The editor’s note in the most recent issue of Fence comes from Fiction Editor Lynne Tillman in honor of it being her last issue. “This is my fifteenth issue, and my last,” she says. “I figured it was time, which is a conveniently abstract way of saying a lot and not much. As editor, I satisfied a desire to get first-timers published. I loved bringing well-published writers into Fence, and having them share the Table of Contents with newer ones. I looked for and published many stories in translation. As editor, I could select pieces by different kinds of writers, who had varied approaches to prose and narrative. All of this made me very happy.”
“It was an honor being the fiction editor of Fence, and I thank Rebecca Wolff for the chance. What will come can only be terrific—and different. Vive la.”
This issue itself contains work from Denis Johnson, Paul Lisicky, Marin Buschel, Judith Goldman, Geoffrey Nutter, Cathy Eisenhower, Rosmarie Waldrop, Keith Waldrop, Daniel Tiffany, and more.