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Sherman Alexie Edited Portfolio

The newest issue of Prairie Schooner introduces a special Native American section, edited by Sherman Alexie. In his introductory note he says, “I don’t know what happened to Native American fiction. When I started my writing career in 1989, there were at least thirty Native fiction writers prolifically publishing with large commercial publishers, prestigious small presses, and esteemed university journals. . . . There was an abundance of Indian stories. But now those old-school writers aren’t publishing much, if at all, and the new Indian fiction writers either can’t find a foothold in mainstream publishing or they don’t exist.”

However, he claims that “the poetry has never slowed down. Never stopped. In these pages, you’ll find some new and amazing young poets (and two fiction writers) and a few old-school bards.”

The section contains poetry and prose from Adrian C. Louis, dg okpik, Erin Bad Hand, Esther Belin, Jennifer Elise Foerster, Joan Kane, Laura Da’, Santee Frazier, Sara Marie Ortiz, Stephen Graham Jones, and Tacey M. Atsitty.