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VQR Young Reviewers Contest

We don’t normally run contest information on the blog, but this one from Virginia Quarterly Review is being publicized via word of mouth only – with no entry fees being charged, so it warrants a blog spot. From VQR Managing Editor Kevin Morrissey:

To encourage and cultivate young reviewers and critics under the age of thirty, the Virginia Quarterly Review is holding a “Young Reviewers Contest” in September 2008.

The prize for the winning entry is $1,000, publication in VQR‘s Winter 2009 issue, and a publishing contract for three additional reviews worth up to $3,000. Finalists (up to five) will receive a complimentary one-year student or associate membership in the National Book Critics Circle, a one-year subscription to VQR, and may also be offered paid publication in VQR (in print or online).

For more information, visit the VQR website at or contact VQR at [email protected] or 434-924-3124.