NewsHour Poetry Series is a special NewsHour series that couples profiles of contemporary poets with reports on news and trends in the world of poetry (Updated periodically). Archives include: John Ashbery, Virginia Bennett, Lucille Clifton, Eliaz Cohen, Leonard Cohen, Gregory Djanikian, Claudia Emerson, Donald Hall, Joy Harjo, Paul Hunter, Galway Kinnell, Brad Leithauser, Agi Mishol, Wallace McRae, Taha Muhammad Ali, Jack Prelutsky, Wyatt Prunty, Samih al-Qasim, Alberto Rios, Kay Ryan, Mary Jo Salter, Aharon Shabtai, Charles Simic, Brian Turner, Natasha Trethewey, Robert Wrigley, Kevin Young, Ghassan Zaqtan, Paul Zarzyski. Funded by the Poetry Foundation. Site includes bios, selected works, a transcript of the program, related links, free program podcasts, and student and teacher resources. (Photo: Kevin Young, featured poet)