Because 2013 marks Carolina Quarterly‘s 65th year publishing, the editors decided it was time for a (minor) makeover. With the Spring 2013 issue, the magazine has a “crisp interior layout and sharp new cover.” Instead of an image taking up the whole background of the cover, the new cover features an image in the top third of the cover with a lot more white space on the bottom. It also features a short blurb about “In this issue.” The inside has a new attractive font and some of the masthead and table of contents page vary a little, but the same general layout applies.
In this particular issue you will find “Celestial bodies and infected minds, Mountains and sinkholes, plus Light, lunacy, and possums.” Featured writers include Carolina R. Antich, Rebecca Bagget, Marc Berley, John F. Buckley, Sarah Carey, Jack Christian, Eli Connaughton, Matthew Gavin Frank, Krystin Gollihue, Aaron Hamburger, Suzanne Marie Hopcroft, Mary Karr, Dale Roche-Lebrec, Michael Martin, Amyisla McCombie, Corrina Rosendhal, Elliot Sanders, Russel Swensen, Leonid Tishkov, Gemini Wahhaj, and more.