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Iowa Review Human Rights Indexes

Human Rights Index
The Human Rights Index, a continuing series, is prepared by the UI Center for Human Rights (UICHR) for publication in The Iowa Review three times annually.

First published in the Fall 2001 issue of the The Iowa Review, it is intended to suggest the global political/socio-economic context within which we read and write, reflecting a shared belief that human rights cannot be truly advanced without the virtues of the intuitive as well as the cognitive that are in each of us.

Each of the indexes provides a number followed by a description of the real life, human situation the number represents. For example, from the 2007-08 Winter issue, index on Indigenous Peoples:

Number of states (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United States), each with sizable indigenous populations, that refused to sign the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, endorsed by 143 other nations on 13 September 2007, even though the Declaration is technically non-binding (AFP 2007; OHCHR 2007)

The following are provided full-text on the UICHR site:

Winter 2007-08: Indigenous Peoples (#20)
Fall 2007: Global Climate Change (#19)
Spring 2007: Immigration (#18)
Winter 2006-07: Women and Armed Conflict (#17)
Fall 2006: HIV/AIDS in Africa (#16)
Spring 2006: Human Trafficking (#15)
Winter 2005-06: Water (#14)
Fall 2005: Disaster Relief (#13)
Spring 2005: Darfur (#12)
Winter 2004-05: The Iraq War (#11)
Fall 2004: Health Care (#10)
Spring 2004: Hunger (#9)
Winter 2003-04: Genocide (#8)
Fall 2003: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (#7)
Spring 2003: The United States (#6)
Winter 2002-03: Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Internally Displaced Persons (#5)
Fall 2002: 9/11 and the “War on Terror” (#4)
Spring 2002: Women (#3)
Winter 2001-02: Child Labor (#2)
Fall 2001: Three Generations of Human Rights (#1)