The summer 2013 issue of The Georgia Review features a special treat, a long-ish piece by Judith Kitchen titled “Circus Train.” I say “long-ish” because it hasn’t really been defined. Read Editor Stephen Corey’s explanation:
“While reading and rereading Kitchen’s segmented but forcefully interwoven study of memory and mortality, I’ve been led to wonder, briefly, whether a book of nonfiction—which at its exploring and argumentative best is by nature essaying—deserves to be accorded a potently developed but physically diminutive sibling, as the novel has come to have the novella in its family. (Of course, ‘short story’ often wants to claim ‘novella’ as kin, too, by proudly calling it ‘long story.’) Alas, ‘essayla’ is merely cute and ‘long essay’ pedestrian, so I must leave you to your own categorizing as you read this inventive, moving, and all-too-soon ended ‘Circus Train.'”
The rest of the issue features Scott Russell Sanders, David Griffith, Jerry McGahan, Bruce Bond, Todd Boss, Rebecca Cook, Sharon Dolin, Charles FOrt, Al Maginnes, Jack Ridl, and Robert Wrigley, as well as some amazing art and some reviews.