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Submissions :: Valley Voices 3.1.08

**I posted this a few weeks back, and a reader let me know there is no e-mail address here. It does sound like a great publication, but I have tried several times to call the school and speak with someone in the English Department. No one answers the phone, and I tried several different extensions. The school website is a horrific mess to navigate, and has endless unused template pages, so either it’s new or they just don’t have anyone to maintain it. If ANYONE out there can provide more info on this sitaution, please post a reply.**

Valley Voices: A Literary Review (ISSN: 1553-7668) now seeks submissions on two special issues to be published in 2008: Landscape and Literature (Spring issue) and Richard Wright (Fall issue). Critical essays, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, memoir or photographs on the Mississippi landscape, Mississippi Delta history, literature, art, music, civil rights movement, and folklore studies are always welcome.

Poetry: Maximum of 5 poems that must be typed and single-spaced Critical essays, fiction, nonfiction: one manuscript (5,000 words) that must be typed and double-spaced

Photographs: B/W

Please email your work by attachment with a cover letter before March 1, 2008 for the spring issue and June 30, 2008 for the fall issue to

Valley Voices, The Editors
Mississippi Valley State University
14000 Highway 82 W., #7242
Itta Bena, MS 38941-1400