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Submissions :: STORYGLOSSIA 5.01.08


“Breakin’ the law, breakin’ the law…” Okay, maybe not quite like Judas Priest.

STORYGLOSSIA has enlisted Anthony Neil Smith as guest editor to help deliver a STORYGLOSSIA crime wave in Issue 28 (May 2008). Neil is the author of Psychosomatic, The Drummer, and Yellow Medicine and the editor of the re-emergent online noire-zine Plots With Guns, as well as a few kick-ass crime/noir issues for the Mississippi Review. He’s currently a professor of Creative Writing at Southwest Minnesota State University. Loves Louisiana Hot Sauce and Mexican beer. He’s already warned you once, which means next time you won’t see it coming. The guidelines for Issue 28 are simple: We’re shining our flashlights into the darkness to find what’s hiding there. We want hard-hitting crime and noir stories that walk the line between the worlds of literary fiction and genre. Push the envelope, see what pushes back. Word count max: 4000 words (no exceptions). Neil is reading submissions from January 15th until March 15th with the issue publishing May 1, 2008. See the complete guidelines for submission details and send in your best work.”

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