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Jobs & Residencies

Oxford University Press Higher Ed. Editorial Fall Internship, New York. April 26

Oxford University Press Editorial Assistant, New York.

The Committee on Creative Writing at the University of Chicago is accepting applications for a 3 year, renewable, lectureship (posting 00306). The effective date for this teaching appointment will be July 1, 2010.

The English Department of the State University of New York, College at Plattsburgh invites applications for a full-time tenure track Assistant Professor position in Creative Writing to begin Fall 2010. Materials received by April 12, 2010 will be guaranteed full consideration.

Lincoln Memorial University invites applications for the position of Writer-In-Residence.

The University of Cincinnati Department of English & Comparative Literature invites applications for a visiting position for the 2010-11 academic year. May 1

The Sitka Center for Art and Ecology offers three Writer-in-Residencies. April 9

The English Program at Penn State Altoona is taking applications for a one-semester teaching residency in fiction writing. Emerging Writer Residency, Dr. Thomas Liszka. May 17