Beard of Bees has just published ]] and other 9/11 works, a “human/machine poetic collaboration” which is “also a rigorously humane meidtation on events of 11 September 2001.” It’s available full-text as a pdf.
Human co-author Eric Goddard-Scovel writes in the introduction: “The three texts which make up this collection were all completed around the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, roughly between August and October of 2011, using a variety of digital methods and procedures. I think that it is important that readers are aware of the processes behind these compositions, as this information is integral to fully understanding them.”
Scovel then goes on to provide commentary for each of the three works included, explaining the digital process used in creating each one.
Beard of Bees is an independent, free press based in Oak Park, Illinois and Paris, France “committed to publishing quality chapbooks by liberated poets from Anywhere.”