Making Poetry Submissions
From Chris Hamilton-Emery’s 101 Ways to Make Poems Sell: The Salt Guide to Getting and Staying Published
Becoming a Player
The world of poetry is not a world of isolated individual practitioners. Hermits in their caves. If you currently find yourself in this position, you should try to get out more. The world of poetry is a very busy place, filled with a wide range of professionals most of whom are eager to tell you about their talents.
The world of poetry is not filled with gentle suffering creatures (to call upon Eliot). It is not fair, just, or particularly caring. It can be supportive, but it is not a self help group. It is not a world based upon power sharing. In fact, the world of poetry can be a bear pit, and like any industry it is competitive and has moments of confrontation and even dirty tricks. Be prepared to take some knocks along the way.
Read the rest – including “50 dos and don’ts” – on Salt Publishing.