Submissions :: Anthology on Global Warming 5.1.08
Facing the Change: Grassroots Encounters with Global Warming will be a completely new kind of book about global climate change. Instead of experts talking at you, this planned anthology will feature personal responses to global warming – what everyday people are feeling and thinking as well as what they are doing. Stories, essays, and poetry are welcome, from writers and concerned citizens from all walks of life and all ages. No publisher as yet, though according to Steve, they are making inquiries with reputable presses who will also handle distribution. Please visit their website for more information and submission instructions (including a printable version of the full Invitation to Submit). You can also pass this invitation on to anyone who may be interested – friends and family, colleagues, students. Anthology editor: Steven Pavlos Holmes, Ph.D., Independent Scholar in the Environmental Humanities, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. steve(at)