Submissions :: Quiet Mountain Essays
Quiet Mountain Essays (QME) is an online journal of original feminist writing, presented in an essays-only format, which publishes five times a year (January, March, June, August, and October). In the pages of QME, a woman writer can openly voice what she thinks without having to be mindful of micro-specialized politics or demographics. Consequently, a QME reader opens each essay not knowing what she or he may find.
Quiet Mountain Essays (QME) publishes in January, March, June, August, and October; accepting submissions all year. Each issue features 1-3 previously unpublished original essays, the number of which is dependent upon the volume of submissions. QME is an online publication only, there is no print companion. Its continued existence depends upon participation from women visiting this site. Male readers and writers should please respect the spirit of this woman-space site, unless responding to the Open Call (April 1- June 15) for the annual August Open Issue.