A former contributor to NewPages, we’re happy to announce Mark’s second novel published with Unbridled Books: Lost Son about the great poet Rainer Maria Rilke, author of “Letters to a Young Poet” and “The Duino Elegies.”
“Spanning Western Europe from 1875 to 1917, LOST SON brings alive the intellectual and artistic currents that shaped the 20th century and the personalities that made this history their own–from Rainer Maria Rilke himself to the great sculptor Rodin to the fascinating Lou Andreas-Salome, mistress or confidant of Rilke, Freud and Nietzsche. The result is an exploration of the forever imperfect loyalties we face in life and the seemingly immeasurable distances that can separate life and art.”
Beginning Monday June 4, Cunningham will be reading at bookstores in Northern California, Oregon, and Seattle. View the event schedule at his author blog here.
Congrats Mark!