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Call for Guest Editors

Status Hat Productions is currently seeking guest editors for the SUMMER 2011 (3 issues) and FALL 2011 (3 issues) editions of their monthly artszine, STATUS HAT!

Editors will be responsible for 3 issues of STATUS HAT, for either the Summer or Fall quarter. SHP seeking editors with diverse backgrounds in the arts, as our editors do not work in one area, but select visual content, fiction, non-fiction and poetry, as well as seek out additional content or explorations of themes as necessary to create engaging issues of Status Hat.

Guest editors must be able to commit to reviewing and selecting submissions for their assigned issues over a 3 month period prior to the quarter (Summer or Fall, 2011) they are working on, and demonstrate excellent communication skills.

Contact editor-at-statushat.org with an inquiry by January 31, 2011. Please have “GUEST EDITOR INQUIRY” in the subject line of your email.

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