Submissions :: Rural Medicine Anthology 2.1.08
Beyond the Country Doctor
Published by Kent State University Press and Hiram College Center for Literature, Medicine and Biomedical Humanities
It is more than Marcus Welby or the country doctor taking care of the farmers/ranchers. Today a diverse group of clinicians, have added cell phones and PDAs to their black bags and minister to a multi-colored patchwork quilt of patients.
This anthology means to show the breadth of rural medicine in the United States today. Seeking poems, essays, and short stories (fiction and creative nonfiction, max 5000 words) written by health professionals (doctors, nurses, midwives, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, social workers, mental health providers and students of all of the above) that address the following:
–Who you are (exploring diverse providers)
–Who you serve (exploring the variety of patients)
–Where you are (sense of place)
–The resources you have and the challenges you face (i.e. tele-medicine, electronic health record, part of larger health systems, limited services, insurance, etc.)
There is no pay for contributions. The book will be published in Fall, 2009. Already published work considered with permission to reprint. Work should not include the identifying information of patients unless permission is granted. Authors with contributions published in the collection will receive a free copy of the anthology.
Submission due by February 1, 2008 by email attachment to:
zink0003(at) or mail CD to UMN address.
For further information:
Therese Zink, MD, MPH
zink0003(at) (replace (at) with @)
Dept. of Family and Community Medicine
University of Minnesota
MMC 81
420 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis MN 55455
612 625 9197 phone
612 624 2613 fax