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AWP Report Friday

NewPages is fully enjoying AWP 2008! It’s absolutely crazy here from the moment we hit the floor until the moment our heads hit the pillows at night. We are basking in all the favorable comments the site receives from readers, and we also appreciate hearing how we can make NewPages better, better, better.

My special thanks to those who say they appreciate the blog. I am working the floor here to get an even more steady stream of news and events to post, so keep visiting the site and let others know about us.

A few fans stopping by even said they wanted to know how they could “support” NewPaqes. Well, while here at AWP, we’ve found our beer fund dwindling. If you like what you find on NewPages, and you appreciate the site, we don’t holler out alert colors to scare you into donating. Bottom line: We like beer. It really keeps us going. So, click the pint link in the upper right corner, and let us know how much you love us. No amount of beer-fund love is too small, since our tastes range from Stroh’s to Chimay.

And I haven’t heard yet, but I’m still hoping “Michael” is going to be ponying up soon!