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All Woman Writers Issue

Armchair/Shotgun magazine, which reads all pieces blindly (without knowledge of the author’s name until the piece has been accepted for publication), proudly announces that the current issue, “by happy accident,” is filled with writing only by female writers. “A writer’s resume . . . is no guarantee of a compelling story—good writing knows only story, and writers of all backgrounds may craft exciting tales,” says the editorial staff. “Our previous issues featured a gender-balanced split of male and female poets, fiction writers, and visual artists. So when we de-anonymized the Issue 3 acceptances, we were surprised and delighted to see that we’d inadvertently created a roster of 11 amazing female writers.”

VIDA, each year, puts out a gender breakdown of writers, reviewers, and books reviewed within well-known publications. “The difference between our outcomes and the average VIDA results—which indicate a male dominated roster of published authors—is notable,” says the staff.

This issue features Alanna Bailey, Elliott batTzedek, Genevieve Burger-Weiser, Allison Campbell, Diana Clarke, Sarah Goffman, Inge Hoonte, Debbie Ann Ice, Liana Jahan Imam, Danielle Lapidoth, and J.E. Reich. The issue also includes an interview with Reif Larsen, author of The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet; the paintings of Steve Chellis; and the photography of Andrew Wertz.