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Jobs :: Various

University of Minnesota Grants Manager. The IAS and Northrop/Concerts and Lectures are seeking an experienced grants manager. Review of applications will begin November 3. For full information and instructions on applying, search for position number 158644 on the University’s online employment system.

Indiana State University tenure-track assistant professor, beginning August 2009, to teach three courses each semester in poetry writing, introductory creative writing, and composition or general education literature, plus undergraduate advising.

The Department of English at Salisbury University is accepting applications for the tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in creative writing specializing in fiction. Secondary areas of expertise are welcome.

Montclair State University Assistant Professor in Creative Writing full-time, tenure-track position in creative writing with primary expertise in the writing of poetry. Nov 3 deadline.

University of North Carolina-Greensboro Assistant Professor, Fiction, tenure-track appointment in creative writing (fiction) effective August 1, 2009. Nov 15 deadline.

Department of English at Harvard University invites applications for an appointment, to begin July 1, 2009, as Briggs-Copeland Lecturer on Fiction. The appointee to this five-year untenured position will have responsibility for teaching two undergraduate writing workshops per term. At least one book (or the equivalent) plus significant teaching experience is expected. Send a letter of application, resume, & writing sample, plus two letters of recommendation regarding teaching, postmarked no later than January 5, 2009, to: “Creative Writing Search” c/o James Engell, Chair, Department of English, Harvard University, 12 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138.

The English department of the University of Nebraska – Kearney seeks a specialist in American Literature with an emphasis in the post-WWII and contemporary periods.

Western Illinois University Assistant Professor English, Creative Writing. Dec 8 deadline. Interviews at MLA and AWP.

DePaul University Department of English Assistant rank, beginning September 2009, in creative nonfiction, with a secondary interest in fiction or poetry.