Student Publishers :: Apprentice House
Apprentice House is the country’s only campus-based, student-staffed publishing company. Directed by professors and industry professionals, it is a nonprofit activity of the Communication Department at Loyola College in Maryland. The Apprentice House model creates an unprecedented collaborative environment among faculty and students.
Apprentice House’s mission is, first and foremost, to educate students about the book publishing process. As a program within the Communication Department at Loyola College (, it is driven by student work conducted in three courses: Introduction to Book Publishing, Book Design and Production, and Book Marketing and Promotion. Therefore, students in these courses serve as staff in Apprentice House’s acquisitions, design, and marketing departments, respectively. After students move on, AH professor-managers (and members of the AH Book Publishing Club) sustain the on-going operation of the company and market its frontlist and backlist titles.
Apprentice House also runs an annual chapbook contest (deadline March 14). Guidelines can be downloaded from their website. Katherine Cottle was the winner of their first contest with the publication of My Father’s Speech.