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The Review Lab – Columbia College

New out from the Fiction Writing Department at Columbia College: The Review Lab with book reviews, interviews, blog, and guest columns, including Reviewing Essentials by Donna Seaman from which the following in an excerpt:

“Many writers are published first as reviewers, and many inquisitive, generous, and devoted writers, among them Margaret Atwood, Joyce Carol Oates, and Jonathan Lethem, continue to write book reviews because reviewing sharpens one’s literary insights and chops. We must read each other respectively, receptively, and critically to keep literature alive, vibrant, and varied. And we must follow the golden rule: review others the way you hope to be reviewed.”

Any writers looking to follow Seaman’s advice can contact me at NewPages, where we continually welcome new readers for lit mag and book reviews (soon to be revamped with a new editor – stay tuned!): [email protected]