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Submissions :: Zoland Poetry Anthology 3.15.08

What instantly sets Zoland Poetry apart from other anthologies is that all the work is previously unpublished and the translations are presented as an integral part of the contemporary poetry scene, rather than as something exotic slipped between the pages of a book filled primarily with English-language poets. Equal footing is given to voices from Italy, Iran, Argentina, Poland, and across the United States.

Contributors to the second annual include poems by Bei Dao, Connie Deanovich, Merrill Gilfillan, Timothy Liu, Deborah Meadows, Anne Porter, Elizabeth Robinson and Tony Towle, alongside translations by Forrest Gander, Stephanie Sandler, Lawrence Venuti and Eliot Weinberger. Featured authors in No. 2 are Lee Harwood interviewed by William Corbett, Steve Bradbury on Taiwanese poet Hsia Y