Fellowship :: The Southern Review
From TSR Editor Jeanne Leiby:
“Beginning fall 2008, The Southern Review will offer a post-graduate editing/teaching fellowship to a recent graduate of an MFA or PhD program. The Scholar will spend 20 hours a week working on all aspects of The Southern Review‘s production and publication and teach one class a semester in the English Department (course assigned based on departmental need and scholar’s interests). This position will be for a non-renewable two-year term with GREAT salary and benefits. We are not yet taking applications, but keep your eye on The Southern Review website and the AWP Job List. Or sign-up on our mailing list and we’ll send you an email announcement.”
At AWP, Jeanne told me about her desire to create this position: “It’s what I would have wanted when I was a student.” Way to make it happen Jeanne! And good luck to those of you applying for this – one of you is going to be very, VERY fortunate to receive this and be able to work with Lieby and all the other wonderful folks at the Southern Review. Sort of like being Charlie and winning the whole Wonka Factory!