction, translations, reviews, literary criticism. No fee. Deadline: September 1, 2022.
UReCA. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, drama, screenplays, interviews, videos, scientific works. No fee. Deadline: September 1, 2022. *Currently enrolled undergraduate students only*
Clinch—A Martial Arts Literary Magazine. Issue 2. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics. No fee. Deadline: September 30, 2022.
Parhelion. 2022 Halloween Issue. Fiction. $1 fee. Deadline: September 30, 2022.
Rockvale Review. Issue 9. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. $2.50 fee. Deadline: September 30, 2022.
Cherry Tree. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. $3 fee. Payment: $20 + 2 contributor copies. Deadline: October 1, 2022.
Club Plum. October 2022 Issue: Literary Horror. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art. No fee. Deadline: October 1, 2022.
Qua Magazine. Fall 2022 Issue. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics, cross-genre, drama. No fee. Deadline: October 2, 2022. *Must live in the state of Michigan.*
About Place Journal. Fall 2022 Issue: Center of Gravity. Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, screenplays, cross-genre, comics, reviews, interviews, translations, audio, video, photography, art. Deadline: October 15, 2022.
Consequence. Volume 15.1. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics, cross-genre, translations, reviews, audio, video. No fee. Deadline: October 15, 2022. Paying market.
Jokes Review. Pulp fiction. No fee. Deadline: October 31, 2022.
Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality & the Arts. Spring 2023 issue. Poetry, prose, visual art. No fee. Deadline: November 15, 2022.
Kings River Review. Fall 2022 Issue. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, screenplays, art, translations. No fee. Deadline: October 15, 2022. *2-year community college students only*
Woodcrest Literary Journal. Open Reading Period. Nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics. No fee. Deadline: November 1, 2022 (or until limit reached)
Blueline: A Literary Magazine Dedicated to the Spirit of the Adirondacks. 2022 reading period. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. No fee. Deadline: November 30, 2022.
Valley Voices. Spring 2023 Issue: Goodbye-themed work. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. No fee. Deadline: December 30, 2022.
Actual Left Publications. Inaugural Anthology. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. No fee. Deadline: Year-round.
Atmosphere Press. Book Manuscripts. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, drama, screenplays, translations, art. No fee. Deadline: Year-round. *Author funds book publication*
Awakenings Review. Biannual Issues. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography. No fee. Deadline: Year-round. *Must have personal connection to mental illness*
Blue Mountain Review. Prose, poetry, music, visual art. $5 fee. Deadline: Year-round.
BreakBread Magazine. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics, cross-genre. No fee. Deadline: Rolling. *Ages 13-25 only*
Chestnut Review. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography. No fee for shorter works, $5 fee for longer works. Payment: $120. Deadline: Year-round.
Divotlit. Summer 2022 Issues. Poetry. No fee. Deadline: Rolling.
Jewish Fiction. net. Spring 2023 Issue. Fiction. No fee. Deadline: Year-round.
New Verse News. Current event poetry. No fee. Deadline: Year-round.
Palooka. Chapbook manuscripts, fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art, photography, graphic narratives, comic strips. $3 fee (magazine submissions); $8 fee (chapbook submissions). Payment: Copies. Deadline: Year-round.
Storm Cellar. Winter Issue. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, comics, cross-genre, translations. Limited free submissions each month. Deadline: Rolling.
Works Progress. Short fiction. No fee. Deadline: Year-round.
Writing Contests
You can find all active contest ads on our website. Like to plan your submissions calendar in advance? The Big List of Writing Contests lists a variety of book, magazine, and chapbook contests by their deadline date. Plus, if you have elementary to undergraduate aged writers in your life, don’t forget to go through our contests for young writers. The majority of those contests are free to enter.
Cleaver. Summer Lightning Flash Contest. Fiction, nonfiction. $20 fee. Prize: $500 and publication. Judge: Meg Pokrass. Extended Deadline: August 15, 2022.
South 85 Journal. Julia Peterkin Literary Award. Flash fiction, poetry. $12 fee. Prize: $500 and publication per genre. Deadline: August 15, 2022.
Kallisto Gaia Press. Julia Darling Memorial Poetry Prize; Chester B. Himes Memorial Short Fiction Prize. Fiction, poetry. $20 fee. Prize/genre: $1,500 and publication in Ocotillo Review. Judges: Zoë Fay-Stindt, Jen Knox. Deadline: August 20, 2022.
Button Poetry. 2022 Video Contest. Poetry, art, video. $8 fee. Deadline: August 31, 2022.
Black Lawrence Press. St. Lawrence Book Award for Debut Poetry and Prose. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre. $27 fee. Prize: $1,000, book publication, 10 copies. Deadline: August 31, 2022.
Rockvale Writers’ Colony. Language of the Land Fellowship Contest. Poetry. $30 application fee. Prize: 1-week residency + small stipend for food and travel. Deadline: August 31, 2022.
Puerto del Sol. 2022 Poetry and Prose Annual Contests. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre. $15 fee. Prize: $1,000 and publication per genre. Judges: Kali Fajardo-Anstine, Anthony Cody. Deadline: September 1, 2022.
Winning Writers. Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest. Poetry. $20 fee. Prize: $3,000 for poem in any style; $3,000 for poem in traditional or rhyming style; 2-year gift certificate to Duotrope. Judge: S. Mei Sheng Frazier. Deadline: September 30, 2022.
Willow Springs Books. 2023 Emma Howell Rising Poet Prize. Poetry. $25 fee. Prize: $2,000 and publication. Deadline: November 18, 2022. *Must be 35 years old or younger to enter.*