Summer Fellowships :: Fishtrap 2.4.08
“Each year, Fishtrap, Inc. awards up to five Fellowships for Summer Fishtrap, held every July at Wallowa Lake, Oregon. Awards are made on the basis of writing submission only, and are not limited to or made because of the genre. In a given year, awards might all go to poets, or to fiction writers, or to non-fiction writers; in fact they go out in different combinations each year, based on the judge’s selection of best writing. Fellowships cover the cost of a workshop, registration for the Gathering, and food and lodging for the week. Previous Fellows include fiction writers Kathleen Tyau and Geronimo Tagatac, poets Charles Goodrich and Marilyn Johnston, and non-fiction writer Ellie Waterston.”
Deadline: Postmark February 4, 2008