New Online Lit Mag :: Cella’s Round Trip
CEllA’s Round Trip publishes poetry, flash fiction/non-fiction, digital poetry, digital art, photography (digitally altered or au naturale), collage, drawings, paintings, shockwave, movies, etc. Favor given to the experimental and creative use of the digital medium; art that creatively utilize words and language; experimental and precise creative writing that utilizes visuals to enhance meaning.
Issue #01, Summer 2008, includes Barry Graham, Christophe Casamassima, Sara Crowley, Craig LaRotunda, Ava C. Cipri, Valerie Fox, William Doreski, C.L. Bledsoe, Jon Pineada, Gwendolyn Joyce-Mintz, Elizabeth Kate Switaj, Vernon Frazer, Cheryl Hicks, Glenn Capers, and more.
Special Calls for Issue #02
.swf or .mov files: “We want good stories that literally move.”
Broadsides. Design the art around your text or the text around your art.