The 2023 Poetry Marathon is now open for applications! No running shoes required for this marathon, but you will definitely need stamina and perseverance! This annual event invites writers to join in a half- or full-day of poetry writing, responding to prompts posted on the hour starting a 9:00am EST on Saturday, September 2, and running (no pun intended) through 9:00am EST Sunday, September 3. If you’re not up for the full 24-hour marathon, there are two 12-hour half-marathons (my speed). The first is for day folk and goes from 9:00am-9:00pm on September 2, and the second is for night owls, from 9:00pm on September 2 to 9:00am on September 3. The platform is WordPress, which allows each participant their own space to post as well as to give and receive feedback. Participants who successfully complete their event will receive a certificate of achievement and are eligible to submit works for inclusion in the annual anthology. Over the past several years, the marathon has had over 500 participants each year, though not all finished. That’s the challenge! Registration is open through August 28. Hope to see some of you there!