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Transitions at The Southern Literary Journal

Fred Hobson is retiring after 23 years from co-editor of Southern Literary Journal. Co-editor Minrose Gwin writes, “In those years, he has shaped the course of southern literary criticism. Consistently open to new approaches and directions and graciously ushering in new scholars and their work in southern studies year after year, he has made the journal what it is today by always insisting on high standards and responsible, meaningful scholarship.” She writes that he will be missed and that this issue is dedicated to him.

Florence Dore will be stepping up to fill the position, starting with the current issue, available now. Gwin writes, “Florence’s interests in post-1945 American literature and southern studies, especially her interest in globalized approaches to southern literature and southern modernism, as well as her editorial experience as co-editor of Stanford University Press’s Post 45 Series will be of great value as we move forward.”

Harriet Pollack is taking over as book review editor (also taking over for Hobson). And finally Patrick Horn is stepping down from the Managing Editor position. “Unflappable and diligent, careful and innovative, Patrick has expanded the function of the Managing Editor in a number of important ways.” Jameela F. Dallis, who served before as his assistant editor, will be filling the position.