n+1 on College :: What You Should Have Known
An excerpt from “All the Broke Young Literary Magazines: Flooded Highways, Disinterest in California, and Other Minor Setbacks on the n+1 West Coast Tour” by Christopher Frizzelle:
“[. . .]What We Should Have Known: Two Discussions, the 126-page pamphlet n+1 just published that’s a conversation among writers about college—specifically, what they were made to read in college that they regret reading, or conversely what books they regret not having read sooner. I read What We Should Have Known in one sitting and loved it. It’s funny. It’s got references you might not know (the Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess) but it’s unpretentious. Caleb Crain compares reading Henry James to smoking crack. Mark Greif talks about his sadness for college teachers, because some of their students ‘have much more power in their brains and they have youth on their side, and they pick up teachers and fall in love with them and abandon them, throw them away like bits of trash or crumpled-up paper. But this is what you have to do as a student.'”
For $9, you can have your own copy of this recommended publication. Visit n+1 online order page. NewPages ponied up for a copy – you can, too!