Film :: Communities Documentary
Visions of Utopia
Experiments in Sustainable Culture
reated by Geoph Kozeny, a core staff member of the first two editions of the Communities Directory and a featured columnist in Communities magazine. This full-length documentary has been more than four years in the making. Now you can actually see how some communities look “up close” while you listen to community members tell their stories in their own words. This first disc features an overview of 2,500 years of shared living, then highlights seven communities and offers insights about what works and what doesn’t. Includes:
Ananda Village, CA
Meditation/yoga community
Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR
Worker-owned conference/retreat center
Camphill Special School, PA
School and community for disabled children
Earthaven, NC
Ecovillage demonstration and teaching center
Nyland Cohousing, CO
Suburban cohousing development
Purple Rose Collective, CA
Small urban cooperative of activists
Twin Oaks, VA
Planner/manager government with labor credits